ISBN beginnend mit 9783659209
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3659209007: Veronika Ershowa: Razwitie malyh gorodow w sostawe regional'nyh klasterow
- ISBN 9783659209000: Veronika Ershowa: Razwitie malyh gorodow w sostawe regional'nyh klasterow
- ISBN 9783659209017: Naranzul Bayasgalan: Mineral Investment and Decision Making
- ISBN 9783659209024: Margaret Chege: Factors Influencing Adoption of E-commerce by Kenyan Tour Operators
- ISBN 9783659209031: Elmuez Eltayeb Ahmed: Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance Among Dental Health Workers
- ISBN 9783659209048: Alennabi, Khairi A.: Biodegradation of Crude and Used Car Oils
- ISBN 9783659209055: Mohit Mittal: Performance Evaluation of Cryptographic Algorithms
- ISBN 9783659209062: Vazifeh Damirchi, Qader: Problem solving and legitimacy
- ISBN 9783659209079: Tony Ngalamu: Soybean An Alternative Cash Crop For Sudan
- ISBN 9783659209086: Issa El-Nahhal: Sol-Gel Optical pH Sensors
- ISBN 9783659209093: Gautam, Ravindra Kumar: Environmental Magnetism
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- ISBN 9783659209116: Zaid Zabanoot: Resource Management Schemes in Wireless Networks
- ISBN 9783659209123: Marianne Myklebust: The exchange of ballast water, a threat to marine biodiversity
- ISBN 9783659209130: Belete, Dagnachew Adugna: Urban Transport,Traffic Management and Transport Modeling in Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783659209147: Argaw Ambelu: Determination of SVOCs Using Environmentally Friendly Solvents
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- ISBN 9783659209161: Armen Balasanqn: Migraciq rabochej sily
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- ISBN 9783659209185: Albert Chege Kariuki: Community Participation In Tourism Development In Kenya
- ISBN 9783659209192: Samuel Deme: A Human Rights Approach to Gender and Disability in Primary Education / Access by a Girl Child with Profound Visual Challenges to Primary Education in Zimbabwe / Samuel Deme / Taschenbuch / Paperback
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- ISBN 9783659209246: Rajesh Padhye: Retaining Wall with Shelves
- ISBN 9783659209253: Seemab Rana: Optimal Exchange Regime & Pakistan's External Sector
- ISBN 9783659209260: Margaret Mwale-Mkandawire: Student's Participation in Art And Design In Schools and Colleges
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- ISBN 9783659209284: Alema Tesfaye: Modeling Goundwater Flow & Contaminant Transport in Fractured Aquifer
- ISBN 9783659209291: Gebremedhin Romha: Bovine Tuberculosis in Western Tigray, northern Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783659209307: Daniel Kweku Dzidzonu: Gender in Mathematics Education in Ghana
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- ISBN 9783659209321: Yana Mischenko: Voprosy änergetiki w Yaponii i Aziatsko-Tihookeanskom regione
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- ISBN 9783659209437: Agness Farai Nhidza: Molecular Typing of Salmonella
- ISBN 9783659209444: Ifure Ufford-Azorbo: Form and Content of Canoe Dance Theatre of the Peoples of Niger Delta
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- ISBN 9783659209581: Vijay Parthasarathy: Comparative Studies of Compressive Strength of Cement-Epoxy Blends
- ISBN 9783659209598: Henriette van Looveren: Pharmaceutical companies and their patent expiries
- ISBN 9783659209604: Abdul Rahman: Why Brand Loyalty is so important for successful business companies?
- ISBN 9783659209611: P., Azad: Return Migration and Self-Employment in Kerala
- ISBN 9783659209628: Quazi Zahangir Hossain: Breedig performance of three threatened bata fish
- ISBN 9783659209635: Mir Alimullah Faruque: Climate Change and Disaster Nexus in the Lives of Displaced Population
- ISBN 9783659209642: Mehari Hawku: Management of Early Blight (Alternaria solani) on Tomato
- ISBN 9783659209659: Barham, James A.: Normativity, Agency, and Life
- ISBN 9783659209666: Kamoliddin, Shamsiddin: Problemy drewnej i srednewekowoj istorii Chacha. Vypusk 2 / Istoriq. Arheologiq. Numizmatika
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- ISBN 9783659209697: Tracy Shields: Achievement issues for Aboriginal students in Mathematics programs
- ISBN 9783659209703: Rabindra Garada: Opencast Coal Mining Induced Land Acquisition
- ISBN 9783659209710: Habibur Rahman: Effects of Television Cartoon on Children¿s Socialization / The Effects of Television Cartoon on Primary School Going Children¿s Socialization: A Sociological Study / Habibur Rahman / Taschenbuch
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- ISBN 9783659209802: Ian Winsemius: Catching Fire / Attempting to understand and capture one of natures most primal forces / Ian Winsemius / Taschenbuch / Englisch / LAP Lambert Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659209802
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- ISBN 9783659209833: Clare Onsarigo: The Challenges Facing Free Primary Education / Free Primary Education in Winam Division Kisumu / Clare Onsarigo / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 64 S. / Englisch / 2012 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
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