ISBN beginnend mit 9783659444
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659444005: Lisa O'Reilly: The Voice of Children in Social Work Assessments
- ISBN 9783659444012: Lucy Binch: It's not like this is my dream job!: Student Sex Workers in the U.K
- ISBN 9783659444029: Swetlana Mihajlowna Glusheckaq (Profatilowa): Diahronicheskaq polisemiq nominacij konceptosfery "Moda": Nemeckij qzyk
- ISBN 9783659444036: Molekulyarnye mekhanizmy stressa
- ISBN 3659444049: Alexej Sosnowskij: Naplawka iznosostojkih pokrytij älektrokontaktnym oplawleniem
- ISBN 9783659444043: Alexej Sosnowskij: Naplawka iznosostojkih pokrytij älektrokontaktnym oplawleniem
- ISBN 9783659444050: Megha Phogat Tarun Rana Vivek Govila: Recent Advances in Diagnostic Aids
- ISBN 9783659444067: Antonio Martínez: Nesting Problems: Exact and Heuristic Algorithms
- ISBN 3659444073: Fatsani Banda: A Contemporary Analysis of Modern Central Banking
- ISBN 9783659444074: Fatsani Banda: A Contemporary Analysis of Modern Central Banking
- ISBN 9783659444081: Dmitry Novikov: Features of petroleum hydrogeology in the West Siberian artesian basin
- ISBN 9783659444098: Tamás Tettamanti: Advanced Methods for Measurement and Control in Urban Traffic Networks
- ISBN 9783659444104: Mohammad Khan: Electrochemical Detection of Chemical Warfare Agents
- ISBN 9783659444111: Gholamreza Anani Sarab: Molecular Insight into Human Platelet Antigen HPA-1 Polymorphism
- ISBN 365944412X: Juliq Olegowna Tolstyh: Issledowanie osobennostej razwitiq sfery zhilischno-kommunal'nyh uslug
- ISBN 9783659444128: Juliq Olegowna Tolstyh: Issledowanie osobennostej razwitiq sfery zhilischno-kommunal'nyh uslug
- ISBN 9783659444135: Florina Oana Virlanuta: Analyses of Investment Projects in Agriculture
- ISBN 9783659444142: Vsewolod Sorokin: Metalloalmaznye kompozicii dlq otreznyh krugow
- ISBN 9783659444159: Ramesh Kumar Ayyasamy: Automatic Blog Classification
- ISBN 9783659444166: Pallab Regmi: Energy Efficiency Opportunities and GHGs Reduction in Nepalese Hotels
- ISBN 9783659444173: Md. Khaled Bin Chowdhury: Issues in Second Language Teaching
- ISBN 9783659444180: Essayas Kaba Ayana: Radar Altimetry for Large Reservoir Water Level Monitoring
- ISBN 9783659444197: Haim Brejterman: Celenaprawlennoe razwitie Vselennoj
- ISBN 9783659444203: Kontseptsiya formirovaniya sotsial noy otvetstvennosti studenchestva
- ISBN 9783659444227: Hamid Hassan: Transitions in Japanese Employment model
- ISBN 9783659444234: Clifford Chitupa Mashiri: Robert Mugabe: A Tyrant's Quest for Legitimacy
- ISBN 9783659444241: Sharma, Gagandeep: Comparison of Toplogies of Multilevel Inverters / Comparison of Topologies and Modulation Strategies of Multilevel Inverters
- ISBN 9783659444258: Geneticheskie faktory predraspolozhennosti k raku legkogo
- ISBN 365944426X: Xeniq Kopylowa: Vneshnqq politika Yaponii (1995-2006 gg.)
- ISBN 9783659444265: Xeniq Kopylowa: Vneshnqq politika Yaponii (1995-2006 gg.)
- ISBN 9783659444272: Valentin Derkachenko: Mnogomernyj analiz äkonomicheskoj deqtel'nosti malyh predpriqtij
- ISBN 9783659444289: Elijah Wanda: Hydrogeochemistry of Weathered Basement Aquifer Groundwater
- ISBN 9783659444296: Judie Russell: Will the Traditional Real Estate Industry Survive in Ireland?
