ISBN beginnend mit 9783643905
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783643905031: Bea Lundt: Narrating (hi)stories in West-Africa
- ISBN 9783643905079: Aleksandar Bošković: The anthropological field on the margins of Europe - 1945 - 1991
- ISBN 9783643905086: Farah Purwaningrum: Knowledge governance in an industrial cluster - the collaboration between academia-industry-government in Indonesia
- ISBN 9783643905093: Pamela D. Couture: Complex identities in a shifting world - practical theological perspectives
- ISBN 9783643905116: Veronika Bernard: IMAGES (III) - images of the city ; the conference proceedings
- ISBN 9783643905123: Irina Surina: Dilemmas of the modern educational discourse
- ISBN 9783643905154: Olga Gyarfášová: Constructing and communicating Europe
- ISBN 9783643905178: Oliver Gruber: Campaigning in radical right heartland - the polticization of immigration and ethnic relations in Austrian general elections ; 1971 - 2013
- ISBN 9783643905185: Heinz-Dietrich Fischer: Key images of American life - Pulitzer prize winning pictures
- ISBN 9783643905222: Karl Wohlmuth: Macroeconomic policy formation in Africa - country cases
- ISBN 9783643905239: Wohlmuth, Karl, Achim Gutowski and Tobias Knedlik: Africa's Progress in Regional and Global Economic Integration - Towards Transformative Regional Integration African Development Perspectives Yearbook 2015/16, Band 18
- ISBN 9783643905253: Eckhard J. Dittrich: "When salary is not enough ..." - private households in Central Asia
- ISBN 9783643905284: Klaus Geus: Features of common sense geography - implicit knowledge structures in ancient geographical texts
- ISBN 9783643905307: Arjan Plaisier: The protestant church in the Netherlands - church unity in the 21st century ; stories and reflection
- ISBN 9783643905338: Beate Ginzel: Bridge the gap! - modes of action and cooperation of transnational networks of local communities and their influence on the urban development in the Global South
- ISBN 9783643905345: Susanne Epple: Creating and crossing boundaries in Ethiopia - dynamics of social categorization and differentiation
- ISBN 9783643905376: Courtney W. Howland: A feminist perspective on opera interpretation - the case of Richard Wagner's Der fliegende Holländer
- ISBN 9783643905390: Jarema Drozdowicz: The symbolic dimension - anthropological studies in culture, religion and education
- ISBN 9783643905437: Raik Özsen: Order expediting in supply chains - models, solution approaches and applications
- ISBN 9783643905475: Stephan Joubert: Echoes of Charis - Paul´s contextual reflections on salvation
- ISBN 9783643905482: Peter Kemp: Nature in education
- ISBN 9783643905543: Wolf Moser: Velázquez: Teil 2., 1642 - 1660
- ISBN 9783643905550: Sebastian Klotz: Sounding cities - auditory transformations in Berlin, Chicago, and Kolkata
- ISBN 9783643905567: Uta Ihrke-Buchroth: Religious mobility and social aspirations of neopentecostals in Lima, Peru
- ISBN 9783643905628: Panagiota Kotsila: Socio-political and cultural determinants of diarrheal disease in the Mekong Delta - from discourse to incidence
- ISBN 9783643905642: Michael Sauer: Welfare regimes in south-eastern Europe - a comparative analysis of labour market and long-term care policies in Serbia and Croatia
- ISBN 9783643905673: Quentin D. Stewart: Lutheran patristic catholicity - the vincentian canon and the consensus patrum in Lutheran Orthodoxy
- ISBN 9783643905697: Stefanie Affeldt: Consuming whiteness - Australian racism and the " white sugar" campaign
- ISBN 9783643905703: Marius Nel: Of that day and hour no one knows: Mark 13 as an apocalypse?
- ISBN 9783643905741: Marie-Jo Thiel: Ethische Fragen der "Behinderung"
- ISBN 9783643905765: Joshua Parker, Ralph J. Poole: Austria and America - cross-cultural encounters 1865 - 1933
- ISBN 9783643905789: Hans - Peter Rodenberg: The Making of Ernest Hemingway
- ISBN 9783643905819: André Michael Hein: Does transnational mobilization work for language minorities? - a comparative study on Romanians in Serbia, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Hungary
- ISBN 9783643905833: Iosif M. Fejgenberg: Nikolai Bernstein - from reflex to the model of the future
- ISBN 9783643905857: Riccardo Dottori: Constellations herméneutiques - interprétation et liberté
- ISBN 9783643905864: Susanne Kramarz-Bein: Applications of network theories
- ISBN 9783643905901: Christa Jansohn: Shakespeare Jubilees - 1769-2014
- ISBN 9783643905918: Hana Horáková: Global challenges and local reactions - Czech Republic and South Africa
- ISBN 9783643905925: Heinz-Dietrich Fischer: Coverage of political occurrences in Asia - Pulitzer prize winning articles, cartoons and photos
- ISBN 9783643905932: Thomas Mooren: Wenn Religionen sich begegnen - Glauben und anders glauben in einer globalen Welt
- ISBN 9783643905949: Thomas Mooren: Gott, Tod und Gewalt in den Religionen
- ISBN 9783643905963: Gaetano Chiurazzi, Davide Sisto, Søren Tinning: Philosophical paths in the public sphere
- ISBN 9783643905970: António Manuel Martins: Cause, knowledge and responsability
- ISBN 9783643905994: Thomas M. Krüßmann: Moving beyond the "Kosovo precedent" - Eu-integration for Moldova and the South Caucasus