ISBN beginnend mit 9783659716
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3659716006: Hardi Pavasiya: Vertical Garden: Future Prespective to Save Environment
- ISBN 9783659716003: Hardi Pavasiya: Vertical Garden: Future Prespective to Save Environment
- ISBN 3659716014: Lübow' Antonowna Fedotowa: Diagnostika i korrekciq rechewyh narushenij u detej
- ISBN 9783659716010: Lübow' Antonowna Fedotowa: Diagnostika i korrekciq rechewyh narushenij u detej
- ISBN 9783659716027: Faouzi Sediri: Nanostructured Vanadium Oxides
- ISBN 9783659716034: Zhao, Linlin: Information integration of traditional Chinese sports
- ISBN 3659716049: Ana Kleiner: The Required Coefficient of Friction in Normal and Pathological Gait
- ISBN 9783659716041: Ana Kleiner: The Required Coefficient of Friction in Normal and Pathological Gait
- ISBN 9783659716058: Osobennosti samosoznaniya umstvenno otstalyh shkol nikov
- ISBN 3659716065: Cinjel Nandes Dickson: Education Policies and Educational Problems in Nigeria
- ISBN 9783659716072: Palkin, Vadim: Zhizn' w mire knig
- ISBN 9783659716089: Markelow, Vladimir: Geoinformatika i logistika
- ISBN 9783659716096: Sistema formirovaniya vospitatel noj sredy tehnikuma
- ISBN 3659716103: Sebastian Amiebenomo: Development of a Generic Fault Checklist for Diesel Generator
- ISBN 9783659716102: Sebastian Amiebenomo: Development of a Generic Fault Checklist for Diesel Generator
- ISBN 9783659716119: Siddique, Maryam: Irradiation As Quarantine Treatment Of Apple For Export Requirements / Irradiation as commercial potential of apples for export requirements
- ISBN 9783659716126: Stohlberg, Darrin: Creativity through Improvisation for Strings
- ISBN 9783659716133: Vqcheslaw Zaharow: Sposoby snizheniq postupleniq tqzhölyh metallow w plody qbloni
- ISBN 3659716146: Shamsodin Taheri: Dynamic Modeling of Arc Discharge on Ice-covered Insulators
- ISBN 9783659716140: Shamsodin Taheri: Dynamic Modeling of Arc Discharge on Ice-covered Insulators
- ISBN 9783659716157: D Kishore Babu: Formulizing Co-Clusters &Selection Methods Based On SVD in Data Mining
- ISBN 3659716162: Ol'ga Vladimirowna Gacenko: Osnowy razrabotki CRM tehnologij w industrii gostepriimstwa
- ISBN 9783659716164: Ol'ga Vladimirowna Gacenko: Osnowy razrabotki CRM tehnologij w industrii gostepriimstwa
- ISBN 3659716170: Martha Barcenas-Mooradian: Indigenous Literatures in Educational Practice: A Case Study
- ISBN 9783659716171: Martha Barcenas-Mooradian: Indigenous Literatures in Educational Practice: A Case Study
- ISBN 9783659716188: Kalabanow, Vladimir: Teoriq dural'no-myshechno-wenozno-limfaticheskoj pompy pozwonochnika / Gipoteza i eö äxperimental'noe podtwerzhdenie
- ISBN 9783659716195: Li Yan: Calculating Results on Chemical Mathematics and Molecular Sciences
- ISBN 9783659716201: Verma, Ved Prakash: Synthesis and Antimalarial Assessment of Novel Organic Peroxides
- ISBN 9783659716218: Basanta Gelal: Iodine Deficiency among Primary School Children of Eastern Nepal
- ISBN 9783659716225: LaTrina Frazier: How Spiritual Values Correlate With Hospice Use for African Americans
- ISBN 9783659716232: Dinara Kenessary Daniyar Syzdykov: General hygiene
- ISBN 3659716243: Rahul S. Halkai: Root Cementum Invasion and Adhesion by Enterococcus Faecalis
- ISBN 9783659716249: Rahul S. Halkai: Root Cementum Invasion and Adhesion by Enterococcus Faecalis
