ISBN beginnend mit 9783659405
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659405006: Gamal Nasser Rayan: Age of Chicken Breeder and Ultrastructure of Hatching Eggshell
- ISBN 9783659405013: Tochukwu Okonkwo: Health Risk Evaluation of Uniport Drinking-Water Framework, Nigeria
- ISBN 9783659405020: Rupesh Patel: Analysis of Computer Assisted Learning Material
- ISBN 9783659405037: Vikas Singh Suraj P. Mishra Rajendra Prasad: Complex Manifolds and its Submanifolds
- ISBN 9783659405044: Mirovoj finansovo-jekonomicheskij krizis: diagnosticheskij ocherk
- ISBN 9783659405051: Baewa, Juliq: Ocenka kachestwa pit'ewoj wody / iz decentralizowannyh istochnikow wodosnabzheniq na primere s. Il'inka , Akmolinskoj oblasti
- ISBN 9783659405068: Zhanat Kenzhebaewa: Metody i modeli operatiwnogo uprawleniq slozhnymi ob#ektami
- ISBN 9783659405075: Alhad Agashe Bhupendra Sahu: A Critical Study of E-waste with reference to Computers
- ISBN 9783659405082: Mitesh Patel Kanu Patel Mukesh Patel: Process Validation, Area and Equipment Qualification
- ISBN 9783659405099: Sunil Sharma Ravindra Kumar Sharma: Study of Dispersion in Honeycomb Photonic Crystal Fiber
- ISBN 9783659405105: Mohammad Fahim Kadir Fatema Kanak Mohammad Shahriar: Binding Chemistry of Erythromycin, Atenolol & Omeprazole with albumin
- ISBN 9783659405112: Petr Zykow: Kachestwo kar'ernyh gidrawlicheskih äxkawatorow pri proektirowanii
- ISBN 9783659405129: Madhu Chandaka K. Eswar Kumar K.Kishore Kumar: Evaluation of Antiacne Activity
- ISBN 9783659405136: Paul Kyalo: Critical and Creative Thinking; A University Student's Manual
- ISBN 3659405140: Maxim Malynow: Ukol sowest'ü
- ISBN 9783659405143: Maxim Malynow: Ukol sowest'ü
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- ISBN 9783659405150: Rais Safin: Stroitel'nyj obrazowatel'nyj klaster: cozdanie i modeli
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- ISBN 9783659405167: Dzh. Aliew: Cink-alüminiewye zaschitnye pokrytiq nowogo pokoleniq
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- ISBN 9783659405174: Viktoriq Logunowa: Razwitie psihologicheskoj sluzhby w pedagogicheskom wuze
- ISBN 9783659405181: Aniekpeno Elijah: Use of Botanicals in Palm Wine Preservation
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- ISBN 9783659405198: Mounchili Mama: Short-Range Wireless Network Integration in Intelligent Environments
- ISBN 9783659405204: Margareth Holguín: Violence Affecting Tourism
- ISBN 9783659405211: Magudeeswaran Veluchamy: Fuzzy Techniques for Image Enhancement
- ISBN 9783659405228: Akhila Shrestha: Comparative Study of Students on the Knowledge of Reproductive Health
- ISBN 9783659405235: Ashok Kumar: Analysis of Service Quality Using Servqual Model
- ISBN 9783659405242: Bilkisu Kabir Farouk: Impact of Investment in I.T on Financial Performance
- ISBN 9783659405259: Alexey Soluyanov: Topological aspects of band theory
- ISBN 9783659405266: Sushilkumar Bahekar Devanand Shinde: A Search for Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds:Pyrimidine
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- ISBN 9783659405273: Xeniq Celikowskaq: Social'no-proizwodstwennyj komplex krupnogo goroda
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- ISBN 9783659405303: Maxim Brazhnikow: Uprawlenie ritmichnost'ü proizwodstwa
- ISBN 9783659405310: Siddhartha Sankar Saha: Statutory Auditors¿ Objectivity in Corporate Accounting Scandals
- ISBN 9783659405327: Mudita Chaturvedi Mala Kamboj Saurabh Chaturvedi: Immunohistochemistry in Dentistry
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- ISBN 9783659405334: Alexej Zhewnerow: Reagentnaq smes' dlq opredeleniq fosfat-ionow w wodnyh probah
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- ISBN 9783659405389: Zahraa Zahraw: Development of signature in signature hiding model
- ISBN 9783659405396: Adam Rollins: How Beneficial Are New York State Food Benefits?
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- ISBN 9783659405440: Razrabotka modeli i metoda upravleniya operatsionnymi riskami v banke
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- ISBN 9783659405464: Saul Rick Fernandez Hurtado: Establishing An FTA Between China And Colombia
- ISBN 3659405477: Daniil Vinogradow: Zhargonizmy w qzyke sowremennoj rossijskoj pressy
- ISBN 9783659405471: Daniil Vinogradow: Zhargonizmy w qzyke sowremennoj rossijskoj pressy
- ISBN 9783659405488: Jayant Ghatge: Performance Evaluation of Soybean Reaper and Groundnut Pod Stripper
- ISBN 9783659405495: Selamu, Liranso Gebreyohannes: The Practices and Challenges in Providing Psychosocial Support to OVC / Orphan and Vulnerable Children
- ISBN 9783659405501: Allen Shembilu: Social Networks and Education
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- ISBN 9783659405525: Sovershenstvovanie sistemy podachi gazoobraznogo topliva v dvigatel
- ISBN 9783659405532: Di Wang: Variability Aware Statistical Timing Modelling Using SPICE Simulations
- ISBN 9783659405549: Alla Shamruk: Nowejshaq arhitektura kak aktual'noe iskusstwo
- ISBN 9783659405556: Anbu Kumar Karuppannan: Molecular pathogenesis of Porcine Circovirus 2
- ISBN 9783659405563: Cristian - Paul Danet: The Classical Maximum Principle. Some Extensions and Applications
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- ISBN 9783659405600: Jana Müllerová: Mechanics: Dynamics
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- ISBN 9783659405624: Omowumi Idowu: Analysis of Foreign Private Investment in Nigeria
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- ISBN 9783659405631: Dmitrij Pankow: Medonosnye pchöly w biologicheskom zemledelii
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- ISBN 9783659405693: Demeke Asmamaw Yeshanew: Eco-tourism For Conservation And Livelihoods, BMNP, Ethiopia
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- ISBN 9783659405754: Nishant Patel: Design and Development of Cefpodoxime Proxetil Dispersible Tablet
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- ISBN 9783659405761: Eman Kandeel: Flow Cytomteric Detection of Minimal Residual Disease
- ISBN 9783659405778: David Moyer: Superintendent and Teacher Perceptions of Performance-Based Pay
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- ISBN 9783659405938: Paul Mwenda: Effect Of Institutional Factors On Competitiveness Of Universities
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- ISBN 9783659405952: Pooja Sawrikar: Ethnic minority families in child protection systems
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- ISBN 9783659405990: Upravlenie inostrannymi pryamymi investiciyami v period krizisa