ISBN beginnend mit 9783659592
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659592003: Sardorbek Karimow: Priwitaq sopolimerizaciq akrilowyh monomerow s kollagenom
- ISBN 9783659592010: Dhananjay Yadav: Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Instability in Nanofluids
- ISBN 9783659592027: It-Meng Low Ahmad Hakamy Faiz Shaikh: Hemp fabric reinforced nanoclay cement nanocomposites
- ISBN 9783659592034: Modernizatsiya Rossiyskogo professional nogo obrazovaniya
- ISBN 9783659592041: Victor Krasilshchikov: The Malaise from Success: The East Asian "Miracle" Revised
- ISBN 9783659592058: Rakesh Kumar Mishra: We are not Alone in Space
- ISBN 9783659592065: Medhat Ibrahim: Spectroscopic studies on the level of heavy metals
- ISBN 9783659592072: Kapil Samar: Pattern of Groundwater Levels by Statistical Method: An Investigation
- ISBN 9783659592089: Mitesh Vekariya: "Synthesis and characterization of some novel coumarin derivative"
- ISBN 9783659592096: Akintayo Igbekele Olu Chidiebere Ugwu: An Intelligent Predictive Model for Call Drop Management
- ISBN 9783659592102: Ekaterina Demerle: Marketingowye issledowaniq w turizme
- ISBN 9783659592119: Lei Liu: Modeling, Identification and Control of Hysteretic Dynamics
- ISBN 9783659592126: Upravlenie personalom
- ISBN 9783659592133: K. Tabassum Md. Osman: Broadband Wireless Communication Networks
- ISBN 9783659592140: Uprawlenie obschestwennymi kommunikaciqmi wuza
- ISBN 9783659592157: Mariq Egorowa: Hozqjstwennoe oswoenie Sewera i Arktiki w Kanade
- ISBN 9783659592164: Agumawa, Tamta: Grammaticheskie transformacii w hudozhestwennom perewode
- ISBN 9783659592171: Nenad Živkovic: Brain tumors and Depression
- ISBN 9783659592188: Olani Dereje: Quality Public Service and Customer Satisfaction
- ISBN 9783659592195: Ankit Singla: Biogas Byproducts: Agriculture and Environment
- ISBN 9783659592201: Reena Patel: Seed mycoflora of rice and it's management
- ISBN 9783659592218: Nithila S.: Physiological variations of Peanut under salt stress
- ISBN 9783659592225: Yousra Gohar: Cultural Intelligence and its Work-Related Outcomes
- ISBN 9783659592232: Subir Ranjan Kundu: PEONY: A Metaphoric Journey Through Time
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- ISBN 9783659592256: Xiao, Shanxiang: Teachers' Changed Efficacy Belief in China's New Education Experiment
- ISBN 9783659592263: Wilfred Ngwa: Awareness of Health Workers and the Community to the threat of Ebola
- ISBN 9783659592270: Reuille-Dupont, Stacy: The Link Between Psychological Trauma and Physical Exercise / Understanding the Impacts of Psychological Trauma on Perception and Participation in Physical Exercise
- ISBN 9783659592287: Lydia Amoah: Changing Roles of Akan Queenmothers: A Study of Nana Yaa Asantewaa II
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- ISBN 9783659592300: Godrick Lyimo: Indigenous and Modern Counselling
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- ISBN 9783659592348: Khodeja Akter: The Role of NGO's for the Improvement of Reproductive Health Care
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- ISBN 9783659592355: Eugene Eisenberg: Real-time in the brain limbic system
- ISBN 9783659592362: Komal Rijal: Bacteriology Of Chronic Dacryocystitis
- ISBN 9783659592379: Jack Achieng: Impact Of Outpatient Therapeutic Program On Malnourished Children
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- ISBN 9783659592393: Avinash Dubey: A Novel Approach For Information Security In Hadoop
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- ISBN 9783659592416: Kaouther El Kourd: Non linear Detection of Lesion with ANOVA Technique For Multi MRI images
- ISBN 9783659592423: Soheila Panahi: Cognitive Emotion Regulation Types among Graduate Students
