ISBN beginnend mit 9783659875
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659875007: Kenneth Alfred Wiyo: Review of the Malawi Irrigation Sector: Challenges and Opportunities
- ISBN 3659875015: Lew Nedorezow: Odnofaktornyj dispersionnyj analiz w biologii
- ISBN 9783659875014: Lew Nedorezow: Odnofaktornyj dispersionnyj analiz w biologii
- ISBN 9783659875021: Raymond Hilary Hawkins-Mofokeng: Marketing Implications of Hip-Hop Culture in Durban South Africa
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- ISBN 9783659875045: Nasir AL Hassan: When Dubai's past became present
- ISBN 9783659875052: Saif Ullah: Avian Diversity
- ISBN 3659875066: Swetlana Il'inichna Gwozdkowa: Ul'trazwukowye i drugie metody potrebleniq resursow
- ISBN 9783659875069: Swetlana Il'inichna Gwozdkowa: Ul'trazwukowye i drugie metody potrebleniq resursow
- ISBN 9783659875076: Benson Kosgei: Small Arms Insecurity
- ISBN 9783659875083: Srivastava, Sharad Chandra: Intelligent Controller for Flexible Manufacturing System
- ISBN 9783659875090: Elena Tobolkina: New Analytical Tools in Gel Electrophoresis and Mass Spectrometry
- ISBN 3659875104: Vladimir Sulaew: Periodizaciq Istorii Hristianstwa
- ISBN 9783659875106: Vladimir Sulaew: Periodizaciq Istorii Hristianstwa
- ISBN 9783659875113: Arkady Ursul: Global Studies
- ISBN 9783659875120: Hanan Ragab: Alzheimer Disease: Prevalence, etiology and treatment
- ISBN 3659875139: Samuel Nahanga: International Clinical Guidelines
- ISBN 9783659875137: Samuel Nahanga: International Clinical Guidelines
- ISBN 9783659875144: S. Thanga Pandiyan: Epigallocatechin gallate protects fluoride induced neurotoxicity
- ISBN 9783659875151: Ahmed Omar Bali: Political Communication in Kurdistan
- ISBN 9783659875168: Lichnostnye kachestwa rukowoditelq wliqueschie na splochoennost kollektiwa
- ISBN 9783659875175: Krishnanaik Vankdoth: Research Methods And Presentation
- ISBN 365987518X: Sergej Voskobojnikow: Russkaq armiq w 1813, 1814 gg.
- ISBN 9783659875182: Sergej Voskobojnikow: Russkaq armiq w 1813, 1814 gg.
- ISBN 9783659875199: Hakem Albilasi: Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) and Evidence of the Risk of Thrombosis
- ISBN 9783659875205: Neetu Sachan: Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Potential of Curcuma zedoaria Rosc
- ISBN 9783659875212: Petro Trokhimchuck: Relaxed Optics: Realities and Perspectives
- ISBN 9783659875229: Kerem Hepdeniz: Arazide Temel Navigasyon Bilgisi
- ISBN 9783659875236: Narayanasamy, Saravanan: Developing A Framework For Web Service Consistency Quality Management
- ISBN 9783659875243: Vijay Rawat: Glass facade for futuristic construction technology
- ISBN 9783659875250: W K S M Abeysekera: Health Food Properties of Traditional Rice in Sri Lanka
- ISBN 9783659875267: Africa Zulu: Role Parameters Within the Teaching Practicum Triad
- ISBN 9783659875274: Rethi Mahesh Mahesh Jayachandran: Recent Advances in Conventional Endodontics
- ISBN 9783659875281: Olga Ellis: Voice vs. Text Chats
- ISBN 9783659875298: Nilam Ghuge: A Novel Approach For Improvements In Content Based Image Retrieval
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- ISBN 9783659875304: Oxana Shherbinina: Osobennosti i perspektiwy splawoobrazowaniq metodom katodnogo wnedreniq
- ISBN 9783659875311: Dima Bassil: Marginal Adaptation of a Class V Composite After Different Treatments
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- ISBN 9783659875373: Akinola S. Olayinka: Modeling Grinding Process as Micro-Machining Operation
