ISBN beginnend mit 9783659244
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659244001: Tuzemen, Sebahattin: Proceedings of Eurasian Silk Road Universities Consortium
- ISBN 9783659244018: Selvakumar Duraipandi: Psychopharmacological activities of Succinimide Mannich bases
- ISBN 9783659244025: Emmily Kamwendo-Naphambo: Children in Prisons of Malawi
- ISBN 3659244031: Pramod Belkhode: Investigation of Rotor Balancing
- ISBN 9783659244032: Pramod Belkhode: Investigation of Rotor Balancing
- ISBN 9783659244049: Arif Ali Khan: Communication Risk Framework in Global Software Development
- ISBN 9783659244056: Azza Abbass: Well test interpertation
- ISBN 9783659244063: Naima Kassim: A study of tone in Lexical Phonology
- ISBN 9783659244070: Tough Chinoda: Implementation Of Turnaround Strategies
- ISBN 9783659244087: Chiara Pescucci: Genomic deletions in patients with complex phenotypes
- ISBN 9783659244094: Farhad Aslani: A Comparative Study of Cyclic Constitutive Models for Concrete
- ISBN 9783659244100: Sudarshan Ranpise: Modern Criminal Investigations
- ISBN 9783659244117: Faiqah Ramzan: Kisspeptin and prepubertal seminal vesicles
- ISBN 9783659244124: Chikukwa, Herbert Tichauya: Caring For The Carers / The Plight Of Primary Caregivers Of HIV-Positive Persons In Masvingo, Zimbabwe / Herbert Tichauya Chikukwa / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 92 S. / Englisch / 2012
- ISBN 3659244139: Pötr Chekalow: Literaturnyj pejzazh A.I.Solzhenicyna
- ISBN 9783659244131: Pötr Chekalow: Literaturnyj pejzazh A.I.Solzhenicyna
- ISBN 9783659244148: Rastvorenie Metallov V Azotnoy Kislote
- ISBN 9783659244155: Kigomo Mathew Kiura: Forest Loss And Its Implications On Precipitation And Stream Discharge
- ISBN 9783659244162: Keti Chuhrow: O sowremennom iskusstwe w äpohu ego krizisa
- ISBN 9783659244179: Khedher Hmood: Advanced Problems and Solutions in Control Engineering System
- ISBN 9783659244186: Terrorizm - Zlo
- ISBN 9783659244193: Ambakisye-Okang Olatunde Dukuzumurenyi: Revolution
- ISBN 9783659244209: Patel, Hardik K.: Recruitment and Selection: Hiring the Right Person
- ISBN 9783659244216: Yaregal Tilahun: Change detection in LULC using GIS
- ISBN 9783659244223: Getrude Malala: Educational planning in sub-saharan Africa
- ISBN 9783659244230: Rossypi Timana
- ISBN 9783659244247: Shobha A. Reddy Radha D. Kale Joseph D. Bagyaraj: Eco-friendly Management of Plant Pathogens
- ISBN 9783659244254: Lekau Boshomane: Professionalising South African Public Service
- ISBN 9783659244261: Chetan Agrawal: Active Path Updation for Layered Routing (APULAR) in WMN
- ISBN 9783659244278: Siddhartha Bhattacharya: Investigation on behavior of inverted cone hopper of a RCC Silo
- ISBN 9783659244285: Prasanna Kumar: Nanorobotics
- ISBN 9783659244292: Mostafa Rabea Kaseb: Load Balancing in Multiprocessing Systems
- ISBN 9783659244308: Mihail Rubcow: Vliqnie rabochej sredy na psihofiziologiü rabotnikow ofisa
- ISBN 9783659244315: Ruvina Seebun: Functional Foods for the Management of Diabetes Mellitus
- ISBN 9783659244322: Ayodele Adetayo Ajayi: Dynamics of Growth in Mountain of Fire & Miracle Ministry , Nigeria
- ISBN 9783659244339: Ravindra Nath Singh Ashutosh Bahuguna Ashok Munjal: Biodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene:a molecular approach
- ISBN 9783659244346: Asylbek Irgaliew: Osnowy socializacii lichnosti
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- ISBN 9783659244360: Azmat Ali Khan: A Sustainable Approch To Design Green Buildings
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- ISBN 9783659244377: Oxana Podorowa-Anikina: Politicheskie kommunikacii sowremennogo rossijskogo obschestwa
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- ISBN 9783659244384: R. Rahmonow: Himiq proizwodnyh polikondensirowannyh 1,3,4-tiadiazolow
- ISBN 9783659244407: Kaya, Mustafa Göktug: Turkish Banking Sector and Monetary Policy
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- ISBN 9783659244476: Chintamani Kale: A Study of Corporate Practises in India
- ISBN 9783659244483: Beth Ann Oldiges: Perception And Usage Of Electronic Media In Nutrition Education
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- ISBN 9783659244520: Muhammad Asam Raza Durre Shahwar: Antioxidant Potential of Mimusops elengi
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- ISBN 9783659244537: Dina Alexandrowna Zotowa: Pedagogicheskie uslowiq wospitaniq zhenskih dobrodetelej
- ISBN 9783659244544: Priyanka Patel: R3: Relative Rapid Resolution
- ISBN 9783659244551: Pietro Sorci: Implementing Sustainable Financial Policies in Public Organizations
- ISBN 9783659244568: Ali Darejeh: How to Improve Interface Usability for Novice Users
- ISBN 9783659244575: Aghdas Safari: Three key learning skills for improving emotional intelligence
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- ISBN 9783659244582: Sergej Rqbichenko: Nemeckie pogromy w Moskwe 1915 g.
- ISBN 9783659244599: Shweta Roy: Neural network based solution for choice of best webservices
- ISBN 9783659244605: Limao Zhang: Static and dynamic risk assessment in complex projects
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- ISBN 9783659244629: Gupta, Ravi Kumar: Social Security in Unorganized Sector in India
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- ISBN 9783659244643: Falloul, Moulay El Mehdi: An introduction to general management
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- ISBN 9783659244667: Muhammad Shahanoor Alam: Joined Up Goverment in Refugee Camp Management
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- ISBN 9783659244711: Hassaan Bin Saadat: Climate Change & Biodiversity (A Pakistan case study)
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- ISBN 9783659244773: Shalini Cahudhary: Waste management practices in different income group of Lucknow city
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- ISBN 9783659244810: John Defilippis: Instructional Quality of Adjuncts Versus Full-time Faculty
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- ISBN 9783659244827: Manoj Kumbhar: Tamper Evident Pharmaceutical Packaging-Needs and Advances
- ISBN 9783659244834: Pamela Onyango: Educational psychology
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- ISBN 9783659244995: Ali, Md. Irfan: Analysis of Solar Desalination Plant at SRM University