ISBN beginnend mit 9783659887
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659887000: Bev Rogers: Educational Leadership: cultivating plurality in a 'public space'
- ISBN 9783659887017: Rajendra Singh: Primary School Assistant Headship: An Exploratory Study
- ISBN 9783659887024: Chirangivi Bista: Socio-Economic Impacts of International Student Migration
- ISBN 9783659887031: Osobennosti funkcionirovaniya tenevoj jekonomiki v Tadzhikistane
- ISBN 9783659887048: Vladimir Cygankow: Virtual'nost' i soznanie
- ISBN 3659887056: Roger Muremyi: Dynamical System with Multi-Delays Mathematical Models
- ISBN 9783659887055: Roger Muremyi: Dynamical System with Multi-Delays Mathematical Models
- ISBN 9783659887062: Mahmoud Khalifa: Public Administration
- ISBN 9783659887079: Dagnachew Mengstie Tefera: Finite Difference Method of Solving ODE Using Three Boundary Condition
- ISBN 9783659887086: Arslan Iftikhar: Supplementing Molted Layer Breeders
- ISBN 9783659887093: Vindyashree Marrisiddaiah Govindappa Manjunath: Biological and Molecular detection of SuLCV in weeds and crop plants
- ISBN 9783659887109: Vladimir Fokin: Volokonno-opticheskie sistemy sverhvysokih skorostej peredachi
- ISBN 9783659887116: Inna Voskobojnikowa: Jerozionnye processy w swqzi s rekreaciej w lesah Zapadnogo Kawkaza
- ISBN 9783659887123: Manan Shah: Study of strong and weak decay processes of mesons
- ISBN 9783659887130: Ruhee Wasson: New Era of Nanoelectronics
- ISBN 9783659887147: Pramila Ramani Suresh Vasava: Cogency of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in Mathematics
- ISBN 9783659887154: Ikechukwu Egbo: Two-group classification procedures with multivariate binary variables
- ISBN 9783659887161: Saad Mabrouk Yakout: Ethanol Gas Sensor Based on Metal Oxides Nanoparticles
- ISBN 9783659887178: Ashraf R. Abdullah: Language and Virtual Identity in Second Life
- ISBN 3659887188: Igor' I. Abramow: Osnowy modelirowaniq älementow mikro- i nanoälektroniki
- ISBN 9783659887185: Igor' I. Abramow: Osnowy modelirowaniq älementow mikro- i nanoälektroniki
- ISBN 9783659887192: Sirria M. Elmarhoumy: Blastocystis - The Neglected Parasite
- ISBN 9783659887208: Gihan A. Elanany: On the Prediction of Short Multivariate Fuzzy Time Series
- ISBN 3659887218: Vera An'shakowa: Komplexnye preparaty na osnowe wozobnowlqemogo syr'q Yakutii
- ISBN 9783659887215: Vera An'shakowa: Komplexnye preparaty na osnowe wozobnowlqemogo syr'q Yakutii
- ISBN 9783659887222: Vishal Khandelwal: Pulpotomy
- ISBN 9783659887239: Mohamed Zakaria Laghmam: The Colonial Discourse in Post-Colonial Postcards
- ISBN 9783659887246: Nataliq Stromowa: Sbornik rabot po temam: Hranenie i zaschita dannyh
- ISBN 9783659887253: Asha Rani Anto: An Application of CALL In English Subject
- ISBN 9783659887260: Jagadeesh Krishnan: Hypnotism Basic Level Practices Volume - I
- ISBN 3659887277: Ravikumar Kurup: Cyanotoxins & Selenium Deficiency - Primate Dinosaur & Human Evolution
- ISBN 9783659887277: Ravikumar Kurup: Cyanotoxins & Selenium Deficiency - Primate Dinosaur & Human Evolution
- ISBN 3659887285: Emmanuel Aoudi Chance: The Secret of Job Satisfaction
- ISBN 9783659887284: Emmanuel Aoudi Chance: The Secret of Job Satisfaction
- ISBN 9783659887291: Galina Tatenko: Strategicheskij process v organizacii
- ISBN 9783659887307: Talemos Seta Shanka: Diversity in Enset-Based Home-gardens in Wolayta Zone (Ethiopia)
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- ISBN 9783659887321: Partson Paradza: Undergraduate real estate education in Zimbabwe: A comparative study
- ISBN 9783659887338: Ilya Basin: Internet-Based Energy Management
- ISBN 9783659887345: Ammar Ahmed: Strategy to Customer Loyalty: Building CSR & Service Quality
- ISBN 9783659887352: Ali Al-Kaf: Synthesis and Activity of 1,3-diazines derivatives
- ISBN 3659887366: Al'fiq Batyrshina: Metody issledowaniq woli w 20-30-h godah XX weka
- ISBN 9783659887369: Al'fiq Batyrshina: Metody issledowaniq woli w 20-30-h godah XX weka
- ISBN 9783659887376: Khalid Al-Rawi: Optimization of Leadership Effects in Knowledge Sharing & Sustainable Success
- ISBN 9783659887383: Marwa Abd El Rahman Mohamed: Diastasis Recti Abdominis: A Pregnancy Challenge
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- ISBN 9783659887406: Abdullahi Muhammad Doki: Critical Theory Approaches to Historical Questions of Media &Democracy
