ISBN beginnend mit 9783659678
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3659678007: Samira R. Mansour: Screening for Natural Products from Actinobacteria
- ISBN 9783659678004: Samira R. Mansour: Screening for Natural Products from Actinobacteria
- ISBN 9783659678028: Bala Chandran: An illustrated radiology book for medical students
- ISBN 3659678031: Oxana Lipowaq: Kommunikatiwnaq kompetentnost' w professional'noj sfere
- ISBN 9783659678035: Oxana Lipowaq: Kommunikatiwnaq kompetentnost' w professional'noj sfere
- ISBN 9783659678042: Ermoshkin, Vladimir: Nowoe znanie ob aritmii, fibrillqcii i defibrillqcii serdca
- ISBN 9783659678059: Mohram Hussain Yari: Iranigak, Insult or Identity?
- ISBN 9783659678066: Filloreta Kunoviku Demiri: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Innovation Policy
- ISBN 3659678074: Anastasiq Vladimirowna Gawrilowa: Formirowanie detskoj obschnosti w doshkol'nom obrazowatel'nom uchrezhdenii
- ISBN 9783659678073: Anastasiq Vladimirowna Gawrilowa: Formirowanie detskoj obschnosti w doshkol'nom obrazowatel'nom uchrezhdenii
- ISBN 3659678082: Elena Dawydowna Braun: Dzhentri w äpohu Vojn Roz
- ISBN 9783659678080: Elena Dawydowna Braun: Dzhentri w äpohu Vojn Roz
- ISBN 9783659678103: Ateteallah Hassan: Heavy metal levels in milk and rural dairy products
- ISBN 3659678112: Rashna Devi: Three Different Colored & Scented Rice Variety of North-East India
- ISBN 9783659678110: Rashna Devi: Three Different Colored & Scented Rice Variety of North-East India
- ISBN 9783659678127: Joy Anogwih: Integrated mosquito larval control with guppy fish and larvicides
- ISBN 3659678139: Olimova Mohidil: THE POETICS OF THE NAME
- ISBN 9783659678134: Olimova Mohidil: THE POETICS OF THE NAME
- ISBN 9783659678141: Lois A. Cox: Constructivism Examined in Collaborative Mobile Learning
- ISBN 9783659678158: Hanieh Borhan Azad: Techno Economic Analysis of Stand-Alone Hybrid Renewable Energy System
- ISBN 9783659678165: Malwika Sisodia: Endodontic Microflora -Review
- ISBN 9783659678172: Hajati, Hooman: Iranian free trade zones dot the New Silk Road landscape
- ISBN 9783659678189: Riddhi Patel: TCP- Antioxidant Activity Evaluation of Some Indian Plant extracts
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- ISBN 9783659678196: Iwan Anikeew: Vliqnie social'no-psihologicheskoj zrelosti uchebnoj gruppy
- ISBN 3659678201: Jyotika Sharma: Microscopes in Endodontics
- ISBN 9783659678202: Jyotika Sharma: Microscopes in Endodontics
- ISBN 9783659678219: Problemy organizatsii i provedeniya zabastovki v Respublike Armeniya
- ISBN 9783659678226: Anis ur Rehman: Effective Project Management In India
- ISBN 9783659678233: Piyush Patel: Protective effect of vitamin E against acrylamide induced toxicity
- ISBN 9783659678240: Sunil Gaikwad: Fatigue Analysis of a Helical Compression Spring
- ISBN 9783659678257: Hirut Dawit Gebretsadik: Representation of Sub-Saharan Africa in the Swedish media
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- ISBN 9783659678264: Anas Al-Dweikat: The Word Stress of Najdi Arabic: An Optimality-Theoretic Analysis
- ISBN 3659678279: Juliq Matenowa: Polikul'turnaq problematika wo francuzskoj literature
- ISBN 3659678287: Saba Khalid: Linking market knowledge competence to the speed and success of export
- ISBN 9783659678288: Saba Khalid: Linking market knowledge competence to the speed and success of export
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- ISBN 9783659678318: Kirtiraj K. Gaikwad: Additives In Food Processing Industries
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- ISBN 9783659678325: Alexej Tarasow: Prowodnikowaq anesteziq w hirurgii nizhnih konechnostej
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- ISBN 9783659678387: P esy E.Popovoy v kontekste russkoy dramy kontsa KhKh-nachala KhKhI vv.
