ISBN beginnend mit 9783659225
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659225000: Kabirul Bashar: Incrimination of Malaria Vector Mosquitoes in Bangladesh
- ISBN 3659225010: Maxim Suchkow: Sowremennaq wneshnqq politika SShA na Juzhnom Kawkaze
- ISBN 9783659225017: Maxim Suchkow: Sowremennaq wneshnqq politika SShA na Juzhnom Kawkaze
- ISBN 9783659225024: Tazyeen Ahmad: Cost Management in Construction Industry
- ISBN 9783659225031: Modernizatsiya Informatsionno-Razvlekatel nogo Sayta
- ISBN 9783659225048: Usongo Leonard: Feeding and Population Ecology of Red Colobus Monkey Korup NP Cameroon
- ISBN 9783659225055: Sophia Njeru: Career Dress Selection by Secondary School Women Teachers
- ISBN 9783659225062: Mah-E-Bushra Asghar: Marketing of Library and Information Services and Products
- ISBN 9783659225079: Lawrence Mugunieri Godiah: Structure of Agricultural Science and Technology Policy System
- ISBN 9783659225086: Chibuike Nnamani: Cluster Analysis Using Probability
- ISBN 9783659225093: Metwally, Saoud A. M.: Lifetime with Heterocyclic Chemistry
- ISBN 9783659225109: Jacek Sobczyk: Unsteady transport of adsorbed gas through coal matrix
- ISBN 9783659225116: Bibire Abdulkareem Hussein: Psychology of personality and academic achievement in Nigeria
- ISBN 9783659225123: Farrukh, Muhammad Akhyar: Surfactant Controlled Synthesis of Nano-catalysts for Pollutants
- ISBN 9783659225130: Saravanan Balusamy: Experimental investigation of stratified combustion
- ISBN 9783659225147: Ji Hoon Lee: Altruism in Rock Music: A Restrospective
- ISBN 9783659225154: Musheg Gagriqn: Poziciq Rossii po arabskim rewolüciqm
- ISBN 9783659225161: Duchaniya, R. K.: Nanomaterials
- ISBN 9783659225178: Rajamanoharane Swaminathan: A Study On The Consumer Behaviour In Rural Market On Toilet Soaps
- ISBN 9783659225185: Al Azali, Ralla: Commuinty of Practice, Knowledge Creation, & Corporate Sustainability
- ISBN 9783659225192: Smita Singh: Efficacy of imazethapyr against weeds of groundnut
- ISBN 9783659225208: Jarvis Owen, Lou: Natural Disaster Insurance
- ISBN 9783659225215: Gökçen Kilinç: Ribbon Developments
- ISBN 9783659225222: Robin Peters Peters: Effective foreign-funded projects
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- ISBN 9783659225239: Dmitrij Kuznecow: Izmeritel'nye sistemy skorosti i temperatury
- ISBN 9783659225246: Anu Sheetal: WDM-Passive Optical Networks
- ISBN 9783659225253: Nasim Akhtar: Fertilizer Radionuclide pollution & Potential Health Hazards
- ISBN 9783659225260: Xeniya Kozina Claudia Felser: Hard X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Deeply Buried Magnetic Layers
- ISBN 9783659225277: Muhammad Yusuf Onimisi Abubakar Ohinoyi Musa: Optimization in the preparation of Solar Cell Materials
- ISBN 9783659225284: Juliet Sackey: Modeling The Effects of Electromagnetic Field on Plasmodium Falciparum
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- ISBN 9783659225444: Valerie Jurgens: The Karlbeck Syndicate 1930-1934
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- ISBN 9783659225468: Anna Gardezi: Koncept "Prostranstwo" w zerkale russkoj qzykowoj metafory
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- ISBN 9783659225581: George Panagiotou: Cognition of Competitive Environments: A Strategic Group Analysis
- ISBN 9783659225598: Prasad Lokulwar: Security Aware Routing protocol for MANET
- ISBN 9783659225604: Germaine Jackson: The Value Of Leisure In Coping With Natural Disaster
- ISBN 9783659225611: Asif Altaf: Use of Electronic Resources