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- ISBN 9783659887420: Boku, Eyassu Jemal: Climate Change, Migration and Conflict
- ISBN 9783659887437: Jill Walker: Privileging Maori Metaphors To Teach, Heal & Restore Cultural Identity
- ISBN 9783659887444: Tapiwa David Mutava: Characterization of a Titanium precursor salt
- ISBN 9783659887451: Sahira Nsayef Muslim Sawsan Sajid AL-Jubori Alaa N. Mohamed Ali Al-Khfajy: Lectin as a booster for antibiotics activity
- ISBN 9783659887468: John Brandenburg: The GEM Unification Theory
- ISBN 9783659887475: Camilo A. Tabinas: Literacy on Simple Inorganic Chemical Formulas: A Modular Approach
- ISBN 9783659887482: Biswajit Basu: Development of Mouth Dissolving Tablets
- ISBN 9783659887499: Pravovoe regulirovanie reproduktivnyh otnoshenij
- ISBN 9783659887505: Papia Palit: Moving through time
- ISBN 9783659887512: Dhananjay Mane Vijay Chandegaokar: Reagents for Detection of Insecticides and drugs of Forensic Interest
- ISBN 9783659887529: Brahim Ait Laaguid: The Amazigh Issue in the U.S Department of State Human Rights Reports
- ISBN 3659887536: Mukunda Chethan Kumar: Neutralization of Lethal PLA2 of Naja naja Venom by Turmeric Peptide
- ISBN 9783659887536: Mukunda Chethan Kumar: Neutralization of Lethal PLA2 of Naja naja Venom by Turmeric Peptide
- ISBN 9783659887543: Dhananjay Mane: Synthesis and Studies on the Properties of Ferritic Nanoparticles
- ISBN 9783659887550: Mohsen Ghorbani Vahideh Arabahmadi: Polymeric nanoadsorbent and heavy metal removal
- ISBN 3659887560: Youmna Ahmedy: Human Behavior and Psychological Needs in Cairo¿s Urban Spaces
- ISBN 9783659887567: Youmna Ahmedy: Human Behavior and Psychological Needs in Cairo¿s Urban Spaces
- ISBN 3659887579: Ravi Gondaliya: Selection and Analysis of Spindle and Ballscrew of CNC Machine
- ISBN 9783659887574: Ravi Gondaliya: Selection and Analysis of Spindle and Ballscrew of CNC Machine
- ISBN 9783659887581: Gaurav Bhatia: Cross Layer Designs for Mobile Adhoc Networks
- ISBN 9783659887598: Nikunj Gajera: Biodiversity of Chapredi Reserve Forest
- ISBN 9783659887604: Elham Kariri: How 3D printing influences businesses
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- ISBN 9783659887628: Kategoriya pamyati v obraznoj strukture russkogo texta XIX veka
- ISBN 9783659887635: Md. Shahnawaz Abbas: Oil Revenues and Economic Development of Saudi Arabia (1971-2016)
- ISBN 9783659887642: Karuna Joshi: Women Of Uttarakhand
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- ISBN 9783659887666: Supriya Patil Arvind Shjaligram: Fiber Optic Sensors: Design to Prototype
- ISBN 9783659887673: Tetiana Oztunc: Integral estimate of company s financial condition
- ISBN 9783659887680: Aminu Usman: Industrial Policies and Small Scale Industries Operations in Nigeria
- ISBN 9783659887697: Podgotovka studentov-medikov k rabote s pacientom
- ISBN 3659887706: Gentjan Çera: Evaluating the impact of financial development on economic growth
- ISBN 9783659887703: Gentjan Çera: Evaluating the impact of financial development on economic growth
- ISBN 9783659887710: Bereket Keyema: Indigenous Conflict Resolution Mechanism - in Maale, South Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783659887727: Mahesh Kulharia: Understanding Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor
- ISBN 9783659887734: A.H.M. Mahbubur Rahman Jesmin Nahar: Diversity of Angiosperm Flora at Sadar Upazila of Naogaon, Bangladesh
- ISBN 9783659887741: Jedgar Andreewich Parfönow: Faktory samozaschity zhiwotnyh organizmow: zaschitnyj potencial i älektrony
- ISBN 3659887757: Vera Musina: Socializaciq uchaschihsq w polikul'turnoj shkole ¿259
- ISBN 9783659887758: Vera Musina: Socializaciq uchaschihsq w polikul'turnoj shkole ¿259
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- ISBN 9783659887802: Vzaimodejstvie sojuzov i media
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- ISBN 9783659887857: Rohaya Abdullah: Developing Learner Autonomy Abilities in Writing
- ISBN 9783659887864: Mohammed Abdel-Ghani: Studies on In Vitro Maturation of Canine Oocytes
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- ISBN 9783659887987: Khalid Iqbal: Authentication of absorbed dose measurement in Radiotherapy
- ISBN 9783659887994: Paul Wambua Kavulya: Deposit Mobilization Strategies for Saccos in Kenya