ISBN beginnend mit 9783659901
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659901003: Amit Chakraborty: Modelling Plant Community Ecological Interactions in Variable Environm
- ISBN 9783659901010: Vimal Parmar: Java Multiple Choice Questions
- ISBN 9783659901027: Postroenie odnostoronnih poverhnostej
- ISBN 9783659901041: Martin Banda: Sex Education a Missed Opportunity in the Zambian Education System
- ISBN 9783659901058: Mulugeta Ayalew: Sheep and Goat Production Text Book
- ISBN 9783659901065: Ben Bediako Boakye: The Impact of Mining on the Cultural Heritage of Tarkwa, Ghana
- ISBN 3659901075: Andrej Romanow: Vliqnie proizwodstwennogo tipa cherno - pestryh korow na produktiwnost'
- ISBN 9783659901072: Andrej Romanow: Vliqnie proizwodstwennogo tipa cherno - pestryh korow na produktiwnost'
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- ISBN 9783659901089: Vladimir Martynow: Matematicheskoe modelirowanie dinamicheskih rezhimow älektricheskih mashin
- ISBN 9783659901096: Hélène Pignot: Who Wrote the Cry (1754)? New Evidence from NLP Tools
- ISBN 9783659901102: Heba Hussein: Mediterranean Coastal Landscape and Sustainable Tourism Development
- ISBN 9783659901119: Gazetnyj narrativ kak pragmasinergeticheskoe kommunikativnoe dejstvie
- ISBN 9783659901126: Raspoznawanie lic s primeneniem funkcij wozmuscheniq
- ISBN 9783659901133: Oezlem Karadag: Trauma on the Contemporary English Stage
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- ISBN 9783659901140: Anatolij Anatol'ewich Kilqchkow: Tehnologiq wexel'nogo obrascheniq
- ISBN 9783659901157: Bhagawan Dheeravath: Utilization and / or Treatment of Industrial hazardous waste
- ISBN 9783659901164: Informacionno - analiticheskie sistemy v kachestve jelementa AIISKUJe
- ISBN 9783659901171: Rabindra Kumar Swain Samiran Kumar Mishra: Corporate Social Responsibility of Commercial Banks in India
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- ISBN 9783659901188: Thadei Mwereke: Epistemology in an African Context: Past and Present
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- ISBN 9783659901201: Mahir Gazdar: The Impact of computer viruses on business
- ISBN 9783659901218: Safiya Yahaya Daniyan: Prevalence & Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Urino-Pathogens in Nigeria
- ISBN 9783659901225: Badhon Biswas: Negative Phase Sequence Indicator
- ISBN 9783659901232: Poisk informacii v Internete
- ISBN 3659901245: Sanja Madzarevic-Sujster: Barriers to Competition in Croatia: The Role of Government Regulation
- ISBN 9783659901249: Sanja Madzarevic-Sujster: Barriers to Competition in Croatia: The Role of Government Regulation
- ISBN 9783659901256: Apeh Okocha, Christie: A Sociolinguistic Approach to Chinua Achebe's Novels
- ISBN 9783659901263: Mark Onwuamaeze Ojukwu: Mate Selection Preferences and Marital Stability
- ISBN 9783659901270: Kishore J. Maru: Holistic Approach towards Adolescent Health and Fitness
- ISBN 9783659901287: Social'no-jekonomicheskoe razvitie goroda Rostova-na-Donu v 1950-1970-ye
- ISBN 9783659901294: Zhanxin Sha: Kinetic and Kinematic Properties of D-I Male Sprinters
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- ISBN 9783659901324: Paranitharan K. P.: Integrated Manufacturing Business Excellence System Practice in India
- ISBN 9783659901331: Mojtaba Javandoust: Personality Types and Literary Intelligence and Literary Translation
- ISBN 9783659901348: Klinicheskaq gematologiq
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- ISBN 9783659901379: Elizah Kamane: Ecological Risk Assessment of Mine Tailings Disposed by DSTP
- ISBN 9783659901386: Namo Timothy Otsanjugu Aku: Screening for Source-Sink Potentials in Sweet Potato Lines in Jos, Nigeria
- ISBN 9783659901393: Baneswar Kapasi: Management of Finances of the Government of West Bengal: 1990 to 2010
- ISBN 9783659901409: Puguang Gu Tangjin Xiao: A History of Chinese Masks
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- ISBN 9783659901430: Pothireddy Rao: Strategic Information Planning:Alignment of IT Plan with Business Plan
- ISBN 9783659901447: Bharathi Devi Anchula: Impact of WUA on the Efficient Use of Irrigation Water
- ISBN 9783659901454: Quazi Mohammed Imranul Haq: Effect of vehicular emissions on Alstonia scholaris R.Br.
