ISBN beginnend mit 9783659808
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659808005: Dianah Cantres: School-Wide Factors in NYS High School Counseling Program Readiness
- ISBN 9783659808012: Gunendra Bikram Bidari: An Algorithmic Approach to Elliptic Curve Cryptography
- ISBN 3659808032: Amer Raza: Pak-India Relations through cinematic lense(2001-2010)
- ISBN 9783659808036: Amer Raza: Pak-India Relations through cinematic lense(2001-2010)
- ISBN 9783659808050: Khalid Mustafa Kheiralla: Darfur: Water Resources Assessment & Terms of Reftence
- ISBN 3659808067: Amer A. Taqa: Preparation and Evaluation of a New Calcium Based Cement
- ISBN 9783659808067: Amer A. Taqa: Preparation and Evaluation of a New Calcium Based Cement
- ISBN 9783659808074: Musi Skosana: A Model of Viral-induced Hyperalgesia in rats
- ISBN 9783659808081: Mobarak, Yomn: Pre- and Postnatal Development of the Mouse Ovary
- ISBN 9783659808098: Egor Goshin: Rekonstrukciq tröhmernyh scen. Metody sopostawleniq izobrazhenij
- ISBN 3659808113: Shaqayeq Moqari: Representation of women in Victorian novels
- ISBN 9783659808111: Shaqayeq Moqari: Representation of women in Victorian novels
- ISBN 9783659808128: Tat'qna Pritchina: Organizaciq obucheniq personala
- ISBN 365980813X: Vilani Sachitra: Determinants of Export Competitiveness
- ISBN 9783659808142: O koncentracii napryazhenij v uprugom sektore i p ezojelektricheskom kline
- ISBN 3659808156: Yasser Arafat Tackie: The Effects of Rural-Urban Migration On Community Development
- ISBN 9783659808159: Yasser Arafat Tackie: The Effects of Rural-Urban Migration On Community Development
- ISBN 3659808164: Demewez Fentie: Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance of Upland Rice
- ISBN 9783659808166: Demewez Fentie: Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance of Upland Rice
- ISBN 3659808172: Ewgenij Yakowlewich Basin: Hudozhnik i tworchestwo
- ISBN 9783659808173: Ewgenij Yakowlewich Basin: Hudozhnik i tworchestwo
- ISBN 9783659808180: Swabik Musa Abdalla Wani: Intelligent Mobile Patient Appointment System
- ISBN 3659808199: Cornelia Novac Ududec: The Impact of Information Technologies
- ISBN 9783659808197: Cornelia Novac Ududec: The Impact of Information Technologies
- ISBN 9783659808203: Evgenij Beluzhenko: Organogennye izvestnyaki neogena Severnogo Kavkaza i Predkavkaz'ya
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- ISBN 9783659808227: Hamid Ghafari: Core Banking
- ISBN 9783659808234: Yanush Losovski: Dokumentaciya v zhizni krest'yan v staropol'skoe vremya
- ISBN 3659808245: Minirani S. Nair: Fractal Space
- ISBN 9783659808241: Minirani S. Nair: Fractal Space
- ISBN 3659808253: Moses Wankiiri: The Lived Experience of Families with a Mentally Ill Family Member
- ISBN 9783659808258: Moses Wankiiri: The Lived Experience of Families with a Mentally Ill Family Member
- ISBN 3659808261: Rajaram Yadav: Nutritional status of mother and children in India
- ISBN 9783659808265: Rajaram Yadav: Nutritional status of mother and children in India
- ISBN 9783659808272: Lárcio Benedetti: Decision Making Process in Corporate Sponsorship
- ISBN 9783659808289: Raja, L.: Community Participation in Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
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- ISBN 9783659808296: Gayatri Raut: Child Abuse In Odisha
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- ISBN 9783659808319: Modelirovanie logisticheskoj sistemy nalogooblozheniya predpriyatiya
- ISBN 3659808326: Ali Ashraf: Estimation of Serum aminotransferases & bilirubin in hepatic patients
- ISBN 9783659808326: Ali Ashraf: Estimation of Serum aminotransferases & bilirubin in hepatic patients
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- ISBN 9783659808333: Jurij Andreewich Pereskokow: Sowetnik dlq torgowli na walütnom rynke
- ISBN 3659808342: Jihan Hussein: The need to choose the fatty acids in our daily meals
- ISBN 9783659808340: Jihan Hussein: The need to choose the fatty acids in our daily meals
- ISBN 3659808350: Oluchukwu Rose Aghaebe: Assessing the quality of pharmaceutical care in an outpatient pharmacy
- ISBN 9783659808357: Oluchukwu Rose Aghaebe: Assessing the quality of pharmaceutical care in an outpatient pharmacy
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- ISBN 9783659808364: Bhupendra Kumar Poudel: Taste Masking and Formulation of Ondansetron Mouth Dissolving Tablets
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- ISBN 3659808385: Kiran Baraiya: Shrimp Based Snack Food Using Extrusion Technology
- ISBN 9783659808388: Kiran Baraiya: Shrimp Based Snack Food Using Extrusion Technology
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- ISBN 9783659808425: Inderpreet Singh: Preparation and investigation of Rice Husk HDPE composites
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- ISBN 9783659808449: Dmitrij Bendow: 10-letnij opyt lecheniq IBS s sochetannym porazheniem sonnyh arterij
