ISBN beginnend mit 9783659329
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659329005: Zhe Wang: The Value Of Information
- ISBN 9783659329012: Alganesh Tola Gemechu: Biostatistics Course Teaching Package
- ISBN 3659329029: Anna Di Bartolomeo: Migration from an Advanced Society. Moving from the US to the EU
- ISBN 9783659329029: Anna Di Bartolomeo: Migration from an Advanced Society. Moving from the US to the EU
- ISBN 3659329037: Darrell Walker: Diffusion of a Learning Management System
- ISBN 9783659329036: Darrell Walker: Diffusion of a Learning Management System
- ISBN 9783659329043: Akine Eshete: Assessment of Risky Sexual Behavior and Parental Communication
- ISBN 9783659329050: Kocübinskij, Oleg: Reformatorskaq pedagogika Germanii nachala HH weka
- ISBN 9783659329067: Rimai Joy: Ecological Changes And Its Adaptation Among The Lodha Tribe ( India)
- ISBN 9783659329074: Samridhi Arora: Piercing of Corporate Veil
- ISBN 3659329088: Vitalij Mortikow: Institucional'naq teoriq kontraktow i sowremennost'
- ISBN 9783659329081: Vitalij Mortikow: Institucional'naq teoriq kontraktow i sowremennost'
- ISBN 9783659329098: Thabang Bambo: Are composts suppressive to plant diseases?
- ISBN 9783659329104: Jozef Kordík: Synthetic and Hybrid Synthetic Jet Actutators
- ISBN 9783659329111: Turan Degirmencioglu: The use of instructional technology and its prevalence
- ISBN 3659329126: Awanish Kumar: Amoebiasis: Disease Overview
- ISBN 9783659329128: Awanish Kumar: Amoebiasis: Disease Overview
- ISBN 9783659329135: Francesca Brkic: Achieving Efficiency Through True-Cost Pricing In Water
- ISBN 9783659329142: Islam I. Chiha: Constitutional Protection of Individual Rights under Terrorism Laws
- ISBN 9783659329159: Andolsa Arevalo Torres: Aura MLS HCl Depletion and PSC-Induced Areas in the Antarctic
- ISBN 9783659329166: Vlad Koroli: Cooperative interaction of photons and phonons with radiation centers
- ISBN 9783659329173: Galina Mehtiewa: Ob issledowaniqh mnogoshagowyh metodow s postoqnnymi koäfficientami
- ISBN 9783659329180: Maryam Seyfhashemi: Irritability In Children With Hemiplegia
- ISBN 9783659329197: Monitoring Elektromagnitnykh Poley Pogranichnogo Sloya Atmosfery Zemli
- ISBN 9783659329203: Sigrid Lipott: Minority protection in the E.U
- ISBN 9783659329210: Pitak Srisakolkit: Mentoring
- ISBN 9783659329227: Forum Mukhtyar Mahesh Mitra Amrit Kaur: Scapular Kinematics Of Elite Water Polo Players
- ISBN 9783659329234: Upravlenie Konfliktami S Pobochnymi Interesami Uchastnikov
- ISBN 9783659329241: Ajrat Valetdinow: Ocenka zagrqznennosti snezhnogo pokrowa tqzhelymi metallami
- ISBN 9783659329258: Ujwala A. Belorkar: Low Power Phase Locked Loop With Multiple Output Using VLSI Technology
- ISBN 9783659329265: Daniel Burger: Using Logotherapy to Change Organisations
- ISBN 9783659329272: Oluseun Osineye: Quality Evaluation & maintenance of Ingredients In Livestock Feeds
- ISBN 9783659329289: Samuel A. Ogunwa: Power-sharing in an Emerging Democracy: The Nigerian Experience
- ISBN 9783659329296: Inye Vremennye Izmereniya V Prostranstvenno-Vremennom Kontinuume
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- ISBN 9783659329319: Feyera Beyessa: Factors Affecting Students' Academic Achievement in Science Education
- ISBN 9783659329326: Malathi P.: Role of melanin in pathogenesis of Colletotrichum falcatum
- ISBN 9783659329333: Ng'ang'a, Robert: The Role of Managers in Business Processes Re-engineering
- ISBN 9783659329340: Victor B. Oti: QUORUM QUENCHING: New Approach in Fighting Antimicrobial Resistance
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- ISBN 9783659329357: Sergej Kulikow: Nestacionarnoe statisticheskoe modelirowanie udarnyh woln
- ISBN 9783659329364: Wenqiang Liu: Calcium Looping Process for Carbon Dioxide Capture
- ISBN 9783659329371: Bedilu Alamirie Ejigu: Marginal and Random effect models in Vaccine Clinical Trials
- ISBN 365932938X: Swetlana Tatarowa: Sel'skaq kul'tura Respubliki Tywa
- ISBN 9783659329388: Swetlana Tatarowa: Sel'skaq kul'tura Respubliki Tywa