- ISBN 3659225622: Lüdmila Mihajlowa: Prototipy kategorizacii rechewogo processa. Konceptologicheskij podhod
- ISBN 9783659225628: Lüdmila Mihajlowa: Prototipy kategorizacii rechewogo processa. Konceptologicheskij podhod
- ISBN 9783659225635: Daniel Ansong Atuobi: Human Rights Adjudication and Mediation
- ISBN 9783659225642: Daniel Sambu: Water reforms in Kenya
- ISBN 9783659225659: Kelvin Omieno: A Framework to Measure Intranet Usage in Kenyan Public Universities
- ISBN 9783659225666: Mohammad Aminur Rahman Shah: Optimization Model for Urban Water Supply System in Bangladesh
- ISBN 9783659225673: Vladimir Truhachöw: Issledowanie KPD chetyröhpotochnogo reguliruemogo delitelq potoka
- ISBN 9783659225680: Mishra Dwivedi, Richa: Tradition of Confessional Poetry in Indian Writings
- ISBN 9783659225697: Nishant Kumar: Hospital Automation System
- ISBN 9783659225703: Mazen Badawy: Metacognitive Strategies and Grammar Learning
- ISBN 9783659225710: Alina Sivova: How Can a Cluster Approach Enhance Innovation Capacity in Russia?
- ISBN 9783659225727: Astha Durgvanshi: Psychosomatic Disorders
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- ISBN 9783659225741: Nina Mys'kowa: Igrowye tehnologii kak metod äffektiwnogo obucheniq w nachal'noj shkole
- ISBN 9783659225758: Adedayo O., Omoboriowo: Biostratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphy; Case Study From Nigeria
- ISBN 9783659225765: Otsenka effektivnosti kreditnykh organizatsiy
- ISBN 9783659225772: Awatif H. Issa Ali R. Hasim Saad S. Hamim: E.coli serotype and some Cytokines associated with UC and IBD patients
- ISBN 9783659225789: Sima Akbarian: Business Performance in Malaysian Hotel Industry
- ISBN 9783659225796: Amir Ishaque: Consumer Preference for Foreign Products
- ISBN 9783659225802: Charles Nzila: Biogas Value Chain and Environmental Sustainability
- ISBN 9783659225819: Awortwi, Francis Emmanuel: Phytoplankton variability of Lake Bosomtwe (Ghana) / Species composition, biomass, and primary productivity / Francis Emmanuel Awortwi / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 180 S. / Englisch / 2012
- ISBN 9783659225826: Atour Taghipour: Supply Chain Management: Coordination of Operations Planning
- ISBN 9783659225833: Anour F.A. Dafa-Alla: Incorporating Background Knowledge in Privacy Preserving Geolocation
- ISBN 9783659225840: Fabrício Mendes Souza: Aluminum alloys, especially AA4006 alloy strips produced by TRC and DC
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- ISBN 9783659225871: Vliyanie Rezhimov Svarki Plavyashchimsya Elektrodom V Srede Zashchitnykh Gazov
- ISBN 9783659225888: Kalubhai Rakholiya: Management of stem rot disease of groundnut
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- ISBN 9783659225901: Matema Imakumbili: Micronutrient contents of staple foods and soils in Morogoro, Tanzania
- ISBN 9783659225918: Selvi Ganesh: Transportation Services and the World Trade Organisation
- ISBN 9783659225925: Shamaila Gull: Advertising, Sales Promotion and Brand Switching
- ISBN 9783659225932: Panarina, Anna: Inwesticionnye proekty / Ocenka äffektiwnosti
- ISBN 9783659225949: Mamta Chaturvedi: Home,school and academic achievement:A study of person environment fit
- ISBN 9783659225956: Sundaram, Prem Kumar: Engine Response to biodiesel-ethanol blends
- ISBN 9783659225963: Municipal naya sluzhba v Rossijskoj Federacii
- ISBN 9783659225970: Selina Ahmed: Household Crisis in Bangladesh Society
- ISBN 9783659225987: Preethe Paddmanabhan: Are lipid profile a true biomarkers in periodontits patients ?
- ISBN 9783659225994: Sem ya V Sovremennom Rossiyskom Sotsiume