ISBN beginnend mit 9783659756
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659756009: Rajawat, Deepika: Preschooling / Infrastructure, Process and Practices
- ISBN 9783659756023: Trudnosti perevoda anekdota kak osobogo tipa texta
- ISBN 3659756032: Anna Kosowa: Preäklampsiq: sowremennye podhody k prognozirowaniü i profilaktike
- ISBN 9783659756030: Anna Kosowa: Preäklampsiq: sowremennye podhody k prognozirowaniü i profilaktike
- ISBN 3659756040: Natal'q Dronowa: Psihologizm A. Grina. "Beguschaq po wolnam"
- ISBN 9783659756047: Natal'q Dronowa: Psihologizm A. Grina. "Beguschaq po wolnam"
- ISBN 3659756059: Fathia Lahwal: Comparison on Features of Technology and Economics of e-learning
- ISBN 9783659756054: Fathia Lahwal: Comparison on Features of Technology and Economics of e-learning
- ISBN 3659756067: Laith Hameed: International Jurisdiction and Perpetrators of Domestic Crimes
- ISBN 9783659756061: Laith Hameed: International Jurisdiction and Perpetrators of Domestic Crimes
- ISBN 3659756075: Salisu Ibrahim: Role of BTX on Acid Gas Destruction in Thermal Stage of Claus Reactors
- ISBN 9783659756078: Salisu Ibrahim: Role of BTX on Acid Gas Destruction in Thermal Stage of Claus Reactors
- ISBN 9783659756085: Logos kak dialog
- ISBN 9783659756108: Vozmozhnosti probopodgotovki k IKFur e spektrometricheskomu issledovaniju
- ISBN 9783659756115: Munuo, Catherine: Agricultural financing initiatives in developing Countries / Can micro finance fill the gap? Theory and practice
- ISBN 9783659756122: Owusu Ansah, Vera: Selection of Non-Traditional Systems for Procurement Of Works in Ghana
- ISBN 9783659756146: Tariq, Roha: Infection control through Gamma Irradiation sterilization of cannula / Irradiation of cannula by Cobalt 60 source (Gamma Radiation) to ensure its safe usage by eliminating microbial load
- ISBN 9783659756160: Aboalrejal, Afaf Noman: Effect of sodium alendronate On Shedding of Deciduous Molars
- ISBN 3659756172: Manoj N. Bhoi: Synthesis of imidazo[1,2-a]pyrazines derivatives: recent advances
- ISBN 9783659756177: Manoj N. Bhoi: Synthesis of imidazo[1,2-a]pyrazines derivatives: recent advances
- ISBN 3659756180: Bhagawan Bharali: Physiology of Rice Crop with reference to low light
- ISBN 9783659756191: Ludes, Jamlee: Enhancement of Endoscopic Image Using TV-Image Decomposition
- ISBN 9783659756207: Sandeep Singh Sarpal: Epidemiological study for default in RNTCP category II Tuberculosis
- ISBN 9783659756214: Karin Jõeveer: European Integration and External Financing of Firms
- ISBN 9783659756221: Yazyk UML i osnovy obektno-orientirovannogo proektirovaniya
- ISBN 9783659756238: Sandip Shah: Eastern Nepal:Ethnicity And Craniofacial Anthropometry
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- ISBN 9783659756245: Toheeda Tabassum: Minimize The Microbial Load On Urinary Catheters
- ISBN 9783659756252: Kumar, Nitin: Designing Gestures using Proto-Symbol Space
- ISBN 9783659756269: Alemu, Kokobe: Principles of Accounting II short hand book
- ISBN 9783659756276: Namuunda Mutombo: Factors Associated with HIV Testing in Zambia
- ISBN 9783659756283: Scutaru, Magda Simona: European flexible integration and the significance of federalization / Magda Simona Scutaru / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 52 S. / Englisch / 2015 / LAP Lambert Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659756283
- ISBN 9783659756290: Sibeyo, David: Factors Influencing Survival of Small and Medium sized enterprises
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- ISBN 9783659756320: Hirpa, Eyob: Evaluation Performance of Antibody Test for Bovine Tuberculosis
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- ISBN 9783659756337: Yasmine Hasanien: Studying The Ameliorating Effects of BMT,Zn and WGO On Irradiated Rats
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- ISBN 9783659756344: Vasudev Modi: Growth of Outsourcing Industry in India: A Theoritical Perspective
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- ISBN 9783659756375: Ali Salim Al-Shehmany: Polymorphisms in some genes associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus
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- ISBN 9783659756429: Kandasamy, Duraisamy: Studies on the Hydrobiology of Arasalar Estuary-Heavy Metal Pollution
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- ISBN 9783659756504: Mallikarjun Vasam: Cefixime Microspheres Preparation And Evaluation Studies
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- ISBN 9783659756573: Zamari Jockus: Water Development in Somali Region Ethiopia; A literature Review
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- ISBN 9783659756627: Priyank D. Patel: Genetic Studies of Yield and its Component in Castor Ricinus Communis
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- ISBN 9783659756818: Talley, Paul C.: Reticence in the EFL Classroom / A Study in a Taiwanese EFL Context / Paul C. Talley (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 268 S. / Englisch / 2015 / LAP Lambert Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659756818
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- ISBN 9783659756825: Josephine Djan: International Marketing of Chocolates: An African Firm's Perspective
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- ISBN 9783659756849: Ziaur Rahman: Remittances and Economic growth: Empirical evidence from Bangladesh
- ISBN 3659756857: Gayathri Sivasubramanian: Corporate Governance of Banks in India
- ISBN 9783659756856: Gayathri Sivasubramanian: Corporate Governance of Banks in India
- ISBN 3659756865: Adil Wali: Validation & Stability Indicating RP-HPLC Method for Meloxicam Capsule
- ISBN 9783659756863: Adil Wali: Validation & Stability Indicating RP-HPLC Method for Meloxicam Capsule
- ISBN 9783659756870: Sasmaz, Haydar Serhat: International Commercial Arbitration in Azerbaijan / Theory & Practice
- ISBN 9783659756887: Anuradha Kushwah: Reduce Anxiety with Biofeedback
- ISBN 9783659756894: Pragati Rai: Oral squamous cell carcinoma: Histopathological prognosticator / Potential prognostic parameters / Pragati Rai (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 124 S. / Englisch / 2017 / EAN 9783659756894
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- ISBN 9783659756900: Akbar Valadbigi: On the Study of the Role of Capable Teachers
- ISBN 9783659756917: Chandan Kumar Singh: Eco-friendly Management of Alternaria Leaf Spot of Cabbage
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- ISBN 3659756946: Satyajeet Chaudhari: Polymer Silica Nanocomposites
- ISBN 9783659756948: Satyajeet Chaudhari: Polymer Silica Nanocomposites
- ISBN 3659756954: Abedaljasim Aljibouri: Biosystmatics of our specis of Euphorbia L. grown in Baghdad
- ISBN 9783659756955: Abedaljasim Aljibouri: Biosystmatics of our specis of Euphorbia L. grown in Baghdad
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- ISBN 9783659756962: Semen Burqchenko: Vliqnie deformacii fibroblastow na metabolizm glikozaminoglikanow
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