ISBN beginnend mit 9783659146
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659146008: J. M. Koornneef: U-series constraints on mantle melting and magma evolution
- ISBN 9783659146015: Natt Makul: Microwave heating: Applications to cement-based materials
- ISBN 9783659146022: Anupma Bansal: Symmetries and Invariant Solutions to Some Nonlinear Systems
- ISBN 9783659146039: Lugard Luke Ukiwe: Assessment of Biochemical Leaching of Domestic Sewage Sludge
- ISBN 9783659146046: Ajit Behera S.C. Mishra: Plasma Surface Engineering
- ISBN 9783659146053: Monu Tyagi: Biological Algorithm based PID Tuning for Speed Control of DC Motor
- ISBN 9783659146060: Stefan Stefanov: Integration of Damage Differentials (IDD) for Fatigue Life Assessment
- ISBN 9783659146077: Norfadilah Kamaruddin: Usability Principles of Responsive Web Design
- ISBN 3659146080: Nataliq Manowa: Marketingowye issledowaniq
- ISBN 9783659146084: Nataliq Manowa: Marketingowye issledowaniq
- ISBN 9783659146091: Ferdy van Beest: Accounting standards and earnings management
- ISBN 9783659146107: Parthasrathi Theivasigamani: Effect of Nano particles on phytotoxicity in Agriculture
- ISBN 9783659146114: Teodora-Adriana Perles-Barbacaru Hana Lahrech: Magnetic resonance imaging of the cerebral blood volume
- ISBN 9783659146121: Soprotivlenie gruntov rezaniyu
- ISBN 9783659146138: Eukeria Mashiri: Effects of grey imports on franchised dealers and the economy
- ISBN 9783659146145: Tayyaba Noureen: Zinc Level In Pre-eclamptic Pregnant Women
- ISBN 9783659146152: Birgitte Jacobsen: Ontology in Modernity Risks
- ISBN 9783659146169: Muhammad Shakil Ahmad Noraini Bt. Abu Talib Iqtidar Ali Shah: Decentralization: Citizen Community Boards
- ISBN 9783659146176: Ramakanta Naik: Photo induced studies on chalcogenide thin films
- ISBN 3659146188: Marat Minnegaliew: Dewiantnoe powedenie podrostkow
- ISBN 9783659146183: Marat Minnegaliew: Dewiantnoe powedenie podrostkow
- ISBN 9783659146190: Christina Lomparski: Endogenous Retroviruses, Autoimmunity and Multiple Sclerosis
- ISBN 9783659146206: Blerta Pajaziti: Dealer Management System Implementation at Porsche Macedonia
- ISBN 9783659146213: Stanley Arumugam: Evaluation of a Clergy Stress Management Intervention
- ISBN 9783659146220: Keita, Kouramoudou: Essays on Corruption and Economic Growth / A Theoretical and Empirical Evidence
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- ISBN 9783659146251: Binyam Shimelis: Hiv Risk Behavior Practices
- ISBN 9783659146268: Boris Grigor'qn: Genezis i transformaciq pochw ostrowow Kujbyshewskogo wodohranilischa
- ISBN 9783659146275: Natal'q Timofeewa: Formirowanie professional'noj kompetentnosti uchitelq nachal'nyh klassow
- ISBN 9783659146282: Bhumika Patpatia: Low Power Adiabatic Logic Design
- ISBN 9783659146299: Mohammed Aldagheiri: Economic Diversification in Resource Abundant Economies
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- ISBN 9783659146312: M Velavan: Financial Health Analysis of Sugar Companies in India
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- ISBN 9783659146336: Rezs¿ L. Lovas: Geometric vector fields of spray and metric structures
- ISBN 9783659146343: Asha Jindal: Statistics in Demography
- ISBN 9783659146350: L. Sripriya Loganathan: Mineral status in gestational diabetes women
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- ISBN 9783659146374: Nataliq Smolqkowa: Prostranstwennaq lexika w goworah Srednego Priob'q
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- ISBN 9783659146381: Clementina Omodunbi: Decomposition of Income Distribution among Farm Households
- ISBN 9783659146398: Oludayo Olubanwo: The profiles of HIV/AIDS patients with DVT
- ISBN 9783659146404: Eyueil Abate Demissie: Factors affecting the teaching learning process of sport science
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- ISBN 9783659146534: Ahmad Hazaymeh: New Physics... New Era Theory of Madun Vortices
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- ISBN 9783659146565: Jyotirmayee Behera: The effect of organic amendments on iron mine spoil
- ISBN 9783659146572: Rayees Sheikh: Synthesis,Biological Studies of Macrocyclic Transition Metal Complexes
- ISBN 9783659146589: Ermias Tesfaye: Reverse Engineering As A Channel For Technology Transfer
- ISBN 9783659146596: Gizachew Kefelew Hailu Getnet Tewodros Walle: The Implication of Mathematical Modeling in Teaching
- ISBN 9783659146602: Mohamed Ibrahim: The Nature of the Informal Financial Institutions in Somalia
- ISBN 9783659146619: Korporativnoe Obrazovanie V Rossii I Za Rubezhom
- ISBN 9783659146626: Saikat Gochhait: Marketing of Refractory Products
- ISBN 9783659146633: Ruhizal Roosli Faizal Baharum: Disaster Management and Housing Provision
- ISBN 9783659146640: Moazzam Tiwana: Automated RRM Optimization of LTE networks using Statistical Learning
- ISBN 9783659146657: Mano Ranjitham Balasingham: Village Human and Livelihood Development
- ISBN 9783659146664: Ramsundar Bairagya: Fish Farming in West Bengal
- ISBN 9783659146671: Parmod Kumar: Literature and Marginality: Emerging Perspectives in Dalit Literature
- ISBN 9783659146688: Nelli Terehowa: Analiz prilagatel'nyh so znacheniem "harakter cheloweka" w russkom qzyke
- ISBN 9783659146695: Sanjoy Roy Devleena Mukherjee Debarshi Lahiri: Sensitising cervix against cancer
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- ISBN 9783659146947: Rose Namayanja Nsereko: Parliamentary oversight of the security sector in Uganda
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