ISBN beginnend mit 9783659806
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659806001: L. Ramazeame Loganathan Subramanian Maheswari: Biology and Biotype identification of whitefly, Bemisia tabaci
- ISBN 9783659806018: Yonas Yimer: NGO-Media Interaction in Ethiopia: Malnutrition in Perspective
- ISBN 9783659806025: Nitin Kumar Upadhye: Value Stream Mapping - a Lean Manufacturing Tool to reduce Lead Time
- ISBN 9783659806032: Obryady shorcev i tleutov
- ISBN 9783659806049: Abdellah Idhssaine: A Minimalist Approach to the Syntax of T-Agreement in Tashelhit
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- ISBN 9783659806063: Gosudarstvenno-konfessional nye otnosheniya v postsovetskoj Rossii
- ISBN 3659806072: Afifa Abbas: Design & Implementation of High Performance Face Recognition System
- ISBN 9783659806070: Afifa Abbas: Design & Implementation of High Performance Face Recognition System
- ISBN 9783659806087: Il'q Nikolaewich Zuew: Semiozis istoricheskoj real'nosti. Kul'turologicheskij fenomen "Skif"
- ISBN 9783659806094: G. Nagaraja Raja: Agro Processing Industries in Andhra Pradesh
- ISBN 9783659806100: Tracy Smith: The Retention of Black Males in Ninth Grade
- ISBN 3659806110: David Kobla Fiankor: Information and Policy Decision Making in District Assemblies of Ghana
- ISBN 9783659806117: David Kobla Fiankor: Information and Policy Decision Making in District Assemblies of Ghana
- ISBN 3659806137: Károly Kiss: Discussing Sustainability
- ISBN 9783659806131: Károly Kiss: Discussing Sustainability
- ISBN 9783659806148: Mustafa Aç¿kkar: Developing VO2max Prediction Models Using Machine Learning Methods
- ISBN 9783659806155: Eser Yücel: Prediction of Vo2max With Submaximal and Questionnaire Variables
- ISBN 3659806161: A. Q. Adeleke: Implementing Online Marketplace System with Chat and SMS
- ISBN 9783659806162: A. Q. Adeleke: Implementing Online Marketplace System with Chat and SMS
- ISBN 365980617X: Adolphe Kazadi Badiambile: Modulation and Interactions of Charged Biomimetic Membranes with Ions
- ISBN 9783659806179: Adolphe Kazadi Badiambile: Modulation and Interactions of Charged Biomimetic Membranes with Ions
- ISBN 3659806188: Pulkit Malhotra: Light Curing Units
- ISBN 9783659806186: Pulkit Malhotra: Light Curing Units
- ISBN 3659806196: Iwan Podlipskij: Jekologo-geologicheskaq ocenka territorii poligonow bytowyh othodow
- ISBN 9783659806193: Iwan Podlipskij: Jekologo-geologicheskaq ocenka territorii poligonow bytowyh othodow
- ISBN 365980620X: Bomminayuni Gowtham Prasad: Studies on ready-to-eat mutton kheema incorporated with prune puree
- ISBN 9783659806209: Bomminayuni Gowtham Prasad: Studies on ready-to-eat mutton kheema incorporated with prune puree
- ISBN 9783659806216: Tanzila Riaz: Generalized Gronwall-Bellman Type Inequalities with Applications
- ISBN 9783659806223: Predvuzovskaya podgotovka inostrannyh studentov po informatike
- ISBN 3659806234: Surendar Kumar: Technological gap and constraints in sugarcane production
- ISBN 9783659806230: Surendar Kumar: Technological gap and constraints in sugarcane production
- ISBN 9783659806247: Yashwant Singh: Wireless Sensor Networks Security Attacks
- ISBN 9783659806254: Cinjel Nandes Dickson: Examination Malpractice and Poor Standard of Education in Nigeria
- ISBN 3659806269: Moses Gweyi: Networking Strategies
- ISBN 9783659806261: Moses Gweyi: Networking Strategies
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- ISBN 9783659806285: Abd El-Hafeez Zohry: Facing Water Scarcity in Egypt by Intercropping
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- ISBN 9783659806292: Mahmoud Abdelaziz Elbiomy Abdelrahman: Investigation of the Ultra-Relativistic Euler Equations
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- ISBN 3659806315: Khalid Farhod: Extraction of Phenolic Pollutants from Industrial Wastewater
- ISBN 9783659806315: Khalid Farhod: Extraction of Phenolic Pollutants from Industrial Wastewater
- ISBN 9783659806322: Sabourmoghaddam, Nasrin: Biodegradation of Imidacloprid
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- ISBN 9783659806414: Modeli i metody sozdaniya kreativno-innovacionnyh kollektivov
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- ISBN 3659806439: Jiyang Yu: Systems Biology & Functional Genomics for Precision Medicine
- ISBN 9783659806438: Jiyang Yu: Systems Biology & Functional Genomics for Precision Medicine
