ISBN beginnend mit 9783659711
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659711008: Mamta Chawla: Service Quality Perspectives in Higher Education Marketing in India
- ISBN 9783659711015: Shivakumar Gunda Shamitha Gangupantula: A comparative study of Outdoor and Indoor rearing of Antheraea mylitta
- ISBN 3659711020: Ekaterina Busygina: Vqch. Iwanow - mätr molodyh peterburgskih literatorow w 1900-e gody
- ISBN 9783659711022: Ekaterina Busygina: Vqch. Iwanow - mätr molodyh peterburgskih literatorow w 1900-e gody
- ISBN 3659711039: Akifa Tehseen: Reasons of Core Borrowing from English to Urdu in Pakistan
- ISBN 9783659711039: Akifa Tehseen: Reasons of Core Borrowing from English to Urdu in Pakistan
- ISBN 9783659711046: Upravlencheskij kontrol : instrumenty i resheniya
- ISBN 3659711055: Ramesh Kumar Ahirwar: Ecological Diversity of Indian Traditional Ethnomedicine
- ISBN 9783659711053: Ramesh Kumar Ahirwar: Ecological Diversity of Indian Traditional Ethnomedicine
- ISBN 9783659711060: Simone Mathis: Embracing The "New" Social In Fashion
- ISBN 3659711071: Nina Supartika: Factors Affecting Profitability of Small Medium Enterprises
- ISBN 9783659711077: Nina Supartika: Factors Affecting Profitability of Small Medium Enterprises
- ISBN 9783659711084: Oleg Ryzhikov: Using NI`s LabVIEW and NI ELVIS for research on nanomaterials
- ISBN 9783659711091: Obuchenie chteniju, annotirovaniju i referirovaniju nauchnoj literatury
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- ISBN 9783659711114: Iniciaciya i razvitie insajtnoj strategii myshleniya
- ISBN 9783659711121: Sergeev-Censkij.Vetra liholet ya-ne izmeniv sebe.Dilogiya Preobrazhenie
- ISBN 9783659711138: Chiranjib Mandal: Al toxicity in Salvinia plants and it's polyamine mediated tolerance
- ISBN 9783659711145: Poornima Naik: Design & Development of Human Resource Management System using J2EE
- ISBN 3659711152: Mahboubeh Rahmanian Hossein Abadi: Revisiting Involvement load hypothesis and vocabulary learning
- ISBN 9783659711152: Mahboubeh Rahmanian Hossein Abadi: Revisiting Involvement load hypothesis and vocabulary learning
- ISBN 9783659711169: Obuchenie inostrannym yazykam v polijetnicheskom prostranstve
- ISBN 9783659711176: Gedam Kamalakar: Water Harvesting and Its Impact on Ecology in 20th C. Telangana
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- ISBN 9783659711183: Mahmoud Allathkani: Attitudes and Perceptions toward the Use of Mobile Learning in Jordan
- ISBN 3659711195: Hamed Soltani: Rollover Simulation, Validation, and Control Using Dynamic Models
- ISBN 9783659711190: Hamed Soltani: Rollover Simulation, Validation, and Control Using Dynamic Models
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- ISBN 3659711217: Ashok Kumar Chadha: Common Human Diseases
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- ISBN 9783659711220: Sergey Dolya: Some Features of Electromagnetic Location
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- ISBN 9783659711404: Bahy Ahmed Ali: Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Its Vertical Transmission
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- ISBN 9783659711411: Yahaya Abbas Aliyu: Geostatical Analysis of Pollutant Gases Across Urban Zaria, Nigeria
- ISBN 9783659711428: Samuel Yaw Lissah: Implementing Global Environmental Policy at the Local Level
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- ISBN 9783659711435: Giovanni Alcocer: X Rays Diffraction: Theory and Experiment
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- ISBN 9783659711909: Kalagadda Bikshalu: Synthesis,Characterization of high k materials, Device Characteristics
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- ISBN 9783659711923: Olteanu, Cristian Octav: Applied analysis and functional analysis
- ISBN 9783659711930: Tomás Ribeiro Alves: Assessing the Relative Performance of Online Advertising Media
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- ISBN 9783659711992: Nazia Parveen: Quality Of Life Of Homeless Women Living In Edhi Home; Pakistan