ISBN beginnend mit 9783659527
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659527005: Olimpia Pino Francesco La Ragione: The secret in the air
- ISBN 9783659527012: Lisiane Bittencourt Eduardo Gaio Carlos Viegas: Study on Sleepiness and Drivers Attention in Urban Transport
- ISBN 9783659527029: Jekologo-dissimmetricheskij podhod v genetike i selekcii vidov hvojnyh
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- ISBN 9783659527036: Ruben Ajrapetqn: Partisipatiwnoe uprawlenie w krupnyh gorodah
- ISBN 9783659527043: Christopher Chimaobi Ibekwe: Social Determinants, Consequences, and Reactions to Rape
- ISBN 9783659527050: Man Chun Tam: Morphological and Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography
- ISBN 9783659527067: Di Zhang: Media Relations and Aggressive Questioning
- ISBN 9783659527074: Gbasouzor Austin Ikechukwu Atanmo Philip N.: Properties of Bamboo Fibre
- ISBN 9783659527081: Mugove Madziyire: Prevalence, Management, Perinatal Outcomes of Rhesus Negative Mothers
- ISBN 3659527092: Jurij Bqlowskij: Kapnografiq w obschewrachebnoj praktike
- ISBN 9783659527098: Jurij Bqlowskij: Kapnografiq w obschewrachebnoj praktike
- ISBN 9783659527104: Aerodinamika korotkosloevykh apparatov s zernistym sloem
- ISBN 3659527114: Zsolt Barta: Improving the cellulosic-ethanol process
- ISBN 9783659527111: Zsolt Barta: Improving the cellulosic-ethanol process
- ISBN 9783659527128: Daniella Tinoco: Fear conditioning to socially relevant stimuli in social anxiety
- ISBN 9783659527135: Hudozhestvennaya samodeyatel nost v SSSR
- ISBN 9783659527142: Noureldin Laban: Geospatial Image Retrieval
- ISBN 9783659527159: Hanna David: The Gifted Arab Child in Israel
- ISBN 9783659527166: Bhawana Joshi: Magnetic and Transparent Conducting Properties
- ISBN 9783659527173: Akshay Kumar: Antenna Performance in LMR Systems Using PL Tone Analysis
- ISBN 9783659527180: B. V. S. Lakshmi: Antitumor activity of Mussaenda Philippica in colon and breast cancer
- ISBN 9783659527197: Deepak Nallaswamy Veeraiyan: Tooth loss and Brain changes
- ISBN 9783659527203: Daniel Bukenya Yiga: Factors affecting demand for commercial bank loans by SMEs
- ISBN 9783659527210: Sabzali Musa Kahn: Aesthetic Experience in Art Education
- ISBN 9783659527227: Shabarish P. Rai: Genetic Variability in Clusterbean
- ISBN 3659527238: Lüdmila Ryzhanowskaq: Konceptual'nye osnowy regulirowaniq riskow MFO
- ISBN 9783659527234: Lüdmila Ryzhanowskaq: Konceptual'nye osnowy regulirowaniq riskow MFO
- ISBN 9783659527241: Md. Ashek Al-Aziz: Decision Engine for Electronic Procurement Model
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- ISBN 9783659527265: Renu A. Verughese Jamuna Duvvuru: Health of Residents of Senior Care Homes
- ISBN 9783659527272: Swaroopa Rani Badavath: Problems Faced By Tribal Children in Education
- ISBN 9783659527289: Doru Vlad Popovici: Developing of Communication at Children with Mental Disabilities
- ISBN 9783659527296: Uday Kumar Dasari: Biology and Conservation of the Arabian Oryx (Oryx leucoryx)
- ISBN 9783659527302: Chiragkumar Jadav: Estimation of rainfall erosivity index for Dediapada region
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- ISBN 9783659527340: Alexej Dudnik: Sistema agrarnogo protekcionizma: aktual'nye problemy razwitiq
- ISBN 9783659527357: Andrea Caratti Carlo Rafele Edwin K. L. Tam: Logistics Management
