ISBN beginnend mit 9783659235
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659235009: Akramul Hoque Samim: Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh
- ISBN 9783659235016: Ehsan Khalid: Nutritional significance of Pulses
- ISBN 3659235024: Juliq Amel'chenq: Cennye bumagi kak ob#ekty grazhdanskih praw
- ISBN 9783659235023: Juliq Amel'chenq: Cennye bumagi kak ob#ekty grazhdanskih praw
- ISBN 3659235032: Alexandr Pastuhow: Globalizaciq w mirowozzrenii cheloweka(onto-gnoseologicheskij aspekt)
- ISBN 9783659235030: Alexandr Pastuhow: Globalizaciq w mirowozzrenii cheloweka(onto-gnoseologicheskij aspekt)
- ISBN 3659235040: Dar'q Shheglowa: Vosproizwodstwo nacionalizma w sowremennyh uslowiqh
- ISBN 9783659235047: Dar'q Shheglowa: Vosproizwodstwo nacionalizma w sowremennyh uslowiqh
- ISBN 9783659235054: Sandoval Navia, Juliana: X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy / Using the Pixel Semiconductor Detector TimePix / Juliana Sandoval Navia / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 152 S. / Englisch / 2012 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
- ISBN 9783659235061: Al-Dujaili, Ammar H.: Removal of Nitrophenols by Modified Attapulgite
- ISBN 3659235075: Dmitrij Velichko: Izbiratel'nye RC-usiliteli
- ISBN 9783659235078: Dmitrij Velichko: Izbiratel'nye RC-usiliteli
- ISBN 9783659235085: Mark Penick: Synthesis of Perylenes for Solar Cells; Vector Alignment for Color
- ISBN 9783659235092: Menberu Kitila: Effect of intra-row plant spacing and Variety on tomato fruit yield
- ISBN 9783659235108: Judith Tsisiga Mbayah: Funding of Education in Kenya
- ISBN 9783659235115: Janel Norton: Global Corporate Social Responsibility And Photographic Credibility
- ISBN 9783659235122: Nada Ahmed: Methionine Supplementation Alters Beta Amyloid Levels in Brain Cells
- ISBN 9783659235139: Ruixing Feng: Modelling Atomic Structure in Amorphous Solids and X-Ray Diffraction
- ISBN 9783659235146: Sri Ramalu Subramaniam: Expatriate Experience in Malaysia
- ISBN 9783659235153: Biologicheskie Aktivy
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- ISBN 9783659235160: Alexandr Arhipow: Geoäkologicheskoe i äkogeohimicheskoe sostoqnie geologicheskoj sredy
- ISBN 9783659235177: Pisutpong Endoo: Non-Verbal Communication Analysis in Chart Korbjitti's (CKT) Fictions
- ISBN 9783659235184: Aakansha Sharma: Oral microflora in children
- ISBN 9783659235191: Mikroklimat Statsionarnykh Obektov Ptitsevodstva
- ISBN 9783659235207: Rubina Perveen: Mutagenic Studies in Two Economically Important Mutants of Faba bean
- ISBN 9783659235214: Zafar Khan: Instructional Leadership & Teachers' Performance
- ISBN 9783659235221: Subash Mishra: Thermal Plasma Application in Metallurgy
- ISBN 9783659235238: Rajaraman Govindarasu: Standardization of fertigation in Coriander(Coriandrum sativum L.)
- ISBN 9783659235245: Mnogofunktsional nyy Elektrostimulyator
- ISBN 9783659235252: Vijay Kothari: Extraction methods for preparation of bioactive plant extracts
- ISBN 9783659235269: Adane Kassa: Synthesis and Characterization Of Ni & Cu Complexes
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- ISBN 9783659235504: M Paramasivan: Balanced Fertilization for Maize
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- ISBN 9783659235528: Sovremennye Polimernye Kompozitsionnye Materialy
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- ISBN 9783659235542: Khedher Hmood: Problems and solution in Microwave, RF, and Optical communication
- ISBN 9783659235566: Laurenti Masui: Formalization in an Organization
- ISBN 9783659235573: K. V., Lisina: In Silico Approach on Hepatoprotective Compounds and Preclinical Trial
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- ISBN 9783659235603: Hebbal, Mallikarjun: Chrysanthemum: Genetic variability
- ISBN 9783659235610: Optimizatsiya Informatsionnykh Protsessov V Asu
- ISBN 9783659235627: Tehnicheskie sredstva reabilitacii
- ISBN 9783659235634: Adesh Jinturkar Sandip Deshmukh: Fuzzy Logic Based Integrated Energy Resource Planning
- ISBN 9783659235641: Reuben Wachiuri: Effects of Teachers Demographic Variables on Implementation of ICT
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- ISBN 9783659235696: Vikas Sharma: Basil Proteomics
- ISBN 9783659235702: Nyeho, Germinus Paul: Teaching For Conceptual Change / A Case Of A Primary School In Dar Es Salaam - Tanzania / Germinus Paul Nyeho / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 104 S. / Englisch / 2012 / LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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- ISBN 9783659235733: Elibol, Gülçin Cank¿z: Assessment of Novelty and Distinctive Character in Turkey
- ISBN 9783659235740: Bahaaedin Ali: Role of Ultrasound in Diagnose Urinary Bladder Diseases
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- ISBN 9783659235764: Lloyd Nhodo: Informality and Sustainability of Formal Organisations in Zimbabwe
- ISBN 9783659235771: Balbir Singh: Nutritional Survey of Aonla Orchards in Sikar district of Rajasthan
- ISBN 9783659235788: Seema Nara: Investigating the role of spacers on cortisol ELISA
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- ISBN 9783659235856: Santosh Gupta: A Comparative Analysis to Remove CFO in OFDM System
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- ISBN 9783659235955: Shah, Syed Alamdar Ali: Post Implementation Basel Accord Study in Pakistan / Inter source cross-variable mixed method approach based upon primary and secondary data / Syed Alamdar Ali Shah / Taschenbuch / Englisch
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