- ISBN 9783659806445: Yousefi Nejad, Maryam: Value Relevance of Other Comprehensive Income / Maryam Yousefi Nejad / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 140 S. / Englisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659806445
- ISBN 3659806455: Kodicherla Shiva Prashanth Kumar: Modeling of Contaminant Transport through Porous Media
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- ISBN 9783659806469: Jemil' Gumerow: Koncepciq "in'-qn" primenitel'no k deflqcii i inflqcii
- ISBN 3659806471: Christian Elters: Coal seam gas produced water purification by multi-effect distillation
- ISBN 9783659806476: Christian Elters: Coal seam gas produced water purification by multi-effect distillation
- ISBN 9783659806483: Upravlenie regional nymi jetnicheskimi konfliktami v Rossii
- ISBN 9783659806490: Nartskij jepos kak kod jetnicheskoj istorii i kul tury osetin
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- ISBN 9783659806506: Omkar Bawistale: Pteridophytic flora of Chhindwara District Madhya-Pradesh, India
- ISBN 365980651X: Tamara Krstic: Immunochemistry methods
- ISBN 9783659806513: Tamara Krstic: Immunochemistry methods
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- ISBN 9783659806520: Moharana Choudhury: A Hand Book on MicroStation Software for GIS Applications
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- ISBN 9783659806544: Nguyen Ba Duc: Anharmonic correlated Einstein model in XAFS theory and application
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- ISBN 9783659806551: Onwubuiko Samuel Mary O.: Dephosphorization of Agbaja Iron Ore by Hydrometallurgical Method
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- ISBN 9783659806612: Mona Mirzaei: Spoken grammar features instruction and raising learners' awareness
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- ISBN 9783659806650: Muhammad Usman Rashid: Prevention of Spyware by Runtime Classification of EULA
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- ISBN 9783659806674: Sidney Folbaum: Role of Purchasing in New Product Development
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- ISBN 9783659806698: Umashankar Dewangan: Devlopment and Analysis of Stego Images Using Wavelet Transform
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- ISBN 9783659806780: Amr Fouda Mahmoud Hamza: Producing Biosurfactant Having Medicinal Importance by Actinomycetes
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- ISBN 9783659806858: D. G. Hanumanthappa: Human Rights: Collective efforts to rejuvenate rights
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- ISBN 9783659806865: Mohammed Abdul Waheed Khan: Assesment of Effective R-Value Of Building Envelope using InfraRed
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- ISBN 9783659806889: Akinola Babatunde: Photovoltaic system performance in countries with high solar radiation
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- ISBN 3659806927: George Hove: Customer satisfaction in the steel industry, South Africa
- ISBN 9783659806926: George Hove: Customer satisfaction in the steel industry, South Africa
- ISBN 9783659806933: Abiud Moronge Machogu: Intermediate and Advanced Programming in C++
- ISBN 9783659806940: Joyce Nansubuga: Student Satisfaction with University Education
- ISBN 9783659806957: Abushawish, Hussam: Leadership, Culture and Change: Shifting Organizational Theory / Hussam Abushawish / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 516 S. / Englisch / 2015 / LAP Lambert Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659806957
- ISBN 365980696X: Kathiresan Prabhu: Fundamental pharmacognostic, phytochemical and pharmacological studies
- ISBN 9783659806964: Kathiresan Prabhu: Fundamental pharmacognostic, phytochemical and pharmacological studies
- ISBN 3659806978: Divya Chowdary Kottapalli: Performance Analysis of Rainwater Harvesting Structures in JNTUH
- ISBN 9783659806971: Divya Chowdary Kottapalli: Performance Analysis of Rainwater Harvesting Structures in JNTUH
- ISBN 3659806986: Mohit Makkar: Passivity Based Modeling and Control of Continuous Biological Reactors
- ISBN 9783659806988: Mohit Makkar: Passivity Based Modeling and Control of Continuous Biological Reactors
- ISBN 3659806994: Vadim Mychkow: Ustojchiwost' mnogokriterial'noj zadachi o maximal'nom razreze grafa