ISBN beginnend mit 9783659813
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659813009: Yassir Abdulkadhim Yassir: Antegonial Notch and Craniofacial Morphology
- ISBN 365981301X: Aneta Jovkovska: Education, Spirituality and Value Orientations of Adolescents
- ISBN 9783659813016: Aneta Jovkovska: Education, Spirituality and Value Orientations of Adolescents
- ISBN 9783659813030: Halah Jaber: Practical Method for Solving Quadratic Optimal Control Problem
- ISBN 9783659813047: Rakesh Kumar: Governance and Citizenship in India
- ISBN 9783659813054: Bindhu Lal: Study of Geotechnical Properties of Soil when mixed with stone dust
- ISBN 3659813060: Geethakrishnan Thankappan: Optical Phase Conjugation Studies In Dye-doped Gelatin Films
- ISBN 9783659813061: Geethakrishnan Thankappan: Optical Phase Conjugation Studies In Dye-doped Gelatin Films
- ISBN 3659813079: Akeem Siyanbola: The Value Relevance of Nigerian DMBs Accounting Information
- ISBN 9783659813078: Akeem Siyanbola: The Value Relevance of Nigerian DMBs Accounting Information
- ISBN 9783659813085: Priostanovlenie i vozobnovlenie ugolovnogo rassledovaniya
- ISBN 3659813095: Sarjoo Patel: Net Zero Building: Materials, Methods and Designing
- ISBN 9783659813092: Sarjoo Patel: Net Zero Building: Materials, Methods and Designing
- ISBN 3659813109: Azeez Abdulkareem: Transparency and Good Governance in the Oil Sector: The Nigeria Perspective
- ISBN 9783659813108: Azeez Abdulkareem: Transparency and Good Governance in the Oil Sector: The Nigeria Perspective
- ISBN 9783659813115: Jexkljuzivnye gipotezy iz glubinki
- ISBN 9783659813122: Saad Bin Tariq: Hardware and Software framework for M2M, with Remote Monitoring POC
- ISBN 9783659813139: Eddie Rocks: Exploring Transformative Journeys through a Higher Education Programme
- ISBN 9783659813146: Balwan Singh: Digitization in Agricultural University Libraries
- ISBN 365981315X: Preeti Puri: The Breaking Dawn of Sigmund Freud's Theories
- ISBN 9783659813153: Preeti Puri: The Breaking Dawn of Sigmund Freud's Theories
- ISBN 3659813168: Aishwarya Bhosale: Plastic Waste Management
- ISBN 9783659813160: Aishwarya Bhosale: Plastic Waste Management
- ISBN 9783659813177: Rajagopal Reddy Siddamurthy: Wild Ornamental Plants of Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh, India
- ISBN 9783659813184: Aliakbar Emamverdian: Design of competency
- ISBN 9783659813191: Saravana Kumar Natarajan: VLSI Architectures
- ISBN 9783659813207: Prava detej v mezhdunarodnom prave i rossijskom zakonodatel stve
- ISBN 9783659813214: Sarah Blumberg: African Grandmother's Understanding of Motherhood & Attachment
- ISBN 3659813222: Senem Üstün Kaya: The Awakening of Angels in the House
- ISBN 9783659813221: Senem Üstün Kaya: The Awakening of Angels in the House
- ISBN 3659813230: Nafbek Solomon Kebede: Ecotourism and Livelihood Diversification: A Case of Wonchi, Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783659813238: Nafbek Solomon Kebede: Ecotourism and Livelihood Diversification: A Case of Wonchi, Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783659813245: Duvvuri B. K. Kamesh: Testing Embedded Systems through CRSE Methodology
- ISBN 3659813257: Kalyan Gangopadhyay: Students Stress: Its Environmental and Personality Correlates
- ISBN 9783659813252: Kalyan Gangopadhyay: Students Stress: Its Environmental and Personality Correlates
- ISBN 3659813265: Andrej Dikow: Osnowy web-programmirowaniq: qzyk razmetki gipertexta HTML. Kniga 1
- ISBN 9783659813269: Andrej Dikow: Osnowy web-programmirowaniq: qzyk razmetki gipertexta HTML. Kniga 1
- ISBN 3659813273: Harishkumar R. Dabhi: Chemistry of pyrazolin based metal chelates
- ISBN 9783659813276: Harishkumar R. Dabhi: Chemistry of pyrazolin based metal chelates
- ISBN 3659813281: Fatemeh Abbasi: An Investigation of Implicature of Four American Short Stories
