ISBN beginnend mit 9783659755
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659755002: Adnan Abbas: Identification of Bacillus producing thermotolerant hydrolases
- ISBN 365975501X: Vladimir Kushnir: Transformaciq, udary i razrushenie morskih woln w pribrezhnoj zone
- ISBN 9783659755019: Vladimir Kushnir: Transformaciq, udary i razrushenie morskih woln w pribrezhnoj zone
- ISBN 3659755028: Shahriar Ansari Chaharsoughi: Islamic banking and its role in customer loyalty and Satisfaction
- ISBN 9783659755026: Shahriar Ansari Chaharsoughi: Islamic banking and its role in customer loyalty and Satisfaction
- ISBN 3659755036: Ferenc Ihasz: HR Responses to PE Classes
- ISBN 9783659755033: Ferenc Ihasz: HR Responses to PE Classes
- ISBN 3659755044: Beatrice Muthanga: Determinants of CD-ROMs use in Academic Libraries
- ISBN 9783659755040: Beatrice Muthanga: Determinants of CD-ROMs use in Academic Libraries
- ISBN 3659755052: Mashael Al-Omany: Detection of SMS Spam Botnets in Mobile Devices
- ISBN 9783659755057: Mashael Al-Omany: Detection of SMS Spam Botnets in Mobile Devices
- ISBN 3659755060: Carolyn Kandusi: Society and Culture: Limits to Maasai Women
- ISBN 9783659755071: Manipulqciq massowym soznaniem na telewidenii
- ISBN 3659755087: Constantin Borcia: Some assumptions unconventional
- ISBN 9783659755088: Constantin Borcia: Some assumptions unconventional
- ISBN 9783659755095: Marina Ushakowa: Intellektual'no-tworcheskie kompetencii mladshih shkol'nikow
- ISBN 9783659755101: Shahmandi, Elham: Competencies, Roles and Effective Leadership Styles
- ISBN 3659755117: Leonid Verozub: Space-time relativity and gravitation
- ISBN 9783659755118: Leonid Verozub: Space-time relativity and gravitation
- ISBN 9783659755125: Supriya Mitra Majumdar: EU GDPR : Ramification to Data Privacy Principles
- ISBN 3659755133: Roland Lami: Identity of Political Parties in Albania
- ISBN 9783659755132: Roland Lami: Identity of Political Parties in Albania
- ISBN 9783659755149: Osama Mohamad Darwesh: Bacterial Degradation of Textile Dyes Residues
- ISBN 9783659755156: Vychislenie chisla pi s ispol zovaniem mnogoprocessornyh komplexov
- ISBN 9783659755163: Av¿ar Ayd¿n, Emine: Perturbation Method in the Diffraction Problem / Almost Grazing Incident Plane Wave
- ISBN 9783659755170: Yitagesu Zewdu: The Effect of Institutional Quality on Economic Growth in Some Selecte
- ISBN 9783659755187: El-Housseiny, Azza A.: Child Dental Fear Rating / Analysis of the child and parent characteristics
- ISBN 3659755192: Angela Quirino: Ochrobactrum anthropi
- ISBN 9783659755194: Angela Quirino: Ochrobactrum anthropi
- ISBN 9783659755200: Joyce Okayo: Culture, Women and HIV and AIDS
- ISBN 3659755214: Abdullah Alhatami: Genotypic characterization of multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica
- ISBN 9783659755217: Abdullah Alhatami: Genotypic characterization of multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica
- ISBN 9783659755224: Alkrarha, Osama: Design And Evaluation Of Mutation Operators For The AsmetaL Language / MuAsmetaL
- ISBN 9783659755231: Tekle, Dejen Yemane: Determinants of Latrine Utilization in the Rural Communities
- ISBN 9783659755248: Informacionnye tehnologii v obrazovanii
- ISBN 9783659755255: Khadija Shahid: Organosilicon and Organotin Derivatives
- ISBN 3659755265: Fouad Soliman: Artificial Intelligence for Solar Energy Optimal Generation
- ISBN 9783659755262: Fouad Soliman: Artificial Intelligence for Solar Energy Optimal Generation
- ISBN 3659755273: Bhaskar Behera: Tropical Tasar Cocoons of Antheraea mylitta D. and Antheraea paphia L.
- ISBN 9783659755279: Bhaskar Behera: Tropical Tasar Cocoons of Antheraea mylitta D. and Antheraea paphia L.
