ISBN beginnend mit 9783659906
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659906008: Bachu Srinivas: A Hand Book on "Probability, Random Variables & Random Processes"
- ISBN 9783659906015: Karina Ochis: The Impact of Virtual Reality on Political Marketing
- ISBN 9783659906022: Lance Box: Warlpiri Business as Pedagogy
- ISBN 9783659906039: Sana Majeed: KAP of Mothers regarding Exclusive Breastfeeding in Infants
- ISBN 9783659906046: Miro Ljubicic: Ethnicity and Entrepreneurship
- ISBN 9783659906053: Fitoindikaciya promyshlennyh jekotopov na primere Reseda lutea L.
- ISBN 9783659906060: Minakshee Patil: Adaptive TCP congestion Window mechanism for ad hoc networks
- ISBN 3659906077: Shahlo Bakiewa: VLIYaNIE BOLEZNEJ KROVI NA TEChENIE
- ISBN 9783659906077: Shahlo Bakiewa: VLIYaNIE BOLEZNEJ KROVI NA TEChENIE
- ISBN 9783659906084: Ashraf Ali: Banana peels: A green & efficient adsorbent for heavy metals & phenols
- ISBN 9783659906091: Slawomir Polanski: Numerical Analysis of Fatigue Crack Growth in a Spur Gear using XFEM
- ISBN 9783659906107: Osama E. Mansour: Enhancing Green Building Performance
- ISBN 9783659906114: Md. Mizanor Rahman: Characterizations of Prime and Semiprime Gamma Rings with Derivations
- ISBN 9783659906121: Mohammed Rifaat Al Taleb: Rainfall Effect on the Erosion of Unsealed Roads
- ISBN 9783659906138: H. Gökay Meriç: Slow Food and Food Tourism: Foça Earth Market
- ISBN 9783659906145: King B. Bergonio Joy Bartolome A. Duldulao Nerissa C. Ramos: Improved Shelf Life of Brown Rice by Heat and Microwave Treatment
- ISBN 9783659906152: Hamed Hegazy: E³ Electrical Engineering Expert
- ISBN 9783659906169: Ontos jekonomixa
- ISBN 9783659906176: Optimizacionnye sistemy processov maloothodnoj goryachej shtampovki
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- ISBN 9783659906190: Nabil Shokri: The "Arab Spring": A Different Conceptualization
- ISBN 9783659906206: Isaac Tuffour: Development of pavement blocks using waste polyethylene terephthalate
- ISBN 9783659906213: Aggeliki Pappa: Effective Inclusion for Students with Dyslexia and SEN in the FL class
- ISBN 9783659906220: Vqcheslaw Rubcow: Institucional'nye osobennosti dogowora uprawleniq MKD
- ISBN 9783659906237: Ephraim Nwoye: A Novel Algorithm to Decode Redundant Residue Number System Codes
- ISBN 9783659906244: Ruchi Agarwal: Knowledge Discovery Using Big Data Analytics
- ISBN 9783659906251: Alexej Kirpichenkow: Fizicheskoe razwitie detej 5-7let w DOU
- ISBN 9783659906268: Carlos Schmidt Quadros: Rainwater Harvesting - Past or Future?
- ISBN 3659906271: Juliq Gilenok: Vsö o prodazhah w shemah
- ISBN 9783659906275: Juliq Gilenok: Vsö o prodazhah w shemah
- ISBN 9783659906282: Kartheek Balapala: Systems approach and teaching strategies in medical education
- ISBN 9783659906299: Motiwaciq studentow k wneuchebnoj deqtel'nosti studentow
- ISBN 9783659906305: Oumayma BENADJEL Nora MIMOUNE Ratiba BAAZIZI: CRISPR
- ISBN 9783659906312: V. Narayana Swamy: Fiber and Fabric Science
- ISBN 9783659906329: Ewgeniq Lesnikowa: Instrument operatiwnosti
- ISBN 9783659906336: Formirovanie i razvitie prostranstvennogo myshleniya uchashhihsya
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- ISBN 9783659906367: Demel Teketay: Trees Growing along Thamalakane River in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
- ISBN 9783659906374: Samuel Ayobami Akinruli: Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer in Brazilian Universities
- ISBN 9783659906381: Mostafa Mourad: Solar Tracking system using SCADA & PLC
- ISBN 9783659906398: Özel Sebetci: A Research on the Success of Information Systems Models: in Turkey
- ISBN 9783659906404: Alena Kukushkina: Jewolüciq Takahasi Takako
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- ISBN 9783659906466: Hiram Ndiritu: Post Combustion Capture of Carbon Dioxide Emission using Wet Scrubbing / Hiram Ndiritu (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 140 S. / Englisch / 2017 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
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- ISBN 9783659906558: Faizan Badar: Design and Fabrication of Fresnel reflector
- ISBN 9783659906565: Chayut Vaikasi: Droplet break-up by in-line rotor stator mixer
- ISBN 9783659906572: Sebastion Sizwe Thaboni Khanyile: The Gauteng E-Tolling Programme
- ISBN 9783659906589: Ram Niwas: Herbal drugs and their effects on rumen ecology of cross breed calves
- ISBN 9783659906596: D. Sudarsana Murthy: Performance of Regional Rural Banks - A Study
- ISBN 9783659906602: Ankit Tyagi: Turbulent Combustion Theory and Modelling
- ISBN 9783659906619: Mohamed F. Issa: Brain Machine Interface
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- ISBN 9783659906640: Gordon Maruta: Relationship between formal and informal land delivery processes
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- ISBN 9783659906664: Tine de Franca: The risk Self-Medication with Natural Medicine might present
- ISBN 9783659906671: Upravlenie i monitoring letatel nogo apparata
- ISBN 9783659906688: Asma Yaqub: Role of Vitamin C in Children having Pneumonia
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- ISBN 9783659906886: Diana Agoki: Organization Development Interventions - A Strategic Option
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- ISBN 9783659906923: Sovershenstvovanie realizacii drevesiny soglasno st. 43-46 LK RF
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