- ISBN 3659444308: Al'bert Derqgin: Nowyj podhod k modelirowaniü 3D ob#ektow i scen
- ISBN 9783659444302: Al'bert Derqgin: Nowyj podhod k modelirowaniü 3D ob#ektow i scen
- ISBN 9783659444319: Rajeswari Dasmohapatra: Genetic diversity studies of Cashew
- ISBN 3659444324: Kristina Pawlowich: Zhiwopis' i zhiwopisanie w romane I.A. Goncharowa "Obryw"
- ISBN 9783659444326: Kristina Pawlowich: Zhiwopis' i zhiwopisanie w romane I.A. Goncharowa "Obryw"
- ISBN 9783659444333: Pradeep P. E.: Spot Blotch of Wheat caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc.) Shoem
- ISBN 9783659444340: Ran Tel-Vered: Enhanced Fe(VI) Electrochemical Energy Storage
- ISBN 9783659444357: Kiumbuku, Samuel: Effects of Gender Dynamics on Fish Farming
- ISBN 9783659444364: Mujtaba Ikram: Hall Effect Measurements & electrical study of CdS & ZnO nano Material
- ISBN 9783659444371: Dejene Kumela: Effect of Natural Soil on Contaminant Removal from drinking water
- ISBN 9783659444388: Razrabotka kamery pul sirujushhego goreniya dlya ajerozol nogo generatora
- ISBN 9783659444395: Nick Momengoh: Secret Diplomacy: Practice of Back Channel Diplomacy by Democracies
- ISBN 3659444405: Deidre Freyenberger: Amanda Knox: Media Framing in Newspapers Around the World
- ISBN 9783659444401: Deidre Freyenberger: Amanda Knox: Media Framing in Newspapers Around the World
- ISBN 9783659444418: Mohammad Samsul Alam: Design Sensitivity of Bootstrap Methods in Variance Estimation
- ISBN 9783659444425: Jessica Lewandowsky: Perceptual Mechanisms Relevant to Expression Recognition
- ISBN 9783659444432: Sara Diana Garduño Diaz: Diet, ethnicity and the metabolic syndrome
- ISBN 9783659444449: Gemma Mestres Maria-Pau Ginebra: Magnesium phosphate cements for clinical applications
- ISBN 9783659444456: Elena Linewa: Neopredelenno-lichnye predlozheniq s lokatiwnym determinantom
- ISBN 3659444464: Tooraj Najafabadipour: Operating Performance and Level of Service in Public Transportation
- ISBN 9783659444463: Tooraj Najafabadipour: Operating Performance and Level of Service in Public Transportation
- ISBN 3659444472: Mohamed Yacoob Syed Ali: Safety and Bio-efficacy of mosquito control from marine natural plant
- ISBN 9783659444470: Mohamed Yacoob Syed Ali: Safety and Bio-efficacy of mosquito control from marine natural plant
- ISBN 9783659444487: Pragnesh Parmar: Organic Irritant Poisons of Plant Origin
- ISBN 9783659444494: Srinidhi Surya Raghavendra: Evaluation of dentin bonding agent used as root canal sealer
- ISBN 9783659444500: Anurag Sharma: Economic Feasibility of Implementing e-CRM System
- ISBN 3659444510: Jurij Shewchenko: Gornorudnyj promysel: wyhod iz zamknutogo kruga
- ISBN 9783659444517: Jurij Shewchenko: Gornorudnyj promysel: wyhod iz zamknutogo kruga
- ISBN 9783659444524: Formirovanie professional nyh umenij pri obuchenii inostrannomu yazyku
- ISBN 9783659444531: Chandrasekar Seenivasan: Probiotics in Macrobrachium rosenbergii Culture
- ISBN 9783659444548: A. N. Manjunatha: Performance of Arabica Coffee under Integrated Nutrient Management
- ISBN 9783659444555: Chandravadia Kiran Kalpesh Ravalia P. R. Kanani: Role of Self Help Groups (SHGs) for Empowerment of Women
- ISBN 9783659444562: Syed Tanveer Hussain Bokhari: High Specific Activity As-77,Tc-99m and Re-188
- ISBN 9783659444579: Shaique Uddin: Madhubani painting
- ISBN 3659444588: Gaurav Rathod: Diesel Engine Operating On Linseed Oil and Diesel Fuel Blend
- ISBN 9783659444586: Gaurav Rathod: Diesel Engine Operating On Linseed Oil and Diesel Fuel Blend
- ISBN 9783659444593: Tim LaRocco: Hegemony 101