- ISBN 9783659813283: Fatemeh Abbasi: An Investigation of Implicature of Four American Short Stories
- ISBN 9783659813290: Aditya Arya: Benefits of Nanoceria Under Adverse Environmental Conditions
- ISBN 9783659813306: Chochia, Pawel Antonowich: Metody obrabotki wideoinformacii / na osnowe dwuhmasshtabnoj modeli izobrazheniq
- ISBN 9783659813313: Maxim Horoshevskij: Sistemy upravleniya parallel'noj rabotoj shagovyh dvigatelej
- ISBN 9783659813320: Kirtiwant Ghadle: Some Mathematical Aspects of Inverse Thermoelastic Problems
- ISBN 3659813338: Juliq Chursina: Finansowyj analiz w otraslqh i sferah deqtel'nosti. Chernaq metallurgiq
- ISBN 9783659813337: Juliq Chursina: Finansowyj analiz w otraslqh i sferah deqtel'nosti. Chernaq metallurgiq
- ISBN 3659813346: Beatrice Odero: Norms of Elementary Operators and Derivations
- ISBN 9783659813344: Beatrice Odero: Norms of Elementary Operators and Derivations
- ISBN 9783659813351: Jevoljuciya predstavlenij o social nom vzaimodejstvii
- ISBN 3659813362: Vasantha Shanmugam: Financial Inclusion To Reach Out Rural Area
- ISBN 9783659813368: Vasantha Shanmugam: Financial Inclusion To Reach Out Rural Area
- ISBN 3659813370: Onur Özdemir: Financial Liberalization and the Direction of Capital Flows
- ISBN 9783659813375: Onur Özdemir: Financial Liberalization and the Direction of Capital Flows
- ISBN 3659813389: Hemant Umap: Multi-Item Fuzzy Inventory Models
- ISBN 9783659813382: Hemant Umap: Multi-Item Fuzzy Inventory Models
- ISBN 9783659813399: Veronica Gitonga: Factors influencing growth of informal transport sector-bodabodas
- ISBN 9783659813405: Struktury dannyh i osnovnye algoritmy ih obrabotki
- ISBN 3659813419: Ahamada Zziwa: A Non-Destructive Timber Testing Approach for Developing Countries
- ISBN 9783659813412: Ahamada Zziwa: A Non-Destructive Timber Testing Approach for Developing Countries
- ISBN 9783659813429: Van Khanh Nguyen: Vietnam in History and Transformation
- ISBN 9783659813443: Problemy lexicheskoj organizacii hudozhestvennogo texta
- ISBN 3659813451: Kugamoorthy Velauthamurty: Computer aided animations for resonance in G.C.E. A/L Chemistry
- ISBN 9783659813450: Kugamoorthy Velauthamurty: Computer aided animations for resonance in G.C.E. A/L Chemistry
- ISBN 9783659813467: Mariq Flejtman: Mul'timedijnyj wektor w informacionno-graficheskom komplexe dlq muzeq
- ISBN 9783659813481: Rajendran Periyasamy: Clonal Evaluation In Kapok (Ceiba pentandra Linn. Gaertn.)
- ISBN 9783659813498: Deepak Panpatte: Native Fluorescent Pseudomonas
- ISBN 3659813508: Ruchi Gupta: Role of Herbs in Dentistry-Future Perspectives
- ISBN 9783659813504: Ruchi Gupta: Role of Herbs in Dentistry-Future Perspectives
- ISBN 9783659813511: Matematicheskie modeli pri proektirovanii dorozhnyh odezhd
- ISBN 9783659813528: Programma psihologicheskogo vozdejstviya na sportsmenov
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- ISBN 9783659813535: Nathan Chiroma: Mentoring: A sustainable means for developing leaders in Africa
- ISBN 9783659813542: Kenes Rahmetullovich Akil'zhanov: Travmatizm lic pozhilogo i starcheskogo vozrasta
- ISBN 3659813559: Bishoy El kis Sedhom Beshay: Islanding Detection in Distribution System with Distributed Generation
- ISBN 9783659813559: Bishoy El kis Sedhom Beshay: Islanding Detection in Distribution System with Distributed Generation
- ISBN 9783659813566: Novaya teoriya prilivov
- ISBN 9783659813573: Reena Bagde: Dentine Hypersensitivity
- ISBN 9783659813580: Modul upravleniya temperaturoj pomeshheniya
- ISBN 3659813591: Dilan Aktepe Co¿Ar: Art Therapy and Nursing
- ISBN 9783659813597: Dilan Aktepe Co¿Ar: Art Therapy and Nursing
- ISBN 3659813605: Marina Volkowa: Vklad studentow w reshenie prakticheskih zadach äkologii
- ISBN 9783659813603: Marina Volkowa: Vklad studentow w reshenie prakticheskih zadach äkologii