- ISBN 9783659716256: Banerjee, Shivaji: Personality Types and Stress Propensities of College Teachers / An Empirical Investigation in Kolkata District of West Bengal
- ISBN 9783659716263: Hymavathi Kongara: Reproductive Health Status of Adolescent Girls
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- ISBN 9783659716270: Gifty Oommen: Media and Privacy-opposing sides of the same coin
- ISBN 3659716286: João Casaca: Bayesian analysis: general framework
- ISBN 9783659716287: João Casaca: Bayesian analysis: general framework
- ISBN 3659716294: Kenneth Feldmeier: Neoliberal Ideology and Rural Changes in Mexico
- ISBN 9783659716294: Kenneth Feldmeier: Neoliberal Ideology and Rural Changes in Mexico
- ISBN 3659716308: Aisha Alkhairy: The Potential Cytotoxicity of Polyoxometalates & Quantum Dots
- ISBN 9783659716300: Aisha Alkhairy: The Potential Cytotoxicity of Polyoxometalates & Quantum Dots
- ISBN 9783659716317: Dibyajyoti Hazarika: Fuzzy Regions with Holes, their Relations and application
- ISBN 9783659716324: Sistematizaciya zakonodatel stva Tadzhikistana: teoriya i praktika
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- ISBN 9783659716348: Yimer, Abiyot: Informal Institutions as risk coping strategies / Labor sharing in rural Ethiopia
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- ISBN 9783659716355: Mehdi Tavallaei: Meaning and Essence of Divorce from Addict's Perspective
- ISBN 9783659716362: Kasaye, Alemayehu: Land Use Land Cover Change and Its Impact on erosion and runoff
- ISBN 9783659716379: Rakesh Kumar: A study on impact of MGNREGA in Mahendragarh district, Haryana (INDIA)
- ISBN 9783659716386: Gatore, Esperance Marie Chantal: Peace Building in Divided Societies
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- ISBN 9783659716430: Gopikrishnan, Duraisamy: Sexing of in vitro produced buffalo embryos based on cleavage rates / Sexing of preimplantation buffalo embryos based on early cleavage rates by PCR
- ISBN 9783659716447: Pechatnye SMI Buryatii
- ISBN 9783659716454: Perspektivy mezhdunarodnogo turizma v Primorskom Krae
- ISBN 9783659716461: Lalitha Thambidurai: Open Source Systems
- ISBN 3659716472: Shubhendra Khandewale: Local Anesthesia in Pediatric Dentistry
- ISBN 9783659716478: Shubhendra Khandewale: Local Anesthesia in Pediatric Dentistry
- ISBN 9783659716485: Thakur, Vishal: Study of Physical Fitness Components of Players from Himachal Pradesh
- ISBN 9783659716492: Manish Kumar: Learning and Teaching of Communicative Skills
- ISBN 9783659716508: Smekal, David: Podcasting as a new part of the marketing communication mix / Focused on the Czech Republic and Germany
- ISBN 9783659716515: Qi Cheng: Studies on the last enzymes in Bchl and Chl biosynthesis
- ISBN 3659716529: Ahmet Durmu¿: A Survey on Information Security Awareness in Turkey
- ISBN 9783659716522: Ahmet Durmu¿: A Survey on Information Security Awareness in Turkey
- ISBN 9783659716539: Syaima' Adznan: Corporate Governance and Financial Instruments Dislcoure Practices
- ISBN 9783659716546: Igor' Ionow: Kriterii i metody kontrolq metabolizma w organizme zhiwotnyh i ptic
- ISBN 9783659716553: Anderson Silva: On Testing Genetic Covariance
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- ISBN 9783659716560: Ebtesam Mo'awad: Occupational health hazards of Pesticides use among Egyptian farmers
