ISBN beginnend mit 9783659597
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659597008: Shajarul Islam Khan: Impact of smartphones/tablets on information seeking behaviour
- ISBN 3659597015: Saurav Bhandari: Total Quality Management of Tablets: Experimental Insights
- ISBN 9783659597015: Saurav Bhandari: Total Quality Management of Tablets: Experimental Insights
- ISBN 9783659597022: H. R. BharathRaj: Studies On Surface Fertigation Of Inter-Specific Hybrid Cotton
- ISBN 9783659597039: Irfan Sabir: Green Cars for Sustainable Development
- ISBN 9783659597046: Oluwabunmi Falebita: A Comparative Study of Developmental Planning Systems
- ISBN 9783659597053: Salem Abodher: Impacts of Globalisation and Education Policy in Use of ICT in Libya
- ISBN 9783659597060: Ahmed El Kenawy: Climate Variability in Northeastern Iberia
- ISBN 9783659597077: Tamara Perchyonok: Biomaterials and Radicals: Chemistry, Materials and Applications
- ISBN 9783659597084: Yousif Al Mashhadany: Classical Control Theory
- ISBN 9783659597091: Satya Dev Maurya Krishna Maurya Pavan Maurya: Efficacy of novel insecticides on major insect pests of tomato crop
- ISBN 3659597104: William Trenouth: Monitoring and Modelling of Soil Loss from Southern Ontario Basins
- ISBN 9783659597107: William Trenouth: Monitoring and Modelling of Soil Loss from Southern Ontario Basins
- ISBN 9783659597114: Gabriel Sticlaru: Projective Singular Hypersurfaces and Milnor Algebras
- ISBN 9783659597121: Alexencewa, Irina: Formirowanie cennostnyh orientacij shkol'nikow w muzeqh Boewoj slawy
- ISBN 9783659597138: B. B. Radadia: Diverity of Pisces at Madhavpur Coast, Saurashtra
- ISBN 9783659597145: Mihail Plüsnin: Ocenka resursa zhelezobetonnyh konstrukcij w uslowiqh holodnogo klimata
- ISBN 9783659597152: OMALODOR Nepriyatnyy zapakh vydykhaemogo chelovekom vozdukha
- ISBN 9783659597169: Sahar, Alexandra: Opredelenie razmera ägo-seti belorusow
- ISBN 3659597171: Sónia Miguel: Development of a novel hydrogel for skin regeneration
- ISBN 9783659597176: Sónia Miguel: Development of a novel hydrogel for skin regeneration
- ISBN 365959718X: Tiago Correia: Polymeric Nanofibers for Biomedical and Biotechnologic Applications
- ISBN 9783659597183: Tiago Correia: Polymeric Nanofibers for Biomedical and Biotechnologic Applications
- ISBN 9783659597190: Alexandr Lebedenko: Nejrogumoral'nye aspekty bronhial'noj astmy u detej
- ISBN 9783659597206: Mandeep Rathee Pala Ram: Cold storage of the parasitoid Aenasius bambawalei Hayat
- ISBN 9783659597213: Duyang Zang: Dynamics of interfaces: interfacial rheology and alloy solidification
- ISBN 9783659597220: Dina A. Ragab: Breast Cancer Detection Using Image Processing and Electromagnetics
- ISBN 9783659597237: Zhanjun Wu: Ultrasonic Guided Waves-based Structural Health Monitoring
- ISBN 3659597244: Swetlana Platonowa: Razwitie lichnosti uchenika pri realizacii pedagogiki obschej zaboty
- ISBN 9783659597244: Swetlana Platonowa: Razwitie lichnosti uchenika pri realizacii pedagogiki obschej zaboty
- ISBN 9783659597251: Sistema upravleniya sferoj uslug zdravoohraneniya
- ISBN 9783659597268: Sakunthala Yatigammana Ekanayake: Support of Mobile Phones for Science Teachers: A Focus on Pedagogy
- ISBN 9783659597275: Maloizvestnye nevzaimnye ferritovye SVCh pribory (sbornik statej)
- ISBN 9783659597282: Xianhui Che: Control Protocol for Optical Packet Switched Local Area Network
- ISBN 9783659597299: Alvin Alvin: Financial Intermediation by Banking Sector
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- ISBN 9783659597312: Muazzam A Khan Khattak: Multicast Communication in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks
- ISBN 9783659597329: Daisy Olyel Aciro: Right tool, Wrong target?
