ISBN beginnend mit 9783659905
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659905001: Yoni Ayiekoh: Role of Technology in Risk Mitigation in Kenyan Banks
- ISBN 9783659905018: Tchouassi Gérard: New Challenges of Sustainable Development in Africa
- ISBN 365990502X: Zhardenbek Shariwhan: Grazhdanskoe obschestwo i perspektiwy razwitiq prawowogo gosudarstwa
- ISBN 9783659905025: Zhardenbek Shariwhan: Grazhdanskoe obschestwo i perspektiwy razwitiq prawowogo gosudarstwa
- ISBN 9783659905032: Xavier Belsiyal Chellappan: Effect of aerobic exercise on perceived stress & subjective well being
- ISBN 9783659905049: Parunandula Shravankumar: A New Approach to Design and Implement FFT/ IFFT Algorithms: Radix4^2
- ISBN 9783659905056: Ifueko Ukponmwan: A Glance at Cell Biology
- ISBN 9783659905063: Timothy O. Olawumi: Modelling the Costs of Final Sub-circuits in Residential Buildings
- ISBN 9783659905070: Mohammad Aminul Hoque Chowdhury Matthew Love: Business Intelligence Architecture for Corruption Measurement
- ISBN 9783659905087: Ram Datta Bhatta: Nutrient expert model on wheat
- ISBN 9783659905094: Adrian Jones: Secondary School Mathematics Teachers' Views and Use of Manipulatives
- ISBN 9783659905100: Thomas Leblatier: The Use of Stadia by English Professional Football
- ISBN 9783659905117: Powyshenie aeffektiwnosti uprawleniq razwitiem otraslej regiona
- ISBN 9783659905124: Gideon E. D. Omuta: Infrastructure and PHC Services in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
- ISBN 9783659905131: Roddy Hiram: Impact of Resolvins to prevent Pulmonary Hypertension
- ISBN 9783659905148: Yousif Yaqoub Yousif: Gm-Closure Spaces and Related Results
- ISBN 9783659905155: L. Bahtiewa: MS Office Ispol'zuj wozmozhnosti
- ISBN 9783659905162: K. V. L. V. Narayanachari: Stress and Microstructural Evolution in Metal Oxide Thin Films
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- ISBN 9783659905186: Ahmed Ibrahim: Maximizing Transportation Capacity of an Aged Crude Oil Pipeline
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- ISBN 9783659905209: Ruby Patel: Physiological changes during petal senescence in T. rotundifolia Blake
- ISBN 9783659905216: Sara Eltayeb: Effect of inflation on newly married couples
- ISBN 9783659905223: Madhavrao K. Deore: Gas Sensing Performance of Undoped(Pure)and Doped ZnO Thick Films
- ISBN 9783659905230: Shovon Chandra Sarkar Mahjuba Akter: Performance of Five Selected Hybrid Rice Varieties in Aman Season
- ISBN 9783659905247: Ajdys Dongak: Ocenka inwesticionnogo klimata w regione
- ISBN 9783659905254: Elaine Caffrey: Sports and the Youth Market
- ISBN 9783659905261: Gena McNair-Crews: Investigating Instructor Perceptions Of Online Teaching V. Traditional
- ISBN 9783659905278: Suresh Dhandhukia: Ecology and Behaviour of Bank Myna
- ISBN 9783659905285: Abhimanyu Kumar: A Case Series of Fracture Clavicle using Stainless Steel Plate
- ISBN 9783659905292: Mohamed Othman: Mobile Based Remote Access
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- ISBN 9783659905315: Shalva Akhrakhadze: Financial Analysis in Practice
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- ISBN 9783659905384: Thomas Odell: The Young Turk Movement and the Young Turk Era of Ottoman History
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- ISBN 9783659905407: Juliq Zhil'cowa: Profilaktika narkotizacii molodezhi
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- ISBN 9783659905520: Osama Mohammed Elmardi Suleiman Khayal: BIAXIAL COMPRESSIVE BUCKLING OF LAMINATED PLATES (VOLUME ONE)
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- ISBN 9783659905544: Shourav Dutta: Biodiversity of Sitakunda Botanical Garden and Eco-park: Flora
- ISBN 3659905550: Abdullahi Shittu: Measurement of Ultra-Violet (UV) Solar Radiation
- ISBN 9783659905551: Abdullahi Shittu: Measurement of Ultra-Violet (UV) Solar Radiation
- ISBN 9783659905568: Alexandr Rehovskij: Vzglyad na pravovuju sistemu Yaponii
- ISBN 9783659905575: Suganya Ayyar: Effect of mulching and humic acid on the yield of tomato
- ISBN 9783659905582: Jagadish Jadhav: Compact Broadband Antenna Integrated with Filter
- ISBN 9783659905599: Jayant Panse: A Study of IT Impact in improving Business Processes in SMEs in India
- ISBN 9783659905605: Fabio Alberto Castillo Bustamante: Surgery versus endoscopic therapies for early cancer in the esophagus
- ISBN 9783659905612: Fuzal Ahmed K. Srinivasa Rao: Geomorphometry and morphotectonics of Tuirini watershed in Mizoram
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