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- ISBN 9783659716607: Hesbon Opiyo Andala: A Study of the Relationship Between Performance in Mock Examinations
- ISBN 9783659716614: Rodrigues Filho Silvio, Adu-Gyamfi Yaw O., Adarkwa Offei A.: Airport Asphalt Pavement Profile Analysis
- ISBN 9783659716621: Fernando Gameleira: Relations between epileptic seizures and headaches
- ISBN 9783659716638: Dinara Nauryzbekowa: Mezhdunarodnye transportnye koridory na territorii Respubliki Kazahstan
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- ISBN 9783659716645: Ali Jalaukhan: Microstructure and Optoelectronics Characterizations of GaxSb1-x/GaAs
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- ISBN 9783659716669: Hamidow Vahid Sabirowich: Metody i modeli web orientirowannyh adaptiwnyh obuchaüschih sistem
- ISBN 3659716677: Christine Apondi: KAP study on Epidural Labor Analgesia at Kenyatta National Hospital
- ISBN 9783659716676: Christine Apondi: KAP study on Epidural Labor Analgesia at Kenyatta National Hospital
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- ISBN 9783659716706: Jurij Fedorowich Katorin: Bronenoscy flotow Juzhnoj Ameriki
- ISBN 9783659716713: Jovan Bojkovski: Biosecurity on Pig Farms
- ISBN 3659716723: Sergej Awerin: Indijskie wojska w Sewernoj Afrike maj 1942-maj 1943
- ISBN 9783659716720: Sergej Awerin: Indijskie wojska w Sewernoj Afrike maj 1942-maj 1943
- ISBN 9783659716737: Mauricio Mora: Technological Progress Toward coherent development: The Case of Chile
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- ISBN 9783659716782: Mutlaq Alotaibi: Security Aspects for VoIP Systems
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- ISBN 9783659716850: Sumera Javad: Comparison of extraction methods for an anticancer drug, Vinblastine
- ISBN 9783659716867: Ali Mohammed Yimer: Synthesis and antimicrobial studies of complexes
- ISBN 3659716871: Saima Jabeen: Document analysis by means of data mining techniques
- ISBN 9783659716874: Saima Jabeen: Document analysis by means of data mining techniques
- ISBN 9783659716881: Shantappa Tirakannanavar: Seed Production Technology of Bitter gourd
- ISBN 9783659716898: Nadezhda Viktorowna Solodownikowa: Jetnokul'turnye processy w sowremennoj Rossii
- ISBN 9783659716904: Peter Mutua Mutia: Factors Influencing Productivity Levels among Extension Officers
- ISBN 9783659716911: Jin-ichi Ito: Cholesterol Homeostasis and Disorders in Brain
- ISBN 3659716928: Ezekiel Ndunda: Wastewater reuse in urban and peri-urban irrigation
- ISBN 9783659716928: Ezekiel Ndunda: Wastewater reuse in urban and peri-urban irrigation
- ISBN 9783659716935: Azeb Abtew: Practice and Interventions of Infant and Young Child Feeding, Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783659716942: Acs Azim: Implication of Financial Information in Financial Decisions in Firms
- ISBN 9783659716959: Identifikaciya belkovyh markerov gepatita S na poverhnosti ASM-chipov
- ISBN 9783659716966: Benson Kanyi: Adoption of Improved Eucalyptus by small-scale tree growers in Kenya
- ISBN 9783659716973: Victoria Cupet: Oracle Data Mining and the implementation of Support Vector Machine
- ISBN 9783659716980: Xeniq Kalugina: Zhanrowo-stilewye modifikacii w perewodnyh sonetah Valeriq Pereleshina
- ISBN 9783659716997: Omarine Nlinwe, Nfor: Effects of Malaria Parasitaemia on Iron Status in Pregnant Women