ISBN beginnend mit 9783659793
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3659793000: Ashish Upadhyay: Automatic Irrigation Systems With SCADA
- ISBN 9783659793004: Ashish Upadhyay: Automatic Irrigation Systems With SCADA
- ISBN 9783659793011: Andrej Kirsanov: Agrojekologicheskij monitoring plodorodiya pochv na testovyh poligona
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- ISBN 3659793035: Eliana Edith Roberto Flórez: Collaborative work: a new concept to write research articles
- ISBN 3659793043: Andrej Below: Velikaq mistifikaciq Ferma
- ISBN 9783659793042: Andrej Below: Velikaq mistifikaciq Ferma
- ISBN 9783659793059: Tural Khudiyev: Core-shell nanostructures for photonics applications
- ISBN 365979306X: Anshul P. Patidar: Metal Complexes as an Artificial Metallonucleases
- ISBN 9783659793066: Anshul P. Patidar: Metal Complexes as an Artificial Metallonucleases
- ISBN 9783659793073: Ndayisaba Ntihemuka Willy Abraham O. Idowu Ndayizeye Gervais: The Partnership between Umwalimu SACCO and Umurenge SACCO
- ISBN 9783659793080: Vijayendra Patil: Arduino for Heat Transfer Applications
- ISBN 9783659793097: Fatemeh Aboulfazli: Probiotic Ice Cream made with Cow milk and Vegetable Extract
- ISBN 9783659793103: Vzaimoponimanie kak fenomen mezhlichnostnyh otnoshenij
- ISBN 9783659793110: Vqcheslaw Afonin: Intellektual'nye tehnologicheskie sistemy
- ISBN 9783659793127: Hany Abdelmonem: Nonlinear differential equations solution with time variable stiffness
- ISBN 3659793132: Yuri Zyuzin: 1941. Why did the Red Army step back?
- ISBN 9783659793134: Yuri Zyuzin: 1941. Why did the Red Army step back?
- ISBN 3659793140: Devanand Gojiya: Drying and storage of Kothimbda (Cucumis callosus)
- ISBN 3659793159: Dharmar Manimaran: Toxic Effect of Erythrosine on Zebra Fish Embryos
- ISBN 9783659793158: Dharmar Manimaran: Toxic Effect of Erythrosine on Zebra Fish Embryos
- ISBN 9783659793165: J Hemanth: Quantitative Aptitude for Skill Development, Vol.1
- ISBN 9783659793172: Walaa Fikry Elbossaty: Biochemical, Immunological and Molecular biological studies in ALL
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- ISBN 9783659793196: Rotacionnaya obrabotka izdelij
- ISBN 9783659793202: Maggie Böhm: Inter-Religious Marriage and Migration
- ISBN 3659793213: Viktor Treskow: Nekotorye woprosy cifrowoj obrabotki wideopotokow
- ISBN 9783659793219: Viktor Treskow: Nekotorye woprosy cifrowoj obrabotki wideopotokow
- ISBN 9783659793226: Milanben Lakdawala: Physico-chemical Treatment of Sugar Industry Wastewater
- ISBN 365979323X: Zhumaboj Tawbaew: SOPROTIVLENIE MATERIALOV
- ISBN 9783659793233: Zhumaboj Tawbaew: SOPROTIVLENIE MATERIALOV
- ISBN 9783659793240: Nelinejnye opticheskie svojstva magnitnyh nanosuspenzij
- ISBN 3659793256: Petr Rýgr: Applicability of Online Sentiment Analysis for Stock Market Prediction
- ISBN 9783659793257: Petr Rýgr: Applicability of Online Sentiment Analysis for Stock Market Prediction
- ISBN 9783659793264: Dmitrij Kalashnikow: Proektirowanie sistemy potokowoj obrabotki dannyh / Arhitektura i opisanie podsistem obrabotki i generacii modelej na primere proekta Cerrera / Dmitrij Kalashnikow / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Russisch
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- ISBN 9783659793325: Mihail Aurel Titu: Management of intangible assets in knowledge based economy
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- ISBN 9783659793356: Olgu Ayd¿n: Geostatistical Interpolation of Precipitation in Turkey
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- ISBN 9783659793370: Tanmoy Ganguly: Epidural & Paravertebral Block in Thoracotomy as Multimodal Analgesia
- ISBN 9783659793387: Jean-Michel Brismée: Lifting Capacity As Prognostic Indicator of Hospital Back Injuries
- ISBN 3659793396: Mois Kamberi: The positioning of the Albanians towards the World Conflict
- ISBN 9783659793394: Mois Kamberi: The positioning of the Albanians towards the World Conflict
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- ISBN 9783659793417: Elena Vahnina: Russkij konserwatizm
- ISBN 9783659793424: Mahdi Abbas Taher: The Effect of CKMP of Strategic Managers on SCP in Oil Industry
- ISBN 9783659793431: Kanishk Gupta: Platelet Rich Fibrin And Periodontal Tissue Regeneration
- ISBN 9783659793448: P., Ishwara: Portfolio Management
- ISBN 9783659793455: Strukowa, Natal'q: Issledowanie putej sowershenstwowaniq finansowoj strategii predpriqtiq / Natal'q Strukowa (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Russisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659793455
- ISBN 9783659793462: Ossionizm v russkom sadovo-parkovom iskusstve
- ISBN 9783659793479: Georgij Sarafanow: Jeffekty äkranirowki uprugogo polq mezodefektow pri deformacii metallow / Georgij Sarafanow / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Russisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659793479
- ISBN 3659793485: Kalirajan Rajagopal: Synthesis & bio activities of pyrazole substituted 9-anilinoacridines
- ISBN 9783659793486: Kalirajan Rajagopal: Synthesis & bio activities of pyrazole substituted 9-anilinoacridines
- ISBN 9783659793493: Alexandr Shimanow: Tehnologiq komplexnoj raboty s textom / Voprosy teorii i praktiki / Alexandr Shimanow / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Russisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659793493
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- ISBN 9783659793516: Zahra Heydari: Social Orders in Translation
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- ISBN 9783659793684: Deepakkumar Ramanathan: Match Wood Production Through Agroforestry Issues and Constraints
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- ISBN 9783659793738: Aneesh Kumar K. V.: Longline fishing in Lakshadweep Sea: Bycatch, Bait & Hook Selectivity
- ISBN 9783659793745: Ekaterina Kosarewa: Russkie obstoqtel'stwennye narechiq i ih ital'qnskie äkwiwalenty / Sopostawitel'nyj analiz / Ekaterina Kosarewa / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Russisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
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- ISBN 9783659793752: Diana Skrapari: The reasons for studying foreign languages in Albania
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- ISBN 9783659793912: Hamad, Sarkawt: Physiological Solutions Of Hypertension / Endothelin-1 and Angiotensin-II antagonists reduce blood pressure in hypertensive rats
- ISBN 9783659793929: Soheila Rezapour-Firouzi: Herbal Oil Supplement and Diet with Hot Nature for Multiple Sclerosis
- ISBN 9783659793943: Svetlana Germanova: A Course of Lectures on Life Safety. Part 1
- ISBN 9783659793950: Razrabotka agrigativno-ustojchivyh suspenzij nanochastic na osnove ZnO
- ISBN 9783659793967: Mara, Daniel: Analysis on Romanian Teachers¿ Training Needs on ICT and EMPD
- ISBN 9783659793974: Audity Biswas: Sri Aurobindo Society Complex, Chittagong
- ISBN 9783659793981: Mohga Shafik Abdalla Ibrahim Abulyazid Ibrahim Wael Mahmoud Aboulthana: Molecular Evaluation of Salicin against Gamma-Irradiation in Rats
- ISBN 365979399X: Shilan Shafiei: Translation or Manipulation of Persian Literature:That is the Question
- ISBN 9783659793998: Shilan Shafiei: Translation or Manipulation of Persian Literature:That is the Question