ISBN beginnend mit 9783659525
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659525001: Prakash Sapkota: Participation of Indigenous Peoples in Mass Media
- ISBN 9783659525018: Issledovanie vliyaniya kachestva okruzhayushchey sredy na zdorov e naseleniya
- ISBN 3659525022: Shyam Akashe: Moore¿s Law Alive: Gate-All-Around (GAA) Next Generation Transistor
- ISBN 9783659525025: Shyam Akashe: Moore¿s Law Alive: Gate-All-Around (GAA) Next Generation Transistor
- ISBN 9783659525032: Martin Mwongela Kavua: Communication Strategies for Deaf Learners in Inclusive Settings
- ISBN 9783659525049: Rasha Faraj: E-tourism Revolutionary Effect
- ISBN 9783659525056: Dutse Ishaya: An Assessment of Moral Development of Senior Secondary School Students
- ISBN 9783659525063: Isaac Owusu-Mensah: Democracy Promotion in Ghana: United States of America Support
- ISBN 9783659525070: Mironchik, Ewgenij: Pod simwolom nashej äry / Sbornik analiticheskih statej
- ISBN 9783659525087: Wilbert Gobbo: The Lukan Beatific Vision (LK 6:20-23)
- ISBN 9783659525094: Sergey Ulyanov Veaceslav Albu Irina Barchatova: Design IT of Quantum Algorithmic Gates
- ISBN 9783659525100: Paul Galbally: Aspects of using bio-fertilizers in the cultivation of energy crops
- ISBN 9783659525117: Salma El Husseiny: Justice Denied
- ISBN 9783659525124: Justin McKennon: Design and Fabrication of a Microfluidic Flowrate/ Temperature Sensor
- ISBN 9783659525131: Chatha, Sukhpal Singh: Electrical Discharge Machining using Powder-Mixed Dielectric
- ISBN 9783659525148: Nagappan Periasami: Institutional Crop Loan Borrower Farms in Dharmapuri-Tamil Nadu
- ISBN 9783659525155: Xolani Sibande: Eutrophication Costs at the Vaal River: An Integrated Economic Model
- ISBN 9783659525162: Chandrashekhar Sanwal: Introduction Of Medicinal Herbs In Pine Forests
- ISBN 9783659525179: Prashant Paudel: Adaptation Measures for Climatic Disaster in Siwalik Hills of Nepal
- ISBN 9783659525186: Akinboro Solomon: A Computational Model for Adaptive Communication Channel Estimation
- ISBN 9783659525193: Betty McDonald: Assessment in Early Childhood Care and Education
- ISBN 9783659525209: Ricardo Casañ Pitarch: Increasing Teachers¿ Competence in CLIL
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- ISBN 9783659525223: Anna Romanowa: Zadachi sostawleniq ciklicheskih raspisanij obrabotki odnotipnyh detalej
- ISBN 9783659525230: Travyanaya muka
- ISBN 9783659525247: Zafar, Khwaja Saifullah: Obstructive Sleep Apnoea-Sleeping Epidemic,Overview and Treatment
- ISBN 9783659525254: Sung Hyun Jo: Nanoscale Memristive Devices For Memory And Logic Applications
- ISBN 9783659525261: Mostafa Eissa: Studies Of Microbial Resistance Against Some Disinfectants
- ISBN 9783659525278: Dinamicheskie processy v slozhnyh sistemah c raspredelennymi parametrami
- ISBN 9783659525285: Duvvada, Srinivasa Rao: Tree species Diversity in Srikakulam and Vizianagaram of A.P.,India
- ISBN 9783659525292: Alexandr Vladimirowich Smirnow: K istokam professii muzykanta
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- ISBN 9783659525346: Sergei Jargin Zoya Yargina: Some aspects of contemporary Russian architecture and urban design
- ISBN 9783659525353: Hafiz Bin Salih: Religious bodies and Intra-Islamic conflicts in Wa,Ghana
- ISBN 9783659525360: Vlatka Varagic: Gis Framework For Nature Refuges
- ISBN 9783659525377: Prabhleen Brar Poonam Bogra Vineeta Nikhil: Tooth preparation for cast metal restorations
- ISBN 9783659525384: Bablu Ghosh: Innovative Slants for Quality h-GaN Fabrication on Si (111) by ME
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- ISBN 9783659525537: Yewionhareg Demisie Tulu: The Impact of Induction Program
- ISBN 9783659525544: Dianowa-Klokowa, Inna: Innowacionnye nauchno-proizwodstwennye komplexy / Uchebnoe posobie
- ISBN 9783659525551: Nour El-Deen Mahmoud Khalifa: Securing Real-Time Video Over IP Transmission
- ISBN 9783659525568: Mohammed Amir Hamjah: Determinants of Crop Production in Bangladesh
- ISBN 9783659525575: Elena Komar: Morfometricheskie pokazateli serdca legkoatletow
- ISBN 3659525588: Gennadij Alexandrowich Osipow: Chelowek w neuspeshnom obschestwe
- ISBN 9783659525582: Gennadij Alexandrowich Osipow: Chelowek w neuspeshnom obschestwe
- ISBN 9783659525599: A. Rex Angelo S. J.: English Language Learning at Degree Colleges in Andhra Pradesh
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- ISBN 9783659525612: Metodika postroeniya strukturirovannyh investicionnyh produktov
- ISBN 9783659525629: Nazia Hussain: Brand Equity: A Consumer Perspective
- ISBN 9783659525636: Festus Aleruchi Nmegbu: Holistic Marketing Strategy and Customers' Satisfaction
- ISBN 9783659525643: Nowye materialy so strukturoj apatita: neorganicheskie pigmenty
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- ISBN 9783659525681: Mohammad Mohammad: Migrant Communities and E-Government in Australia
- ISBN 9783659525698: Niracha Sanguankeo: Legal Protection against Secondary Infringement of Copyright
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- ISBN 9783659525728: Larisa Rubcowa: Sanogennoe myshlenie
- ISBN 9783659525735: Grace Kasirye Birikadde: Environmental Risk Management and Banks' performance in Uganda
- ISBN 9783659525742: Bioinformacionnyj analiz patologicheskih processov
- ISBN 9783659525759: Raghu Nanjundegowda Manjunatha K. N. Kiran B.: Arrhythmia Detection Using machine Learning Techniques
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- ISBN 9783659525780: Andrej Kondrukewich: Tonkaq keramika s oxidami redkozemel'nyh metallow
- ISBN 9783659525797: Subrata Ghosh Kousik Das Santanu Dinda: Women in Higher Education in India: Participation and Determinants
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- ISBN 9783659525827: Dhruvesh Patel: Application of RS and GIS in Water Resources Management
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- ISBN 9783659525988: Jean d`Amour Ntibitura: Strategies for extending the pension coverage in developing countries
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- ISBN 9783659525995: Amirshoh Toshew: Konstitucii Stran Sodruzhestwa Nezawisimyh Gosudarstw