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- ISBN 9783659813610: Mustafe Mohamed H. Dahir: Legal Implications on Non-recognition of Somaliland
- ISBN 3659813621: Krupa Rao: Social media Advertising And Baying Behavior
- ISBN 9783659813627: Krupa Rao: Social media Advertising And Baying Behavior
- ISBN 9783659813634: S. Ravi: Network of Libraries
- ISBN 9783659813641: Sintez i sorbcionnye svojstva kremnijorganicheskih sorbentov
- ISBN 9783659813658: Kela Nnarka Francis: The African Masking Process
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- ISBN 9783659813665: Muhammed Unais P.: Marmaduke Pickthall¿s And Yusuf Ali¿s English Translation of Qur¿an
- ISBN 9783659813672: Dobromira Shopova-Karatsanova: Border molding impression materials - laboratory and clinical tests
- ISBN 9783659813689: Total noe prevoshodstvo i delovye kachestva soft skills
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- ISBN 9783659813696: Jurij Siminin: Finansowye piramidy. Sowremennaq real'nost'
- ISBN 9783659813702: Ahmed Elngar: Computational Intelligence for Confidintial Authentication Systems
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- ISBN 3659813737: Latha Sivaram: Micropropagation of Stevia rebaudiana: Protocol and Cost
- ISBN 9783659813733: Latha Sivaram: Micropropagation of Stevia rebaudiana: Protocol and Cost
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- ISBN 9783659813764: Kim Phuong Lieu: Sediment Diagenesis, Characteristics of Grains and Pore Geometry
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- ISBN 9783659813818: Prashanthi Devi Marimuthu: Status and Management of Sickle Cell Disease among Nilgiri Tribes
- ISBN 9783659813825: Iniobong Akpan: Psycho-social Indicators of Mathematics Performance Among Students
- ISBN 9783659813832: Perehod ot tradicionnoj redakcii v konvergentnuju
- ISBN 3659813850: Vqcheslaw Nosenko: Kak reshit' wazhnejshie problemy chelowechestwa?
- ISBN 9783659813856: Vqcheslaw Nosenko: Kak reshit' wazhnejshie problemy chelowechestwa?
- ISBN 3659813869: Kalu Naik: Print Media Coverage of Insurgency In North East India
- ISBN 9783659813863: Kalu Naik: Print Media Coverage of Insurgency In North East India
- ISBN 3659813877: Aderie Feye Debele: Physical Environment of Schools to Implement Inclusive Education
- ISBN 9783659813870: Aderie Feye Debele: Physical Environment of Schools to Implement Inclusive Education
- ISBN 3659813885: Thyagaraju Gowda: Programming in C ( Revised )
- ISBN 9783659813887: Thyagaraju Gowda: Programming in C ( Revised )
- ISBN 3659813893: Vladimir Shherbakow: Prognozirowanie racional'nogo prirodopol'zowaniq
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- ISBN 9783659813917: Raed Kadhim: Plasmid Curing on Multiple Antibiotic Resistant UTI Pathogens
- ISBN 9783659813924: Sovershenstvovanie organizacii parkovochnogo prostranstva v gorodah
- ISBN 9783659813931: Morusu Siva Sankar: Sri Venkateswara Temple is a landmark of world
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- ISBN 9783659813948: Pijush Kanti Bhattacharjee: Basic Electricals with Conventional & Renewable Electrical Power Plant
- ISBN 3659813958: Fekede Menuta: Intergroup Communication among Gurage
- ISBN 9783659813955: Fekede Menuta: Intergroup Communication among Gurage
- ISBN 9783659813962: Ashebir Tsegaye: Development of Animal Drawn Multicrop Row Planter
- ISBN 9783659813979: Ezekiel Babire Abugri Edward Abasimi: Retirement and Quality of Life of Public Sector Retirees
- ISBN 3659813982: Eed M. Darwish: Coherent ¿-Production off Deuteron Near ¿-Threshold
- ISBN 9783659813986: Eed M. Darwish: Coherent ¿-Production off Deuteron Near ¿-Threshold
- ISBN 3659813990: Mariq Kuleshowa: Razwitie melkoj motoriki u mladshih doshkol'nikow
- ISBN 9783659813993: Mariq Kuleshowa: Razwitie melkoj motoriki u mladshih doshkol'nikow