ISBN beginnend mit 9783659348
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659348006: Nerxhivane Dauti: Selected papers on the new Kosovo Law on Obligation Relationships
- ISBN 9783659348013: Sayed Samer Ali Al-Shami Omar Alsidieg Musa Nurul Izwa Abdul Rished: Inter-Firm Knowledge Transfer to Malaysian Auto Industry
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- ISBN 9783659348020: Bipasha Sinha: Sexual Harassment of Female University Students in India
- ISBN 9783659348037: Archana Tiwari Deepika Sharma: Bloom forming Cyanobacteria as Antibacterial agents
- ISBN 365934804X: Alireza Miremadi: Gaining Competitive Advantage: Marketing Strategies for shipping
- ISBN 9783659348044: Alireza Miremadi: Gaining Competitive Advantage: Marketing Strategies for shipping
- ISBN 9783659348051: Ashiq Hussain: A Low Cost Model to Improve Literacy Rate in Pakistan
- ISBN 9783659348068: Vishal Gupta: Management of Stripe rust of Wheat
- ISBN 9783659348075: Raghavendra Singh Rathore: Some Problems On Fuzzy Mappings And Fixed Point Theorems
- ISBN 9783659348082: Jackson Lemomo Ole kulet Daniel Auka Simeon Kipchumba: Effects Of Relational Social Capital On Customer Loyalty
- ISBN 9783659348099: Chuck Anderson-Weir: How Does the Stock Market React to Corporate Environmental News?
- ISBN 3659348104: Muhammad Ahad Ahmed: Pollutants Detection In Sea Foods Using Nano-Particles
- ISBN 9783659348105: Muhammad Ahad Ahmed: Pollutants Detection In Sea Foods Using Nano-Particles
- ISBN 9783659348112: Ksenia Eic: Creating a cultural dialogue
- ISBN 9783659348129: Mirmahdi Darbanhosseiniamirkhiz: An Integrative Model
- ISBN 9783659348136: Vanvisa Chutchavong Ornlarp Sangaroon Kanok Janchitrapongvej: Linear-Phase Bernstein Filter for Equalized the Distorted Chrominance
- ISBN 9783659348143: Chirag Mandavia: Characterization of the Angiotensin receptor AT2 by various studies
- ISBN 9783659348150: Nälli Balaban: Poluchenie, harakteristika i primenenie serinowyh proteinaz bacill
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- ISBN 9783659348181: Mustafa Ridha: Adenosine s Role in Controlling CMRO2 following Hypoxia-Ischemia
- ISBN 9783659348198: B.Ramana Murthy P. Balasiddamuni: Selection Criteria for Statistical Models
- ISBN 9783659348204: Maria Cristina Morariu: Reporting Intellectual Capital and Measuring its Performance
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- ISBN 9783659348211: Imen Khanchouch: An improved multi-SOM algorithm
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- ISBN 9783659348303: Semen Zajdes: Ohwatywaüschee uprochnenie malozhestkih walow
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- ISBN 9783659348525: Muslima Zahan: Energy Consumption in the Manufacturing Industry in South Asia
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- ISBN 9783659348549: Dhanya S. Shenoi Dhanya N.: Evaluation of the Curriculum of Standard I in schools of Ernakulam
- ISBN 9783659348556: Bahgat Fayed: Enhancing The Stability Of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin
- ISBN 9783659348563: Zafar Iqbal Bhatti: ELT Methodologies in Pakistani Schools
- ISBN 9783659348570: Bellamkonda Rambabu: Economic conditions of agricultural labourers in Nellore district
- ISBN 9783659348587: Istoriya Zapadnoevropeyskoy Literatury Vozrozhdeniya
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- ISBN 9783659348600: Asandak Paul Tangu: Role of external actors in the democratization of Sub-Saharan Africa
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