- ISBN 9783659678394: Tat'qna Vahrushewa: Obschaq patologicheskaq anatomiq
- ISBN 3659678406: Diogo Morgado: Smart Solar Grid
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- ISBN 9783659678417: Komp ueternye tehnologii uprawleniq informacionnymi resursami biznesa
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- ISBN 9783659678424: Ralf Matthias Dyllick-Brenzinger: Energy Strategy Formation in the Middle East and North Africa
- ISBN 9783659678431: Samundiswary Punniakodi: Trust Based Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Network
- ISBN 3659678449: Vladimir Klimuk: Tendencii ustojchiwogo razwitiq regional'noj äkonomiki
- ISBN 9783659678448: Vladimir Klimuk: Tendencii ustojchiwogo razwitiq regional'noj äkonomiki
- ISBN 9783659678455: Virginia Castro: A Second Chance In Life
- ISBN 9783659678462: Anastasiq Podskrebalina: Frazeologizmy s soüzom AND
- ISBN 9783659678479: Sistemy avtomatizatsii na baze programmiruemykh kontrollerov
- ISBN 9783659678486: Bülent Ekici: Comparison of Fiber Reinforced Gypsum and Polyurethane Materials
- ISBN 9783659678493: Weisi, Hiwa: Language Endangerment among Kurdish Speakers in Iran
- ISBN 9783659678509: Andrii Antonov: Tracking down European Markets
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- ISBN 9783659678523: Mohammed Nazief: Behaviour Of Masonry Infill Walls With And Without Openings
- ISBN 9783659678530: Michell Hogeveen: Towards Value Increase in Urban Regeneration
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- ISBN 9783659678592: Sanjeev Kumar: Genetic studies in okra
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- ISBN 9783659678639: Jerina Podo: The Effect of Migration on Inequality: Case of Albania
- ISBN 9783659678646: Herbert Orang'o: Markov Transition Matrices For Cohorts Of Students (JKUAT)
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- ISBN 9783659678660: Babkin, Vladimir: Kniga IV Bassejny Obi, Eniseq i Leny | Vladimir Babkin | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Russisch | 2016 | LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing | EAN 9783659678660
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- ISBN 9783659678691: Sandra Callister: A cord of three strands is not easily broken
- ISBN 9783659678707: Rafaqat Khan Muhammad Iqbal: Metals doped W-type hexaferrite nanoparticles
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- ISBN 9783659678875: Viktor Borisov: The methods of the synthesis of finite element model of the wing box
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- ISBN 9783659678899: Pedagogicheskoe vzaimodejstvie: sub#ekt-sub#ektnyj podhod
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- ISBN 9783659678929: Adetutu Abiose Oyelami: The Effect of L-Proline on Two Recombinant Ampa Glutamate Receptors
- ISBN 9783659678936: Formirowanie u studentow cennostnyh orientacij w uslowiqh turpohoda
- ISBN 9783659678943: Zhanna Shmelewa: Social'no-filosofskij analiz äwolücii problemy qzyka
- ISBN 9783659678950: Irina Mizgirewa: Ocenka sostoqniq urbofitocenozow parkow i lesoparkow g.Ekaterinburg
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- ISBN 9783659678981: Vliyanie neopredelennosti na jeffektivnost innovacionnogo proekta
- ISBN 3659678996: Esther Oluwafunmilayo Omodanisi-Makinde: Geospatial Assessment of the Effect of Oil Spill on Vegetation
- ISBN 9783659678998: Esther Oluwafunmilayo Omodanisi-Makinde: Geospatial Assessment of the Effect of Oil Spill on Vegetation