ISBN beginnend mit 9783659957
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659957000: Thomas Barrow: Organic ownership? On property in the body
- ISBN 9783659957017: Sistema upravleniya jelektronnymi naglyadnymi uchebnymi posobiyami
- ISBN 9783659957024: Metin Acar: Alevi Toplumu ve Devlet ¿li¿kisi
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- ISBN 9783659957055: Speranza Ndege: Networking & Data Communication in an Institution of Higher Learning
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- ISBN 9783659957079: Obssi Dessalegn Hora: Propagation Methods of Yam with Attention to invitro propagation
- ISBN 9783659957086: Praveen Yadav: Development, Characterization and Performance Evaluation of Biodiesel
- ISBN 9783659957093: Tiago Coelho: China and Japan: the uneasy coexistence between two historical foes
- ISBN 9783659957109: Kraevye zadachi dlya vyrozhdajushhihsya uravnenij
- ISBN 9783659957116: Ramanand N. Gaikwad: Circuit Training Programme for Motor Fitness of Girls Kho-Kho Players
- ISBN 9783659957123: Gaurav S. Pendbhaje: Effect of Surface Texturing on Tribo Properties of PA66 Composites
- ISBN 9783659957130: Titus Bitek Watmon: Metal Cutting: Performance Characteristics of a Surface-Modified Tool
- ISBN 9783659957147: Gohar, Zahida N.: Growth and Allometric Relations of Thespesia under Saline Conditions
- ISBN 3659957151: Sergej Baranow: Mezhregional'naq differenciaciq w Rossijskoj Federacii
- ISBN 9783659957154: Sergej Baranow: Mezhregional'naq differenciaciq w Rossijskoj Federacii
- ISBN 9783659957161: Issledovanie vozmozhnosti povysheniya dolgovechnosti trotuarnyh pokrytij
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- ISBN 9783659957192: Subhajit Bandopadhyay: Earth Observation Data & Geospatial Technology for Landslide Modelling
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- ISBN 9783659957246: Leandro Nicholas Ranoa Poco: From Urban Fringe to Urban Spine: The Case of Metro Manila's EDSA
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- ISBN 9783659957291: Sudip Bhattacharya: Practical Approaches to Public Health and Community Medicine
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- ISBN 9783659957345: Ruhina Shaheen Shaikh: Studies on Post-harvest Rhizome Soft Rot of Turmeric
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- ISBN 9783659957406: Julia L. Fleck Christos G. Cassandras: Applications of Perturbation Analysis in Stochastic Hybrid Systems
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- ISBN 9783659957482: Amandeep Singh Hardeep Kaur: Fermentation and its impact on Phytochemistry
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- ISBN 9783659957567: Nidhi Srivastava: Dalbergia: An economic important genus
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- ISBN 9783659957581: Abdelhamid Salih Ajith Abraham: Ambient Intelligence Assisted Healthcare Monitoring
- ISBN 9783659957598: Rahul Sharma Ravi Sinha: Dental Implant Biomaterials
- ISBN 9783659957604: Johann Serfontein: Market Based Valuation Model For Physiotherapy Practices
- ISBN 9783659957611: Sameera Khan: Aspiration Cytology- a review
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- ISBN 9783659957635: Leonardo Amadori: Treatment of cross border dividend: Case C - 35/11
- ISBN 9783659957642: Kassahun Melesse Tegegne Zelalem Teshome Wale: Satellite Television Broadcast Learning Situations in Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783659957659: Tanko Adihikon Angytsokwa: Salt Production in the Middle Benue of Nigeria, West Africa,1850-1960
- ISBN 9783659957666: Hala Afifi: New approach of treatment of hepatitis C virus genotype 4
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- ISBN 9783659957680: Nigatu Abebe: Responsibilities and challenges of the African Union
- ISBN 9783659957697: Ignatius Ogbaga: The Role of UML in OOP towards Software Development
- ISBN 9783659957703: P. M. Rubesh Anand: 3D Biometrics and Random Number Generation for Symmetric Cryptography
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- ISBN 9783659957734: Tüfekci, Ömer Kür¿ad: Sosyal Bilimlerde Stratejik Ara¿t¿rmalar | Ömer Kür¿ad Tüfekci | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 432 S. | Türkisch | 2016 | LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing | EAN 9783659957734
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- ISBN 9783659957758: V C Pande: Optimizing irrigation water use for resource sustainability
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