- ISBN 3659808458: Alexander Makarenko: Neuroimmunopharmacology
- ISBN 9783659808456: Alexander Makarenko: Neuroimmunopharmacology
- ISBN 9783659808463: Upravlenie korporacii v usloviyah razvitiya organizacionnoj kul tury
- ISBN 3659808474: Mohammad Hosny: Beta2-Adrenergic Receptor Gene Haplotypes in COPD
- ISBN 9783659808470: Mohammad Hosny: Beta2-Adrenergic Receptor Gene Haplotypes in COPD
- ISBN 9783659808487: Richard Croft: The Word of God in the Thought of Ahmed Deedat
- ISBN 9783659808500: Urvashi Bhushan: Pit and Fissure Sealants
- ISBN 9783659808517: Natal'q Sergienko: Lingwisticheskij analiz reklamnyh textow
- ISBN 9783659808524: Zhi Shang, Honggao Liu, James A. Lupo: High Performance Computing of Multiphase Flows in Porous Media
- ISBN 9783659808531: Omar Banoosh: Epidemiological Features of Mental Disorders in Tikrit City of Iraq
- ISBN 9783659808548: Nikolaj Lemeshko: Jelementy tehnologicheskih ustanowok w mikroälektronnom proizwodstwe
- ISBN 9783659808555: Sergio Guilherme Schlender: Financial, Economic and Behavioral Aspects to Risk Management
- ISBN 3659808563: Gehan El-Bassyouni: Regenerative medicine in Nanotechnology and Biomaterials
- ISBN 9783659808562: Gehan El-Bassyouni: Regenerative medicine in Nanotechnology and Biomaterials
- ISBN 9783659808579: Pr Weerathunga: The Impact of IFRS adoption on Accounting Quality
- ISBN 9783659808586: Chowdhury, Khanindra: Some Aspects of Goldie structures and an Extension of Direct Sums
- ISBN 3659808598: Abraham Dogo: Molecular Characterization of Bm86 Gene for Tick Vaccine Development
- ISBN 9783659808593: Abraham Dogo: Molecular Characterization of Bm86 Gene for Tick Vaccine Development
- ISBN 3659808601: Aakriti Saxena: Need for Establishment of Sex Museum in India
- ISBN 9783659808609: Aakriti Saxena: Need for Establishment of Sex Museum in India
- ISBN 365980861X: David Bentil: Promoting discipline in schools; the case of University Practice High
- ISBN 9783659808616: David Bentil: Promoting discipline in schools; the case of University Practice High
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- ISBN 9783659808630: Manish Jha: Financial Inclusion through PMJDY A Case Study of Kurukshetra District
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- ISBN 9783659808654: A. Somalingam: Liberalization and India's Middle-class Economy
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- ISBN 9783659808661: Balakrishnan S.: Deep Dive into Modern Machine Learning Techniques
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- ISBN 9783659808678: Boipuso Mashigo: Social Workers'experiences:Transform from Remedial to Developmental
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- ISBN 9783659808685: Yogesh Jadhav: Verbal communication problem
- ISBN 9783659808692: Loai Alsaid: Cost Management Change in Public Utilities
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- ISBN 9783659808708: Roman Placzek: Importance and Pedagogical Value of Three Sonatas Op. 43 by B. Romberg
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- ISBN 9783659808807: Roshni Agnihotri: Bio-agronomic and molecular characterization of tropical turfgrasses
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- ISBN 9783659808852: Paulinus Ofem: Service Oriented Architecture as an Enabler of ICT Integration
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- ISBN 9783659808876: Duygu Y¿lmaz Ero¿lu: Hybrid algorithms & MIP models for unrelated parallel machine scheduling
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- ISBN 9783659808883: Hakan Acar: Y¿BO Ö¿rencilerinin Spor Yapma ve ¿iddete Maruz Kalma Durumlar¿
- ISBN 9783659808890: Carolina Ordonez Asenjo: Power, social identity and fashion consumption
- ISBN 9783659808906: Ala Mohammed Abd Elgyoum: Ultrasound Findings of the Kidneys in Diabetic Patients
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- ISBN 3659808938: Tae Wook Kang: BIM data Integration, Framework and Information Visualization
- ISBN 9783659808937: Tae Wook Kang: BIM data Integration, Framework and Information Visualization
- ISBN 9783659808944: Genezis i periodizaciya evropejskogo obrazovatel nogo prostranstva
- ISBN 3659808954: Harvinder Singh Mand: Capital Structure : An Indian Perspective
- ISBN 9783659808951: Harvinder Singh Mand: Capital Structure : An Indian Perspective
- ISBN 9783659808968: Vostochnyj kalendar'
- ISBN 3659808970: Mbwana Suleiman Ndaro: Inclined Water Jets for Better Performance of Hydoentangled Fabrics
- ISBN 9783659808975: Mbwana Suleiman Ndaro: Inclined Water Jets for Better Performance of Hydoentangled Fabrics
- ISBN 9783659808982: Ashraf Hagras: Adaptive Control of Shunt Active Power Filter
- ISBN 3659808997: Felix Ebojie: Tropospheric ozone columns retrieval from SCIAMACHY
- ISBN 9783659808999: Felix Ebojie: Tropospheric ozone columns retrieval from SCIAMACHY