ISBN beginnend mit 9783659909
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659909009: Aleksandr Urakov Natalia Urakova Anton Kasatkin: Thermal imaging improves the accuracy hemorrhagic shock diagnostics
- ISBN 9783659909016: Rana Al-Muttalibi: Certain Types of Linear Operators on Probabilistic Hilbert Space
- ISBN 9783659909023: Nina Lichkowaha: Professional'nyj zhargon medika: semantika i slowoobrazowanie
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- ISBN 9783659909061: Azadeh Mehrpouyan: Feminism and Modern Women Writers
- ISBN 9783659909078: Sukanta Das: Estimation of Nonlinear Mixed Effects Model
- ISBN 9783659909085: Valerij Potapow: Sociologicheskie problemy sowremennoj Rossii
- ISBN 9783659909092: Megha Bhola, Shilpa Shetty, Archana Shetty: Digital Impressions in Implant Prosthodontics
- ISBN 9783659909108: Samina Khalil: Water pollution control-Policy Options
- ISBN 9783659909122: Orion Simerl: The Marriage
- ISBN 9783659909139: Gurmeet Kaur: Morbidity Status of Non-communicable Diseases Among Elderly In Meerut
- ISBN 9783659909146: Tresvil Pack: The Impact of Substance Use Disorder as a Secondary Disability
- ISBN 9783659909153: Dalia Kamel Sayed Tantawy: Abdominopelvic Cavity Concept in Urinary Incontinence Rehabilitation
- ISBN 9783659909160: Nahed Shawki: Jaw apparatus, Kestrel and Budgerigar
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- ISBN 9783659909177: Irina Vasil'ewa: Metodicheskoe soprowozhdenie processa fizicheskogo razwitiq detej w DOO
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- ISBN 9783659909191: Bassam Hassan: A Closer Look at Neutropenia in Solid and Hematological Cancers
- ISBN 9783659909207: James Sutton: The Privatization of Intelligence
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- ISBN 9783659909238: Pradeep Juneja: Control System Applications in Paper Industry
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- ISBN 9783659909269: Hassan Sami Uraibi Habshah Midi Bashar Talib: Dynamic Robust Bootstrap for Linear Model Selection Using LTS
- ISBN 9783659909276: Sandip V. Bhatt Bindiya H. Soni Milind P. Deshpande: Electrical Resistivity Studies on Metal Chalcogenide Semiconductors
- ISBN 3659909289: Maxim Plehanow: Plenochnyj protonnyj älektrolit na osnowe skandata lantana
- ISBN 9783659909283: Maxim Plehanow: Plenochnyj protonnyj älektrolit na osnowe skandata lantana
- ISBN 9783659909290: Ala' Alobeidyeen: Evaluation Of Jordanian Airports Facilities Using Simulation
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- ISBN 9783659909313: Alexandr Viger: Aktual'nost' klassiki i tradicii nowatorstwa
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- ISBN 9783659909337: Geoffrey Ndegwa: Woodfuel Value Chain in Kenya and Rwanda
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- ISBN 9783659909405: Saba Fadhel Ahmad Ali Al-jaff: Performance of Mobile Phone Antenna by Using TEMS program
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- ISBN 9783659909474: Azizah Endut: Sustainable Aquaponics Recirculation System for Freshwater Species
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- ISBN 9783659909498: Bakr Mohammed Ali Abdulmohsin: In Silico Design of Hemolysin Inhibitors
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- ISBN 9783659909542: Obrazy mira prirody v soznanii russkoj yazykovoj lichnosti
- ISBN 9783659909559: Semenowa, Anna: Metodologiq uchöta i rekul'tiwacii / ob#ektow nakoplennogo äkologicheskogo uscherba na territoriqh neftedobychi
- ISBN 9783659909566: Mohamed Yehia: Occupational and Environmental Health Hazards among ICU nurses
- ISBN 9783659909573: Oscar Sanchez: The business environment between China and the European Union
- ISBN 9783659909580: Robert C. M. Weebers: The Dutch Settlement of Malacca
- ISBN 3659909599: Marat Iskanderow: Aktiwnaq muzykal'naq psihoterapiq w praktike lecheniq dushewnobol'nyh
- ISBN 9783659909597: Marat Iskanderow: Aktiwnaq muzykal'naq psihoterapiq w praktike lecheniq dushewnobol'nyh
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- ISBN 9783659909610: Mamoni Dhar: Some Results Related to Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Matrices
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- ISBN 9783659909634: Eckhard Steuer: Soft Strategies
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- ISBN 9783659909689: Mainak Mukherjee: Case Analysis on Lean Manufacturing in Small Sector Industries
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- ISBN 9783659909719: Geng Liang: Design of configuration platform for industrial control with fieldbus
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- ISBN 9783659909733: Chougale, Rutuja: Foundations of Network Pharmacology: From Theory to Practice | Rutuja Chougale (u. a.) | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Einband - flex.(Paperback) | Englisch | 2024 | LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
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