ISBN beginnend mit 9783659800
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659800016: Raghvendra Sharma: Handbook of Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy
- ISBN 3659800023: Lewis Dzimbiri: People Management and National Development in Malawi
- ISBN 9783659800023: Lewis Dzimbiri: People Management and National Development in Malawi
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- ISBN 9783659800030: Hasan Huseyin Ozturk: Seralarda Nemlendirmeli Serinletme Etkinli¿inin Belirlenmesi
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- ISBN 9783659800054: Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad: Biotecture Interaction of New Technology and Biophilic Architecture
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- ISBN 9783659800061: Katy Huang: Children's Physical Activity in a Low-Income Neighborhood in China
- ISBN 3659800074: Dmitrij Murzin: Zheleznyj roman
- ISBN 3659800082: Abiy Wondimeneh Lissanework: Competing Regional Political Parties and Federal Stability in Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783659800085: Abiy Wondimeneh Lissanework: Competing Regional Political Parties and Federal Stability in Ethiopia
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- ISBN 9783659800108: Rinky Dwivedi: Multi Casting Approach for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
- ISBN 3659800112: Lipika Sharma: Geographical Indications in India
- ISBN 9783659800115: Lipika Sharma: Geographical Indications in India
- ISBN 9783659800122: Mukhtar Ridwanu Bunza: Vegetative Propagation of Some Savannah Trees
- ISBN 9783659800139: Mohamed Samy: Effect of Some Factors Affecting on Hubbard Parent Stocks
- ISBN 9783659800146: V. M. Smirnov: The evidence of serotonergic nerves in mammals
- ISBN 9783659800153: Ioan Ciochina-Barbu: Extinctive Prescription in the Current Romanian Civil Code
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- ISBN 3659800171: Ramasamy Sivasamy: Genetics
- ISBN 9783659800177: Ramasamy Sivasamy: Genetics
- ISBN 9783659800184: Tajkarimi, Mehrdad: Experimental Evolution of Silver Nanoparticle Resistance in Escherichi
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- ISBN 9783659800207: Jayawardene, Nirodha: Multilevel Modeling of Educational Data / Analysis of Educational Data
- ISBN 9783659800214: Mridul Buragohain: Groundwater Heavy Metal Contamination
- ISBN 9783659800221: Artem Kroliwec: Kriminal'naq teoriq
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- ISBN 9783659800245: Hamada Dawood: The Distinguished for EFL Learners
- ISBN 9783659800252: Monali Bhattacharya: Tagore's Poetic World: A Collage of Eastern & Western Philosphies
- ISBN 3659800260: Hamid Torabi: Micromechanics of Carbon Nanotube Turfs
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- ISBN 9783659800276: Mariq Tonkowa: Organizaciq raboty mezhdunarodnoj transportno-äxpeditorskoj kompanii / Mariq Tonkowa / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Russisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659800276
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- ISBN 9783659800368: Jeyanthi, R.: Social Maturity and Teaching Professional Perception of D.T.Ed Student
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- ISBN 9783659800504: Maha Fakhry Altaee: Colorectal Cancer Therapy
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- ISBN 9783659800511: Raghavender Raju: Current Account of India's BoP: Under The New Economic Policy Regime
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- ISBN 9783659800900: TIta, Mana: Right to Avoid International Sales Contracts: CISG & OHADA compared / Mana TIta / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 176 S. / Englisch / 2015 / LAP Lambert Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659800900
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- ISBN 9783659800948: Elena Balyshewa: Ya wse umeü sam!
- ISBN 9783659800955: Cinjel Nandes Dickson: View of Irving, Sloan and Urwick on Modern Management
- ISBN 3659800961: Edy Irwansyah: Geographic Information System
- ISBN 9783659800962: Edy Irwansyah: Geographic Information System
- ISBN 9783659800979: Nadezhda Semenowa: Osobennosti marketinga w promyshlennyh kompaniqh (b2b-rynok) / Na primere OAO "TMZ im.V. V. Vorowskogo" / Nadezhda Semenowa (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Russisch / 2015 / EAN 9783659800979
- ISBN 9783659800986: Vliyanie inostrannyh investicij na jekonomicheskuju bezopasnost strany
- ISBN 9783659800993: Ewgenij Suncow: Rabota w programme Final Cut Pro X: Uchebnoe posobie