ISBN beginnend mit 9783659927
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659927003: Parashram Patil: The Indian Cashew Ethos
- ISBN 9783659927010: Varun Shukla: Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of India-Consumer Aspect
- ISBN 3659927023: Shafiu Ibrahim Abdullahi: Risk Management and Corporate Governance in Islamic Finance
- ISBN 9783659927027: Shafiu Ibrahim Abdullahi: Risk Management and Corporate Governance in Islamic Finance
- ISBN 9783659927034: Damon Boughen: A constructivist analysis of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Southern Africa
- ISBN 9783659927041: Zamzam Elsharif: Application Design Model of Damaged Steel Pipes
- ISBN 9783659927058: Maximilian Kerski: Factors influencing decision quality: A multi-perspective approach
- ISBN 9783659927065: Sattar B. Sadkhan Hussein A. Ismael: Proposed Speech Scrambler Based on Multi Chaotic Maps as Key Generator
- ISBN 9783659927072: Yasmine van Wilt: The Interrogation (Part One)
- ISBN 9783659927089: Obi Peter Okonkwo: International Labour Standards in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Sector
- ISBN 9783659927096: Richard Leopold Peacocke: My Journey Through Mental Illness to Recovery: An Autoethnography
- ISBN 9783659927102: Ehab Tantawy: Evaluation of Immune Responders in Human Schistosomiasis
- ISBN 9783659927119: Mira Alameddine: Communication and Ethics
- ISBN 9783659927126: Mohammad Javad Mahmoodabadi: Multi-objective Genetic Optimization of Vehicle Suspension Models
- ISBN 9783659927133: Arun Wamanrao Dhawale: Management of Micro-Watershed Applying GIS & RS Techniques
- ISBN 9783659927140: Varra Rajagopal Reddy: Gallium Nitride Based Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor (MIS) Structures
- ISBN 9783659927157: MARKETING USLUG: teoriya i tehnologiya
- ISBN 9783659927164: Isac Gunday: Customers perception on mobile service operators
- ISBN 9783659927171: Samrawit Molla: Analysis of Service Quality Strategies of 'Four Star' Hotels
- ISBN 9783659927188: Girma Aweke: Predicting HIV Infection Risk Factor Using VCT Data
- ISBN 9783659927195: P. Verma: MOR applications
- ISBN 9783659927201: NAEEM KHAN Mohammad Nisar: Genetic Diversity And Immune Response Of Triticum Aestivum
- ISBN 9783659927218: Ashish Verma: Biosurfactant Production and Application from an adaptive strain
- ISBN 9783659927225: Zerihun Desalegn Gebregiorgis: Heterosis and Combining Ability of Cotton under Ethiopian Condition
- ISBN 9783659927232: Ehud Fishler: Loss of Lock in Minimum Noise Energy Phase Estimators
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- ISBN 9783659927256: Sarah Attia: David Hare and David Rabe
- ISBN 9783659927263: M. L. Jaidka: Teaching of Mathematics
- ISBN 9783659927270: Ahmed Thapet: Corrosion control and protection
- ISBN 9783659927287: Aliki Ampoulou: Evaluation of Greek consumers food attitudes with regards to prices
- ISBN 3659927295: Olukayode Dahunsi: Production of Mesoporous Silica Particles: Calcination
- ISBN 9783659927294: Olukayode Dahunsi: Production of Mesoporous Silica Particles: Calcination
- ISBN 9783659927300: Laxmi Maru: A study of serum homocysteine levels during pregnancy
- ISBN 9783659927317: Kavitha Valampuri John: The Genetics and Prevalance of beta Thalessemia
- ISBN 9783659927324: Roxana Elena Tanase: Parameter Estimation for PDEs using Stochastic Methods
- ISBN 9783659927331: Paleozojskie stromatoporoidei
- ISBN 9783659927348: Biwott Chemutai Josephine: Parental Alcohol Consumption and Children s Welfare in Elgeyo Marakwet
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- ISBN 9783659927362: Jawad Ali: Cellulose Based Miniaturized Antenna for Wearable Transceiver
- ISBN 9783659927386: Dinesh Sharma: Signal Loss Calculations at 900Mhz and 2.4Ghz in WBAN
- ISBN 9783659927393: Ajay Majethiya: Engineering Physics
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- ISBN 9783659927423: Joshua Mogaka: Influence of financial planning practices on county governments Kenya
- ISBN 9783659927430: Pinka Patel: New Series of Pyrazolines based Heterocyclic Compounds
- ISBN 9783659927447: Ranjan Singh: Pullularia pullulans
- ISBN 9783659927454: Vladimir Vanaew: Dwe publikacii na temu bezopasnost' zhiznedeqtel'nosti
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- ISBN 9783659927522: Caleb Chundusu: A Cross-sectional CIMT Study to Assess CVD Risk in Patients with DM
- ISBN 9783659927539: Hamdi Alomiri: Leadership and Organisational Culture In E-Services Environment
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- ISBN 9783659927553: Sultan Alshoabi: Sonography of liver in normal individuals and patients with Malaria
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- ISBN 9783659927577: Babawuro Usman: Image Processing Algorithms for Automated Cadastral Feature Extraction
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- ISBN 9783659927591: Ravikanth Vajjha: Rheology and CFD Studies of Nanofluids
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- ISBN 9783659927607: Runhild Roeder: Is Sacred Syntactically & Semantically Dense?
- ISBN 9783659927614: Amulya Ratna Swain: Weighted Average Based Clock Synchronization Protocols for WSN
- ISBN 9783659927621: Zainab Golwala: Platelet Indices And Their Ratios : Predictors of Pediatric Mortality
- ISBN 9783659927638: M. K. Hasan: Summary Statistics
- ISBN 9783659927645: Chih-Yao Lo Cheng-I Hou Szu-Chin Wu: Study on Selection Criteria of Field Trip Planners
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- ISBN 9783659927652: Ragim Mamedow: Kontrol' polozheniq 3D-ob#ektow w gibkih awtomatizirowannyh sistemah
- ISBN 9783659927669: Abdilahi Haji Abdi: Wood fuel consumption and its impact on the Environment of Somaliland
- ISBN 9783659927676: D. Deepa Murali: Human Resource Management - A Fundamental Text
- ISBN 9783659927683: Yasir Husain: Design & Analysis of Flexible Pavement
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- ISBN 9783659927782: Rabab Sabry Hassen Mohamed: Sexual Function Among Women Using Hormonal Contraceptive
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- ISBN 9783659927850: Anna Szymczak: Neuromarketing
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- ISBN 9783659927904: Timofej Nad'kin: Pravoslavie i islam v Srednem Povolzh'e Rossii postsovetskogo perioda
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- ISBN 9783659927997: Safwan F. Wahhas Kawthar Abdulwahid: Coverage and Capacity Analysis for TD-SCDMA Network