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- ISBN 9783659527425: Alexandr Nikitin: Jeffektiwnoe chtenie
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- ISBN 9783659527432: Asaithambi Kamaraj: Impact of Nano Fluid and EGR system in Direct injection Diesel Engine
- ISBN 9783659527449: Ann Marie Bugeja: States'Powers in the Contiguous Zone vis-a-vis an Environmental Threat
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- ISBN 9783659527470: Muhammad Shahid Habib: Religious Dialogue between Muslims and Christians
- ISBN 9783659527487: Mohammed Barkett: Diversity of Woody species and Management Practices in d/f land use
- ISBN 9783659527494: Özhan Bavl¿: Genç Giri¿imcilerin Kar¿¿la¿t¿¿¿ Engeller ve Çözüm Önerileri
- ISBN 9783659527500: Bystrodeystvuyushchie pribory elektroniki. Ch.1
- ISBN 9783659527517: Daniela Lon¿ar: Cardiovascular disease in dialysis patients
- ISBN 9783659527524: Medicinskoe teplowidenie w issledowanii molochnoj zhelezy
- ISBN 9783659527531: Titul naya poroda Rossii
- ISBN 9783659527548: John Mc Ginnity: Factors influencing the university applications of school leavers
- ISBN 9783659527555: Riddhi Patel: Antifungal-Screening and Eco-friendly Botanical Fungicide Development
- ISBN 9783659527562: Rochak Saxena: Boosterism & Bollywood
- ISBN 3659527572: Mohammad Duqqah: Treated Sewage Water Use in Irrigated Agriculture
- ISBN 9783659527579: Mohammad Duqqah: Treated Sewage Water Use in Irrigated Agriculture
- ISBN 9783659527586: Nepreryvnoe obrazovanie i kar ernyj rost v Belarusi
- ISBN 9783659527593: Loise Gichuhi: Human Capital and Family Size Choice
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- ISBN 9783659527609: Elizaweta Voloshanenko: Razwitie izdatel'skogo biznesa w Ukraine: opyt, tendencii,perspektiwy
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- ISBN 9783659527630: Niyati Singh: Relation Of Facial Landmarks, Trubyte & Width Of Anterior Teeth
- ISBN 9783659527647: Nameer A. Kareem Alzubaidi Mohammed Ali Aldiwan: Taurine as Hypocholesterolemic agent
- ISBN 9783659527654: Jeffektivnoe social no-jekonomicheskoe razvitie zagryaznennyh territorij
- ISBN 9783659527661: Anna Lysakowska: The Politics of Abortion in Mexico
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- ISBN 9783659527715: Alexey Barkov Alexandr Klimov: Electron-beam processing DIELECTRICS
- ISBN 9783659527722: Nasser El-Gizawy: Field Crop Management Grown In Clay Soil In Egypt
- ISBN 9783659527739: Md. Hossain: Bangladesh Higher Education System and National University
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- ISBN 9783659527777: Samsul Alam Sk.: A Study Of Major Concepts In Mathematics At Secondary Level. Volume-2
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- ISBN 9783659527937: Amiran Huskiwadze: Teoriq celostnosti. Prinqtie resheniq w bol'shih - slozhnyh - sistemah
- ISBN 9783659527944: Laboratornaya diagnostika
- ISBN 9783659527951: Alex Ortiz: The Syrian Conflict and its Grave Origins
- ISBN 9783659527968: Anna Alexeewna Burlachenko: Nablüdeniq za okruzhaüschej prirodoj
- ISBN 9783659527975: Formirovanie racional nyh rezhimov jenergopotrebleniya predpriyatiyami
- ISBN 9783659527982: Thembisa Kakaza: Municipal Finance : An Assessment of Eastern Cape's Capacity in Action
- ISBN 9783659527999: Integracionnoe razvitie zhivotnovodstva