- ISBN 9783659875380: Ivan Kuzyayev: Modeling of the dynamic behavior of multiphase media
- ISBN 9783659875397: Diskursivnyj potencial dramaturgicheskogo slova
- ISBN 9783659875403: Omar Nakib: Philosophical Foundations of Education Quranic Perspectives
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- ISBN 9783659875472: Hassan Mateka: Impact of Coastal Shrimp Farming on Water Quality and Macrobenthos
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- ISBN 9783659875496: Farhana Afrin: Indusrial Relations of Cement Sector in Bangladesh
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- ISBN 9783659875526: Solaiman Mia: Design a Reversible Fault Tolerant Programmable Array Logic
- ISBN 9783659875533: Aleck Hama: Funding Challenges Facing Informal Traders in Zimbabwe
- ISBN 9783659875540: Steven DeGangi: Elements Of Effective Preaching
- ISBN 9783659875557: Norest Magidi: Impacts of Electronic Payment Systems on the Income Streams
- ISBN 9783659875564: Taghried Salman: Adsorption Studies of Some Dyes on Different Adsorbent Surfaces
- ISBN 9783659875571: T. Dayakar: Nano Composite:Synthesis, Characterization and Gas Sensor Application
- ISBN 9783659875588: Saleh Ghodrati Dennis Moradkhan: Intelligibility and Different Phonological Features
- ISBN 9783659875595: Hamzeh Rahimi: Anaphase promoting complex: structure and expression
- ISBN 9783659875601: Punam Patil: An Efficient Algorithm for Cost effective Mechanism in WDM Network
- ISBN 9783659875618: Jean Claude Niyokwizerwa: Framework For Integrating EHRS And SND Using NFC
- ISBN 9783659875625: Teobaldo Ramirez Barbosa: Churches and Maya dwellings of Colonial Yucatán and Belize
- ISBN 9783659875632: Vysokie tehnologii: algoritm upravleniya veshhestvom
- ISBN 9783659875649: Julia Indongo: Exploring Conflicts in No Longer at Ease and Chairman of Fools
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- ISBN 9783659875656: Ekaterina Zlobina: Osnowy äffektiwnosti sistemy gosudarstwennogo uprawleniq w Rossii
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- ISBN 9783659875694: Vitaly Rogankov: Are ionic liquids actually ionic ones?
- ISBN 9783659875700: Bui Thi Nga: Students' satisfaction with university service quality
- ISBN 9783659875717: Dombin Ndor: Seed-borne Fungi of Roselle(Hibiscus Sabdariffera L.) and their Control
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- ISBN 9783659875731: Relejnaya zashhita i avtomatika lokal nyh jenergeticheskih sistem
- ISBN 9783659875748: Olubunmi O. Alawode: Land Use Conflicts in Southwestern Nigeria: Effect on Food Production
- ISBN 9783659875755: Dipti Khanna: Mental Health and factors impacting it in School children in Ahmedabad
- ISBN 9783659875762: Leroy Fong Kien Ynn: Case Study of 3D Animation Lecturers on adopting Blended Learning
- ISBN 9783659875779: Razvitie inoyazychnogo rechevogo sluha
- ISBN 9783659875786: Viktoriya Bulankina: Lagrangian analysis of bed-load particle motion
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- ISBN 9783659875793: Mariq Prohorowa: Podgotowka pedagogow k innowacionnoj deqtel'nosti w wuze
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- ISBN 9783659875830: Luqman Mina: Analysis and Evaluation of GSM System Design in Kurdistan Region
- ISBN 9783659875847: Noble Mawungwa: The impact of assistive technology in the learning of deaf students
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- ISBN 9783659875977: Linz Shalan: Apical Extrusion of Intra-canal Bacteria Using Different Instruments
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