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- ISBN 9783659329401: Dimas Widiantoro: Hunt and Vitell Ethics Model in Analyzing Monsanto Case
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- ISBN 9783659329456: Cláudio Foquiço: Trade Liberalisation and Human Rights Protection Under the SADC
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- ISBN 9783659329494: Gurinder Singh Brar Rakesh Kumar: FEA of Residual Stresses in Butt Welding of Two Stainless Steel Plates
- ISBN 9783659329500: Mohammad T. Ridha: Evaluation of Mono-Sex and Mixed-Sex Culture of Nile Tilapia
- ISBN 9783659329517: Karan Shah: Ultrasonography: Role in Head Neck Imaging
- ISBN 9783659329531: Mohsen Ahmadipour Kalagadda Venkateswara Rao: Core-Shell Nanoparticle: Mg(X)Fe(1-X)O/SiO2,characterization
- ISBN 9783659329548: Grace Mundela: The Violation of the Rights of the Child
- ISBN 9783659329555: Magiya Obnovleniya
- ISBN 3659329568: Ravindra Yaligar: Studies on performance evaluation of laser guided land leveller
- ISBN 9783659329562: Ravindra Yaligar: Studies on performance evaluation of laser guided land leveller
- ISBN 9783659329579: Ekobiotekhnologicheskie Aspekty Noosferogeneza
- ISBN 9783659329586: Subramani Suresh: Genetic studies for yield with resistance to MYMV disease in greengram
- ISBN 9783659329593: Prostranstvenno - Vremennaya Vetv
- ISBN 9783659329609: Radhwan Hasan: Denture teeth bond strength to microwave cured denture base material
- ISBN 9783659329616: Helmy El-Zoghby: Response and Control of a Wind Farm of Different Zones and Generators
- ISBN 9783659329623: Tat'qna Gogolewich: Psihoterapewticheskaq pomosch' lüdqm slozhnogo haraktera
- ISBN 9783659329630: B. Abdul Azeem N.R.V. Ramana Reddy T. Narayana Reddy: Customer Shopping Behaviour in Indian Organised Retail Scenario
- ISBN 9783659329647: Ejaz Qayyum: Real-time Vehicle Tracking System Using GPS & GSM
- ISBN 9783659329654: Mose Auyeh: Alternative Democracy and Good Government
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- ISBN 9783659329661: Kuljyot Bajaj: Critical Analysis of Patient's Problems in Outdoor Department
- ISBN 9783659329678: Muhammad Immad: Design of a Solar Energy based System
- ISBN 9783659329685: Gísli Thorsteinsson: The Science of Time
- ISBN 9783659329692: El-Lawendy, Dina: An Approach to Evaluate Integrated Human ¿ Machine System Reliability | IHMSR Approach | Dina El-Lawendy | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 124 S. | Englisch | 2013 | LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
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- ISBN 9783659329722: Baider Al Tal: EU-NATO Relations
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- ISBN 9783659329746: Joshua Scott Stone: American Ethni/Cities
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- ISBN 9783659329777: Moses Emetere: Tutorials On Electromagnetism And Its Application
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- ISBN 9783659329791: Lidiq Babkinowa: Burqtskaq poäziq II polowiny XX weka
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- ISBN 9783659329821: Mishreyee Bhattacharya Milan K. Sanyal: Bhattacharya, M: Ultrathin Polymer Films
- ISBN 9783659329838: Rakhi Saha: E-Journal Consortium In India: a comperative study
- ISBN 9783659329845: Alexej Egorow: Srawnitel'noe prawowedenie (teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnowaniq)
- ISBN 9783659329852: Soodeh Haghgoo Poorvali: Resonant Optical Media
- ISBN 9783659329869: Evans Sagwa: Drug-resistant tuberculosis therapy: adverse events and risk factors
- ISBN 9783659329876: Osin, Vladimir: Sudebnoe ospariwanie dejstwij (bezdejstwiq) i reshenij dolzhnostnyh lic
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- ISBN 9783659329975: Xinwei Chen: Macro to Micro Porous Ceramic and Carbon Media
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- ISBN 9783659329999: Anastasiq Karlina: Perewod lexicheskih edinic, reprezentiruüschih koncept zakon