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- ISBN 9783659592447: Beni Alphonsus: Challenges of Financial Administration in Public Senior High Schools
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- ISBN 9783659592492: Slawomir Kaczmarek: Magnetic properties of KGd(WO4)2 studied by EPR spectroscopy
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- ISBN 9783659592546: Anna Dobrynina: Dobrotnost' litosfery i ochagowye parametry zemletrqsenij Pribajkal'q
- ISBN 9783659592553: Jiefeng Lu: International Commercial Arbitration Moot: Materials and Discussions
- ISBN 9783659592560: Omer Alnigey: Finite Element Analysis of Stadia Dome Roofs
- ISBN 9783659592577: Yashwini Gurung: Microbial properties of the citrus orchards in Darjeeling hills
- ISBN 3659592587: Amos M. Yinnon: Daring to Change: Exploring Spiritual Dimensions of Modern Medicine
- ISBN 9783659592584: Amos M. Yinnon: Daring to Change: Exploring Spiritual Dimensions of Modern Medicine
- ISBN 9783659592591: Doshi, Himali: Contemporary Challenges to Media Education in Gujarat
- ISBN 9783659592607: Shriram Gosavi: Epidemiology of Injury in Rural India
- ISBN 9783659592614: Shelley Thornton: Supporting children s mental well-being in primary schools
- ISBN 9783659592621: Konkurentosposobnost produktsii: teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspekty
- ISBN 9783659592638: Gosudarstwennoe uprawlenie zemel'nym fondom Respubliki Kazahstan
- ISBN 9783659592645: Hao Chen: Novel Liquid Sensor For Crude Oil Detection
- ISBN 9783659592652: S. Baby Gayathri P. Kamaraj: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Nano-CDHA
- ISBN 9783659592669: Chunyan He: Study of the Effect of NALT Model on Fostering Undergraduate Autonomy
- ISBN 9783659592676: Delvin Dosokey Mohammed Ibrahim: Preparation of Perovskite Catalyst for Oxidative Reactions
- ISBN 9783659592683: Anita Gharekhan: Fluorescence Spectroscopy as Tissue Diagnostics
- ISBN 9783659592690: Ramji Bogati: Towards Sustainability
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- ISBN 9783659592713: Urok zanimatel'noj gimnastiki
- ISBN 9783659592720: Haileslassie Gebremeskel: Cultivation Of Pelargonium graveolens L. In Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783659592737: Mehul Shah: Efficient Query Processing for Opportunistic Sensor Networks
- ISBN 9783659592744: Pradeep Kumar: Designing of some Data Mining Tools for BI in Indian Insurance Sector
- ISBN 9783659592751: Joyce Kiplimo Neil Koorbanally: Phytochemistry and Biological Activity of Secondary Metabolites
- ISBN 9783659592768: Jimmy Lubinga: Hard ticks help to transmit Lumpy Skin Disease virus
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- ISBN 9783659592836: Shaila Khah: Therapeutic Status in Asthma
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- ISBN 9783659592850: Ananthakrishna Pillai, Ajith: Day Care Coronary Angioplasty
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- ISBN 9783659592874: Marlene Spiteri: The Pension Time-Bomb
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- ISBN 9783659592898: Marketingovoe issledovanie mebel nogo rynka Rossii
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- ISBN 9783659592911: Marina Mastina: Mifologicheskoe myshlenie w tradicionnoj obrqdnosti mordwy
- ISBN 9783659592928: Dhruv Kumar: Amyloidogenic Proceses Of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
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- ISBN 9783659592942: Amelia G. Mociornita: Human Leukocyte Antigen-G and Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy
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- ISBN 9783659592997: Sumit Agarwal: Flaps In Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery