ISBN beginnend mit 9783659796
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659796005: Maisaa G. Jumaa: Ovarian Cancer: Molecular and Immunological Study of Angiogenesis
- ISBN 9783659796012: Jyoti Mandlik: An In-Vivo evaluation of three methods of working length determination
- ISBN 3659796026: Lisho Mundia: Development of a Geographical Information System - Based Support Tool
- ISBN 9783659796029: Lisho Mundia: Development of a Geographical Information System - Based Support Tool
- ISBN 9783659796036: Ljudmila Antipova: Kollagenovye substancii: istochniki, svojstva, primenenie
- ISBN 9783659796043: Pawlyk, Natal'q: Psihodiagnostika i garmonizaciq haraktera starsheklassnikow i studentow / Natal'q Pawlyk / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Russisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659796043
- ISBN 9783659796050: Yassine Khlifi: Network Engineering Issues in Optical Label Switching Networks
- ISBN 9783659796067: Saranya Karunamurthi: Design of Magnitude Comparator Using Reversible Logic Gates
- ISBN 9783659796074: Ocenka kachestva bankovskih uslug s pozicii klientov
- ISBN 9783659796081: Edwar Makhoul: The Role of Arab Christians in the Palestinian National Movement
- ISBN 9783659796098: Peter Nyamongo Getui: The Effect of Single Parenthood on the Upbringing of Children
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- ISBN 9783659796104: Diwakar Rana: Wet Oxidation of Softwood for Biofuels Production
- ISBN 3659796115: Vandana Rana: Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Biofuels
- ISBN 9783659796111: Vandana Rana: Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Biofuels
- ISBN 3659796123: Jyoti Verma: Diatom communities of the Doon and Vindhyan Region
- ISBN 9783659796128: Jyoti Verma: Diatom communities of the Doon and Vindhyan Region
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- ISBN 9783659796142: George Giotis: Teacher centred teacher education: A research based approach
- ISBN 3659796158: Pankaj Bhambri: Design and Implementation of Novel Algorithm using Zero Watermarking
- ISBN 3659796166: Kenell Madzirerusa: Feasibility of Mortgage Securitization in Emerging Market Economies
- ISBN 9783659796166: Kenell Madzirerusa: Feasibility of Mortgage Securitization in Emerging Market Economies
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- ISBN 9783659796180: Lin Ma: The Application of Accelerating Rate Calorimetry in Li-ion Cells
- ISBN 9783659796197: Sisay Derso Mengesha: Ecological Status of Hot Springs in Eastern Amhara, Ethiopia
- ISBN 3659796204: Mustafa Ugur Turkyilmaz: Multicultural Education in the context of Foreign Language Education
- ISBN 9783659796203: Mustafa Ugur Turkyilmaz: Multicultural Education in the context of Foreign Language Education
- ISBN 9783659796210: Osman, Ali: Esterification of legume proteins for enhancing functional properties
- ISBN 9783659796227: Iwan Alferow: Geoäkologicheskie osobennosti wodoömow i ih äkologicheskie problemy / Iwan Alferow (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Russisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659796227
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- ISBN 9783659796289: Marina Volkowa: Sowershenstwowanie sistemy uprawleniq riskami rossijskih bankow / Monografiq / Marina Volkowa (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Russisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659796289
- ISBN 9783659796296: Acharya, Anil Kumar: Effect of location, season, variety and solution on quality of Gerbera / Anil Kumar Acharya / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 128 S. / Englisch / 2015 / LAP Lambert Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659796296
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- ISBN 9783659796494: Elena Shumanskaq: Jelektromagnitnye nawodki na otklüchennye fazy i parallel'nye LJeP / Elena Shumanskaq (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Russisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659796494
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