- ISBN 3659597333: Tatyana Ivanova: Ontological Modeling and Ontology Library to Facilitate e-learning
- ISBN 9783659597336: Tatyana Ivanova: Ontological Modeling and Ontology Library to Facilitate e-learning
- ISBN 9783659597343: Éva Fazakas: Novel amorphous and nanostructured Al-based alloys
- ISBN 9783659597350: Suresh Ludhwani: Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)- An Imaging Atlas
- ISBN 9783659597367: Binh Nguyen: Communicative Grammar Teaching
- ISBN 9783659597374: Alexandr Lysqk: Teoretiko-informacionnye metody prognozirowaniq wremennyh rqdow
- ISBN 9783659597381: Ercetin, Ayse Pinar: The Role of Regulatory T Cells in Multiple Myeloma
- ISBN 9783659597398: M. R. Hossen: Nonlinear Excitations in Degenerate Quantum Plasmas
- ISBN 9783659597404: Angelina Gennad'ewna: Bog, mir i chelowek w bogopoznanii Grigoriq Palamy
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- ISBN 9783659597428: Sytrime Dervisholli: Opportunities to Foreign Investment in Kosovo
- ISBN 9783659597435: Sarvesh Mainali: Entrepreneurship as a career in Nepal
- ISBN 3659597449: Monica Kansiime Kagorora: Management practices for reducing climate-induced production risks
- ISBN 9783659597442: Monica Kansiime Kagorora: Management practices for reducing climate-induced production risks
- ISBN 9783659597459: Sara Younes: Use Downflow Hanging Sponge (DHS) for Municipal Waste Water Treatment
- ISBN 9783659597466: Shravan Gadekar: Aerobiology in Disease Forecasting of Jowar
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- ISBN 9783659597480: Syed Kamran Ul Hassan Naqvi: Genetics of Hair and Skin
- ISBN 9783659597497: Gregory Dowo: Ecosystem Function of Rehabilitated Slimes Dams at Mhangura Mine
- ISBN 9783659597503: Rasprostranennost i kliniko-laboratornaya harakteristika HGV
- ISBN 9783659597527: Takin Kroop: What different types of Facebook marketing objectives are there?
- ISBN 9783659597534: Bader Kurdali: Across-Disciplinary Variations: A Systemic Functional Perspective
- ISBN 9783659597541: Wondimalem Geneti Telila: Continuous Assessment in EFL Classes
- ISBN 9783659597558: Katrina A. Charnley: The Role of Legislation in Encouraging Impact Investing
- ISBN 9783659597565: Vincent Byaruhanga: The impact of capital investments in the American Recovery Act of 2009
- ISBN 9783659597572: Jennie Jordan: The Buxton Festival Lifecycle
- ISBN 9783659597589: Wessam El-Behaidy: Structural Analysis and Modeling of Proteins
- ISBN 3659597597: Marina Slozhenikina: Dizajn-tehnologii w muzejnyh kommunikaciqh
- ISBN 9783659597596: Marina Slozhenikina: Dizajn-tehnologii w muzejnyh kommunikaciqh
- ISBN 3659597600: Maryam Masoudi: Calculation the structure and electronic properties of TaB2 using DFT
- ISBN 9783659597602: Maryam Masoudi: Calculation the structure and electronic properties of TaB2 using DFT
- ISBN 3659597619: Maxim Makarow: Primenenie instrumentariq kognitiwnogo analiza w menedzhmente
- ISBN 9783659597619: Maxim Makarow: Primenenie instrumentariq kognitiwnogo analiza w menedzhmente
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- ISBN 9783659597640: Swetlana Kupriqnowa: Prawowoj status pedagogicheskih rabotnikow
- ISBN 9783659597657: Semenowa, Tat'qna: Aktual'nye problemy fizicheskogo wospitaniq detej doshkol'nogo wozrasta
- ISBN 365959766X: Yana Mischenko: Antimonopol'noe zakonodatel'stwo Rossii i Yaponii
- ISBN 9783659597664: Yana Mischenko: Antimonopol'noe zakonodatel'stwo Rossii i Yaponii
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- ISBN 9783659597688: Jill Anne O'Sullivan: Validating Academic Training Versus Industry Training Using ERP
- ISBN 3659597694: Michael Ayertey Nanor: Introduction to Research Methods for Nurses and Midwives
- ISBN 9783659597695: Michael Ayertey Nanor: Introduction to Research Methods for Nurses and Midwives
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- ISBN 9783659597732: Gale Hagblom: Aboriginal Women and Urban Housing
- ISBN 9783659597749: Yadav, Ashish Kumar: Synthesis of Down Conversion Phosphors for Solid State Lighting
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- ISBN 9783659597800: Geokhimicheskie aspekty ekologii Kayrakumskogo vodokhranilishcha
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- ISBN 9783659597831: Salahuddin Azad: Impacts of Coal mining in Pakistan
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- ISBN 9783659597862: Shekhar Saini: Inter-satellite Optical Wireless Communication Link (ISOWC)
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- ISBN 9783659597954: Ganesh Linge: Implementation of Neural Network Based Face Recognition Using PCA
- ISBN 9783659597961: Tatʹjana Alekseevna Dolgodrova: Nemeckaja i niderlandskaja kniga XV veka
- ISBN 9783659597978: Geneticheskiy monitoring detskogo naseleniya v usloviyakh neftezagryazneniya
- ISBN 9783659597985: Onyeka Igwe: Land Instruments Registration and Title in Nigeria
- ISBN 9783659597992: Dharmpal Kerketta: Screening Of Pigeonpea [cajanus Cajan (l.) Millsp.] Varieties