- ISBN 9783659755286: Sumit Bhardwaj: Service Level Agreement aware SaaS Placement in Cloud
- ISBN 365975529X: Zolina Kristina: Nalogowaq politika gosudarstwa
- ISBN 9783659755293: Zolina Kristina: Nalogowaq politika gosudarstwa
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- ISBN 9783659755316: Esra Sipahi: Accountability & Transparency in Corporate Governance
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- ISBN 9783659755323: Gheorghe Manolache: Intercultural Exchanges in the Age of Globalization
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- ISBN 9783659755354: Chiarelli, Roberto: Marine Invertebrates as Bioindicators of Heavy Metal Pollution
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- ISBN 9783659755422: K. Vijayakumar: Service Quality Measurement of Mobile Phone Service Providers: A Study
- ISBN 3659755435: Petra Kratinova: Sustainable Development in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- ISBN 9783659755439: Petra Kratinova: Sustainable Development in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- ISBN 9783659755446: Nitu Mehta: Advanced Ranked Set Sampling Theory with Auxiliary Information
- ISBN 9783659755453: Kalagadda Bikshalu: Smart LCD Notice Board
- ISBN 9783659755460: Nikolaj Dmitrievich Dubinin: Mezhdunarodnaya sertifikaciya medicinskih organizacij. Ocenka zatrat
- ISBN 9783659755477: Tom Doyle: World Society Theory and Change in Irish Higher Education (1960 -2010)
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- ISBN 9783659755484: Roaa Ali Muhammed Ali: Fetuin-A in Preeclampsia
- ISBN 9783659755491: Attlee, Zelalem: Polygonal Prostitution in Urban Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783659755507: Rania Jammazi: New approaches for risk management in fixed income and stock markets
- ISBN 9783659755514: Bhat, Sabzar Ahmad: Enhancement in Bandwidth of Microstrip Antennas Using EBG Structures / Sabzar Ahmad Bhat (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 76 S. / Englisch / 2015 / LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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- ISBN 9783659755569: Hoda Abdelsalam: A Programmable Receiver for Multi-Band Multi-Standard Applications
- ISBN 9783659755576: Rico B. Maghuyop: Annotated Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations from 1982-2012
- ISBN 9783659755583: Yue, Wang: The Development of Theme Hotels in China / Hotel Environment and Customer Expectations
- ISBN 9783659755590: Sergej Kaplin: Perspektiwy ispytanij zheleznodorozhnogo puti na ispytatel'nom poligone
- ISBN 9783659755606: Sakthisudhan Karuppanan: Certain Survey on Microwave Imaging for Breast Cancer Diagnosis System
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- ISBN 9783659755613: Molla Deribie Negash: Impact of Akaki Small-scale Irrigation Scheme on Ho/hold Food Security
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- ISBN 9783659755637: Baig, Rizwan Rabbani: Study the Use of Food Supplements in School Going Children / Community Health, Food and Nutrition with statistical Working
- ISBN 9783659755644: Iwanowa, Ol'ga: Indiwidual'nyj stil' deqtel'nosti uchitelq kak faktor formirowaniq UUD / u mladshih shkol'nikow
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- ISBN 9783659755651: Mohamed Tom Eltayb: Manual Approach towards Quasi Finality Scientific Research Papers
- ISBN 9783659755668: Velaga Sarath Babu: Improvement of Black Cotton Soil Properties using By-products and Lime
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- ISBN 9783659755774: Ayush Jain: Temporomandibular joint and its relevance to orthodontics
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- ISBN 9783659755798: Alok Pratap Singh: Effect of Grains Diet on Microbial Protein & Milk Production in Cows
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- ISBN 9783659755835: Anastasios G. Karamanos: An Alliance Network View of Stock Market Responses to Alliances
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- ISBN 9783659755866: Shweta S. Ganvir: Response of Hirsutum Cotton to High Density Planting System
- ISBN 9783659755873: Victor Neves: Small is More
- ISBN 9783659755880: Yazykovaya kartina mira v proizvedeniyah Jemili Dikinson
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- ISBN 3659755907: Hassan Yahaya: Co-Infection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and Systemic Mycotic Agents
- ISBN 9783659755903: Hassan Yahaya: Co-Infection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and Systemic Mycotic Agents
- ISBN 9783659755910: Badmus Ademola Mudashiru: Derivation of block LMM methods for the direct solution of Higher ODEs
- ISBN 9783659755927: Shubham Saxena: Laser Additive Manufacturing (LAM) of Micro Channel Heat Exchangers
- ISBN 9783659755934: Sarnou, Dallel: Re-locating Anglophone Arab Women Narratives: A Critical Guide
- ISBN 365975594X: Vikas Bhushan: Linked Data: Legacy Data Discovery in Semantic Web Era
- ISBN 9783659755941: Vikas Bhushan: Linked Data: Legacy Data Discovery in Semantic Web Era
- ISBN 3659755958: Hafiza Amna Nisar: Efficacy of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles to Abduct Methylene Blue Dye
- ISBN 9783659755958: Hafiza Amna Nisar: Efficacy of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles to Abduct Methylene Blue Dye
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- ISBN 9783659755972: Anne Nwanyieze Okwudire: Perceptions and Treatments of Persons with Disabilities Among the Igbo
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- ISBN 9783659755989: Loubna Youssef: The Evolution Of Wordsworth¿s Prelude: The Growth Of A Modern Epic
- ISBN 9783659755996: Ekta Sawriya: Contrast Radiography in Head & Neck Imaging