- ISBN 3659901466: Yasir Niaz Khan: Visual Terrain Classification using Ground and Flying Robots
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- ISBN 9783659901478: Rahul Kumar Mudsainiyan: Sol-gel Synthesis of Hard Ferrites: Characterization and Properties
- ISBN 9783659901485: Vincent O'Donnell: ISO 9001 Certified QMS in the Subea Sector of the Oil & Gas Industries
- ISBN 9783659901508: Hazër R. Susuri: Establishment of the State of Kosovo 1943 - 2008
- ISBN 9783659901515: Ol'ga Heruvimova: Razvitie vokal'noj kul'tury shkol'nikov ot 6 do 16 let
- ISBN 9783659901522: Vijay Francis Peter: Comparative study of occupational stress
- ISBN 9783659901539: Asser Ghoneim: Natural Agents Against Liver Death
- ISBN 9783659901546: Biotehnologiya sinbioticheskih kormovyh dobavok iz molochnoj syvorotki
- ISBN 9783659901553: Mohd Taukeer Khan Sundeep Kumar Dhawan Amarjeet Kaur: Charge transport mechanism in organic/inorganic hybrid System
- ISBN 9783659901560: Ariff Aizuddin Azlan: The 2011 Sarawak State Elections: Pakatan's Electoral Performance
- ISBN 9783659901577: Petar Grujic: Decoding Bible
- ISBN 9783659901584: Dipak Kar: Wordsworth : The Prelude and Indian Non-Dualism
- ISBN 9783659901591: Ghada Younis Kahwaji: Bacterial Study of Dental Caries in Children
- ISBN 9783659901607: Solomon Uduma Nnachi: Grain Farmers' Vulnerability Status to Climate Change in Gusau Nigeria
- ISBN 9783659901614: Muhammad Afzaal: Protective effects of Digera muricata (L.) Mart against Liver toxicity
- ISBN 9783659901621: Dina Ampera: Learning Strategy & Soft-Skill in Clothing Business Management
- ISBN 9783659901638: Naveed Afzal: Automatic Generation of MCQs Using Information Extraction
- ISBN 9783659901645: Arati Nepal Poudel: Nutrient Management Approaches for Organic Farming System
- ISBN 9783659901652: Mohammed Khalid Yousif: Distributed Space-Time Coding in Cooperative Communication Systems
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- ISBN 9783659901683: Rodrigo Villagra: The Two Shamans and the Owner of Cattle
- ISBN 9783659901690: Ramzy Magambo: Access to Formal Financial Credit Services by Smallholder Rural Farmers
- ISBN 9783659901706: Govind Bagde: Studies On Spray Deposited Lanthanum Chalocogenides Thin Films
- ISBN 9783659901713: Kozo Nagano: Abiogenic Evolution of RNA and the Origin of Life
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- ISBN 9783659901737: Isra Jawdat Batayneh: The U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East: A NeoGramscian Analysis
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- ISBN 9783659901751: Shashi Bhattarai: Hydropower Development Decision Analysis: A Multi Criteria Approach
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- ISBN 9783659901768: Alladi Sathishkumar: Power Factor Measurement and Improvement using myDAQ
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- ISBN 9783659901799: Almaz Aetow: Osobennosti anodnogo rastworeniq i korrozionnogo powedeniq Al
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- ISBN 9783659901843: Majedul Islam: Communication Strategies of Bangladeshi Pharmaceuticals
- ISBN 9783659901850: Line Frederiksen: Call it Sleep - A View on the Jewish-American Immigrant Experience
- ISBN 9783659901867: Anton Rodin: Sowremennaq afrikanskaq politika Yaponii i pomosch' razwitiü
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- ISBN 9783659901911: Marie Duponchel: French Luxury brands negotiation strategies in the Chinese market
- ISBN 9783659901928: Vadim Maslov: Modelirovanie i prognozirovanie priajerodromnyh territorij
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- ISBN 9783659901980: Michael Newton: Moral Panic within British Society caused by the Mass Media
- ISBN 9783659901997: Bilingvizm. Interyazyk. Interferenciya