ISBN beginnend mit 9783725825
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3725825017: Vehicular Sensing for Improved Urban Mobility
- ISBN 9783725825011: Vehicular Sensing for Improved Urban Mobility
- ISBN 3725825041: Sustainable Maritime Supply Chain
- ISBN 9783725825042: Sustainable Maritime Supply Chain
- ISBN 3725825068: Roles of Transporters and Receptors in Drug Delivery to the Brain in Health and Disease
- ISBN 9783725825066: Roles of Transporters and Receptors in Drug Delivery to the Brain in Health and Disease
- ISBN 3725825076: When Deep Learning Meets Geometry for Air-to-Ground Perception on Drones
- ISBN 9783725825073: When Deep Learning Meets Geometry for Air-to-Ground Perception on Drones
- ISBN 3725825092: Energy Harvesting Technologies and Applications for the Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Networks
- ISBN 9783725825097: Energy Harvesting Technologies and Applications for the Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Networks
- ISBN 3725825114: Microstructure, Characteristics, and Failure Behaviors of Cementitious Composites
- ISBN 9783725825110: Microstructure, Characteristics, and Failure Behaviors of Cementitious Composites
- ISBN 9783725825134: Anticancer Activities of Dietary Phytochemicals
- ISBN 3725825157: Cable and Electrical Fires
- ISBN 9783725825158: Cable and Electrical Fires
- ISBN 9783725825189: Dynamical System and Stochastic Analysis
- ISBN 9783725825202: Advances in Low-Temperature Nitriding and Carburizing of Stainless Steels and Metallic Materials
- ISBN 372582522X: Digital Privacy and Security
- ISBN 9783725825226: Digital Privacy and Security
- ISBN 9783725825240: Mechanical Behavior of Polymeric Materials
- ISBN 3725825254: Deep Neural Networks in Medical Imaging
- ISBN 9783725825257: Deep Neural Networks in Medical Imaging
- ISBN 9783725825271: Gniewko Niedba¿a: Digital Innovations in Agriculture-Series II
- ISBN 3725825319: Study on Genotypes and Phenotypes of Neurodegenerative Diseases
- ISBN 9783725825318: Study on Genotypes and Phenotypes of Neurodegenerative Diseases
- ISBN 3725825335: Urban Forestry and Sustainable Environments
- ISBN 9783725825332: Urban Forestry and Sustainable Environments
- ISBN 3725825394: Clinical Utility of Optical Coherence Tomography in Ophthalmology
- ISBN 9783725825394: Clinical Utility of Optical Coherence Tomography in Ophthalmology
- ISBN 3725825424: Fermentation Processes
- ISBN 3725825440: Mine and Water
- ISBN 9783725825448: Mine and Water
- ISBN 3725825459: Clinical Advances in Head and Neck Imaging including Dentistry
- ISBN 9783725825455: Clinical Advances in Head and Neck Imaging including Dentistry
- ISBN 3725825475: Dietary Factors in Bone Health
- ISBN 9783725825479: Dietary Factors in Bone Health
- ISBN 3725825491: Advances in Marine Engineering
- ISBN 9783725825493: Advances in Marine Engineering
- ISBN 3725825513: The Socio-Economic Values in Land Resource Management
- ISBN 9783725825516: The Socio-Economic Values in Land Resource Management
- ISBN 9783725825530: Collagen and Chitin from Marine Resources and Their Interdisciplinary Applications
- ISBN 3725825572: Recent Advances in Geological Oceanography II
- ISBN 9783725825578: Recent Advances in Geological Oceanography II
- ISBN 9783725825592: Advanced Numerical and Computational Methods for Engineering and Applied Mathematical Problems
- ISBN 3725825610: Tectonic-Magmatic Evolution and Mineralization Effect in the Southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt
- ISBN 9783725825615: Tectonic-Magmatic Evolution and Mineralization Effect in the Southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt
- ISBN 3725825637: Advanced Building Technologies for Energy Savings and Decarbonization
- ISBN 9783725825639: Advanced Building Technologies for Energy Savings and Decarbonization
- ISBN 3725825653: Carbon Neutrality and Symmetry in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
- ISBN 9783725825653: Carbon Neutrality and Symmetry in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
- ISBN 9783725825677: Advances in Geriatric Diseases
- ISBN 3725825696: Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood- and Bamboo-Based Materials
- ISBN 9783725825691: Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood- and Bamboo-Based Materials
- ISBN 9783725825738: Computational and Data-Driven Modeling of Combustion in Reciprocating Engines or Gas Turbines
- ISBN 3725825750: Research on Properties of Cement-Based Materials and Concrete
- ISBN 9783725825752: Research on Properties of Cement-Based Materials and Concrete
- ISBN 3725825785: Advances in Wood Processing Technology
- ISBN 9783725825783: Advances in Wood Processing Technology
- ISBN 3725825793: Sustainable Development Goals
- ISBN 9783725825790: Sustainable Development Goals
- ISBN 9783725825813: Wind and Wave Energy Resource Assessment and Combined Utilization
- ISBN 9783725825851: Integrated Aquaculture and Monoculture of Low-Trophic Species
- ISBN 9783725825882: Advances in Porous Materials
- ISBN 9783725825905: New Research Trends for Textiles, a Bright Future
- ISBN 9783725825929: Advanced Polymeric Scaffolds for Stem Cell Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
- ISBN 3725825947: Immune Mechanisms and Biomarkers in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- ISBN 9783725825943: Immune Mechanisms and Biomarkers in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- ISBN 9783725825950: Electrochemical and Fluorescent Biosensors
- ISBN 3725825998: Moving towards 6G Wireless Technologies
- ISBN 9783725825998: Moving towards 6G Wireless Technologies