ISBN beginnend mit 9783659790
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3659790001: Seema Jain: Vitamin C Modulated Nonspecific Immune Responses in Channa punctatus
- ISBN 365979001X: Rakesh Jagtap: In Search of Selective 11¿-HSD 1 Inhibitors without Nephrotoxicity
- ISBN 9783659790027: Hamada Dawood: CDA of Shylock's Speech in Contexts of Power, Ideology and Identity
- ISBN 9783659790034: Krishnasamy, Srinivasan: Problems and Prospectus of Retail Trade in Tamil Nadu
- ISBN 3659790044: Keerthi Prasad: To assess the relationship between HLOC and oral health
- ISBN 9783659790041: Keerthi Prasad: To assess the relationship between HLOC and oral health
- ISBN 3659790052: Mohsen Alrodhan: Isolation of predominant serotypes of FMD virus in middle of Iraq
- ISBN 9783659790058: Mohsen Alrodhan: Isolation of predominant serotypes of FMD virus in middle of Iraq
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- ISBN 9783659790065: Ardak Bostanowa: Issledowanie widow gribow porazhaüschih semena zernowyh i bobowyh kul'tur
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- ISBN 9783659790089: Madeswaran, Arumugam: A Text Book of Biostatistics
- ISBN 9783659790096: Sultan Alarifi: The Quality of Accreditation Standards for Distance Learning
- ISBN 3659790109: Sadek Ahmed: Carbohydrate fermentation in rumen and gastro-intestinal permeability
- ISBN 9783659790102: Sadek Ahmed: Carbohydrate fermentation in rumen and gastro-intestinal permeability
- ISBN 3659790117: Alexandru Florin Rogobete: Controlled Drug Release Systems in Anesthesia and Intensive Care Unit
- ISBN 9783659790119: Alexandru Florin Rogobete: Controlled Drug Release Systems in Anesthesia and Intensive Care Unit
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- ISBN 3659790133: Sean Worgan: Bulmer Hobson: An Ulster Nationalist, 1902-1908
- ISBN 9783659790133: Sean Worgan: Bulmer Hobson: An Ulster Nationalist, 1902-1908
- ISBN 3659790141: Eyob Shiferaw: Real-time Vehicle Emission Monitoring and Location Tracking Framework
- ISBN 9783659790140: Eyob Shiferaw: Real-time Vehicle Emission Monitoring and Location Tracking Framework
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- ISBN 3659790168: Mohammed Bsatee: Development of Experimental Setup for Various Magneto-Optical Study
- ISBN 9783659790164: Mohammed Bsatee: Development of Experimental Setup for Various Magneto-Optical Study
- ISBN 9783659790171: Ruslan Vil'danow: Modelirowanie processa strategicheskogo uprawleniq na predpriqtii
- ISBN 9783659790188: Saradhadevi Muthukrishnan: Phagocytic index of Flavonoid Fraction of Cynodon dactylon
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- ISBN 9783659790195: Valentina Podhalüzina: Jekonomika Rossii: regulirowanie, planirowanie, prognozirowanie
- ISBN 3659790206: Ming Lu: The Recent Development of Organic Oxidation Reactions
- ISBN 9783659790201: Ming Lu: The Recent Development of Organic Oxidation Reactions
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- ISBN 9783659790218: Rajasekhar Devi: Economic Status of Handloom Weavers in Tamil Nadu
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- ISBN 9783659790485: Xeniq Lagojda: Dizajn dlq zhizni. Koncept robota¿sidelki / Xeniq Lagojda / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Russisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659790485
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- ISBN 9783659790508: Raafat Shaapan: Fish as a potential source of human bacterial infection
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- ISBN 9783659790997: Ahmed Haroun: Low Frequency Vibration Energy Harvesting Based on Free/Impact Motion