ISBN beginnend mit 9783659713
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3659713007: Atanda Sambo: Management of Records in Librarians Registration Council of Nigeria
- ISBN 9783659713002: Atanda Sambo: Management of Records in Librarians Registration Council of Nigeria
- ISBN 3659713015: Sachia Victor Gwajime: Digital Campaigns
- ISBN 9783659713019: Sachia Victor Gwajime: Digital Campaigns
- ISBN 3659713023: Bansee Devani: Computer Aided Design of Naturally Ventilated Greenhouse
- ISBN 9783659713026: Bansee Devani: Computer Aided Design of Naturally Ventilated Greenhouse
- ISBN 9783659713033: Hana Al-Bannay: Health Communication Experiences of an Arab Community in Canada
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- ISBN 9783659713040: Ivana Zofkova: Actual Insights into Endocrine and Genetic Aspects of the Skeleton
- ISBN 9783659713057: Hanashi, Abdalla Musbah Omar: Enhanced Probabilistic Broadcasting Scheme for Routing in MANETs
- ISBN 3659713066: Jacqueline Makena: Nonlinear H¿ Guidance Design for Missile via Galerkin Approximation
- ISBN 9783659713064: Jacqueline Makena: Nonlinear H¿ Guidance Design for Missile via Galerkin Approximation
- ISBN 9783659713071: Kakde, Rajendra: Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology / Based on UGC Curriculum and Revised Syllabi of all Indian Universities
- ISBN 9783659713088: Jestetika filosofii istorii
- ISBN 9783659713095: Solomon Akaraka Owerre: Studies of Macroscopic Quantum Tunnelling of Spins
- ISBN 3659713112: Aline dos Santos Neutzling: Herd Development and Productivity Indicators of Goat Herds in Oman
- ISBN 9783659713118: Aline dos Santos Neutzling: Herd Development and Productivity Indicators of Goat Herds in Oman
- ISBN 3659713120: Fahimeh Kaviani: Translation Quality Assessment
- ISBN 9783659713125: Fahimeh Kaviani: Translation Quality Assessment
- ISBN 3659713139: Ayele Behaylu: Terrain Analysis and Land Use Planning
- ISBN 9783659713132: Ayele Behaylu: Terrain Analysis and Land Use Planning
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- ISBN 9783659713156: Alain Escarra: New Model of Instrumental Competence
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- ISBN 9783659713187: Isaac Tandoh: Impact of Sales Promotions on The Performance of Auto-Mobile Industry
- ISBN 9783659713194: Ahmed Rafiq Tofiq AL-Bajalan: Planning UBD in Hroizontal Well to Minimise Formation Damage
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- ISBN 9783659713200: Pötr Potapow: Modelirowanie fraktal'noj struktury swarnogo soedineniq
- ISBN 9783659713217: Diana Gusarowa: Vliqnie metoda kapel'nogo orosheniq na rost i urozhajnost' kartofelq
- ISBN 3659713228: Melkam Negussie Wendemagegnehu: Involvement of Courts in Arbitration Proceedings under Ethiopian Law
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- ISBN 9783659713231: Musiiwa, Petty: The Effectiveness of Guidance and Counselling in Zimbabwean schools / Petty Musiiwa / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 140 S. / Englisch / 2015 / LAP Lambert Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659713231
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- ISBN 9783659713262: Najabat Ali: Cement Industry of Pakistan
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- ISBN 9783659713279: Catrina Dupard-Julien: Analytical Methods for Determination of Electrophilic Intermediates
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- ISBN 9783659713309: Ashwani Kumar Sharma: Bhoonda- ¿The Cosmic or Golden Egg¿
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- ISBN 9783659713347: Simon Karume: Sustainable Computing Model to Manage E-Waste from Low-Cost Computers
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- ISBN 9783659713354: Kateryna Orekhova: Instrumentary for providing financial security of enterprise
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- ISBN 9783659713361: Seongho Baek: Penetration of Current due to a Wind Forced River Plume
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- ISBN 9783659713392: Martin Pradny: Macroporous Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering
- ISBN 9783659713408: Owiko, Cleophas: Factors contributing to poor performance in mathematics at KCPE- Kenya / The study among standard eight pupils in primary schools for learners with hearing-impairment in Nyanza province,Kenya
- ISBN 9783659713415: Ravindra Korake: Genetic Evaluation of Regional Buffalo
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- ISBN 9783659713422: Patrick Alfred Waluchio Ongwen: Building Accountability and Legitimacy in South Sudan
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- ISBN 9783659713460: Nilay Duman: Dysplastic Nevi and Cutaneous Melanoma
- ISBN 9783659713477: Dialog kul tur i literaturnoe obrazovanie uchashhihsya
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- ISBN 9783659713484: Ojbek Ortikow: Optimizaciq natqzheniq nitej na tkackih stankah s mikroprokladchikami
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- ISBN 9783659713910: N. S. Murti Sarma: Techniques to address Last Stage Leakage Recovery and Dynamic IR Drop
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- ISBN 9783659713934: Danilo Tilloca: Advanced pricing of loans using the risk-neutral approach
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- ISBN 9783659713972: Basanta Kumar Jena: India-Asean Relations
- ISBN 9783659713989: Yasin Gocgun: Beam Search Techniques for Mixed Model Assembly Line Sequencing
- ISBN 3659713996: Zelia Missagia: Composites Reinforced by Sawdust, Cement and Magnesium Silicate