- ISBN 9783659444609: Chike Okoye: The Mmonwu Theatre: Igbo Poetry of the Spirits
- ISBN 9783659444616: Yusuf A. Ronad Ahammed: Advances in Orthodontic Materials
- ISBN 9783659444623: Lucie Cviklova: Advancement of Human Rights of LGBT Minority
- ISBN 9783659444630: Agrarnaya jekonomika Tambovskoj oblasti: proshloe, nastoyashhee i budushhee
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- ISBN 9783659444647: Cwetlana Zheltuhina: Priemnaq sem'q. Osobennosti. Podgotowka. Soprowozhdenie
- ISBN 9783659444654: Stojanka Petru¿i¿: Macro and Micro Forms of Thermosensitive Hydrogels
- ISBN 9783659444661: Muhammad Asad Ghufran: Water Foootprint of Some Selected Crops of Pakistan
- ISBN 9783659444678: Samira Asgharali Varsani: High School Science Teachers Conceptions About Nature Of Science
- ISBN 9783659444685: Martin Victor Ndedya: Initial Teachers Preparation
- ISBN 9783659444692: Natal'q Tumilowich: Problematika sowremennoj belorusskoj publicistiki
- ISBN 9783659444708: Mulugeta Worku: A paradigm shift of urban planning and it's impact in Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783659444715: Ali Pesaranghader Esmaeel Marjani: Wireless Sensor Networks
- ISBN 9783659444722: Y¿ld¿r¿m, Yücel: Spin-Fermion Models For Magnetic Semiconductors and High-Tc Cuprates
- ISBN 9783659444739: Govind D. Adhe: Productivity Patterns of Scientists
- ISBN 9783659444746: Ashish Jadhav: Cell Phone Controlled Applications and Systems based on DTMF signaling
- ISBN 9783659444753: Mircea Ion Cîrnu: Algebraic Equations
- ISBN 9783659444760: Blog i duhovno-nravstvennye kachestva mladshih shkol nikov
- ISBN 9783659444777: Mohammed Hassan Ahmed: Uses of agro-industerial by-products for rumenants feeding
- ISBN 9783659444784: Nechetkie modeli ocenki kachestva social nyh sistem
- ISBN 9783659444791: Proektirovanie golovnogo obtekatelya dlya rakety-nositelya srednego klassa
- ISBN 9783659444814: Ankan Sinha: Effects of Strength Training
- ISBN 9783659444821: Matthias Agboeze: Contributions of NGO's to Community Development in Nigeria
- ISBN 9783659444838: Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed: The Substance of Human Rights & Flash on UNICEF, World Bank and Africa
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- ISBN 9783659444869: Kalpana Gopalan: Torn in Two:Conflicting Discourses of Globalization and Localization
- ISBN 9783659444876: Wilson Okaka: Effective Community Outreach Communication Ethics
- ISBN 9783659444883: Igor Nikolaev: Three papers on operator algebras in geometric topology
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- ISBN 9783659444906: Ibrahim Khalifa: Pumpkin fruit and its residues
- ISBN 9783659444913: Vladimir Iwshin: Piramida zhizni
- ISBN 9783659444920: Mahmoud Alawi Manar Fayyad Reham Abu Shmeis: Disinfection Efficiency of Drinking Water with Chlorine Dioxide
- ISBN 9783659444937: Mnata Resani: The Sociolinguistic and Semantic Analysis of Kuria Personal Names
- ISBN 3659444944: Ol'ga Nikolaewna Polozük: DNK - genotipirowanie w selekcii swinej
- ISBN 9783659444944: Ol'ga Nikolaewna Polozük: DNK - genotipirowanie w selekcii swinej
- ISBN 9783659444951: Angela Chimboza: From Brain Drain to Brain Gain: Harnessing Zimbabweans in Diaspora
- ISBN 9783659444968: M. Tarik Kabir M. Farid Ahsan: Bank myna (ACRIDOTHERES GINGINIANUS) in Chapai Nawabganj of Bangladesh
- ISBN 9783659444975: Marwa Mohammed Abou Hadied: Pathogenic and control of parasites infecting marine fish
- ISBN 9783659444982: Said Shehata: Contemporary Environmental Readings Volume 3
- ISBN 9783659444999: Annabella Habinka Basaza Ejiri: Access Control To Classified Facilities