ISBN beginnend mit 9783725826
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3725826013: Biosensing and Diagnosis
- ISBN 9783725826018: Biosensing and Diagnosis
- ISBN 3725826048: Photochemistry of Organic Molecules and of Matrix-Isolated Reactive Intermediates
- ISBN 9783725826049: Photochemistry of Organic Molecules and of Matrix-Isolated Reactive Intermediates
- ISBN 9783725826063: Synthesis of Natural Products Using Engineered Plants and Microorganisms
- ISBN 9783725826087: Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials III
- ISBN 9783725826100: Regional Climate Change and Application of Remote Sensing
- ISBN 9783725826124: Advances in Skull Base Tumor Surgery
- ISBN 3725826145: Internet of Things, Embedded Solutions, and Edge Intelligence for Smart Health
- ISBN 9783725826148: Internet of Things, Embedded Solutions, and Edge Intelligence for Smart Health
- ISBN 3725826161: Cell Differentiation, Oxidative Stress, and Oxygen Radicals-in Honor of Prof. Michael Breitenbach
- ISBN 9783725826162: Cell Differentiation, Oxidative Stress, and Oxygen Radicals-in Honor of Prof. Michael Breitenbach
- ISBN 9783725826179: Advanced Solutions for the Efficient Integration of Electric Vehicles in Electricity Grids
- ISBN 3725826196: Centring Intersex
- ISBN 9783725826193: Centring Intersex
- ISBN 9783725826223: Colloidal Quantum Dots for Nanophotonic Devices
- ISBN 3725826234: Maintenance 4.0 Technologies for Sustainable Manufacturing
- ISBN 9783725826230: Maintenance 4.0 Technologies for Sustainable Manufacturing
- ISBN 3725826250: Pulmonary Embolism and Its Complications
- ISBN 3725826293: Novel Drug Delivery Systems
- ISBN 9783725826292: Novel Drug Delivery Systems
- ISBN 3725826315: Feature Papers in Mathematical and Computational Applications 2023
- ISBN 9783725826315: Feature Papers in Mathematical and Computational Applications 2023
- ISBN 9783725826339: Nutrient Metabolism Studies in Companion Animals
- ISBN 9783725826353: Climate Changes and the Impacts on Power and Energy Systems
- ISBN 9783725826391: Rethinking Agri-Food and Marine Waste and Byproducts for Circular and Sustainable Bio-Based Food Packaging
- ISBN 3725826412: Regional Sustainable Management Pathways to Carbon Neutrality
- ISBN 9783725826414: Regional Sustainable Management Pathways to Carbon Neutrality
- ISBN 3725826447: Reclaiming Voices
- ISBN 9783725826445: Reclaiming Voices
- ISBN 3725826463: Impact of COVID-19 and Non-COVID-19 Vaccination in Special Populations
- ISBN 9783725826469: Impact of COVID-19 and Non-COVID-19 Vaccination in Special Populations
- ISBN 3725826501: Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems
- ISBN 9783725826506: Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems
- ISBN 9783725826513: New Science Based Concepts for Increased Efficiency in Battery Recycling 2023
- ISBN 3725826536: Hydraulic Engineering and Modelling of Water Flow by Use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Modern Hydraulic Analysis Methods
- ISBN 9783725826537: Hydraulic Engineering and Modelling of Water Flow by Use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Modern Hydraulic Analysis Methods
- ISBN 3725826552: Advances in Herpetological Medicine and Surgery
- ISBN 9783725826551: Advances in Herpetological Medicine and Surgery
- ISBN 3725826595: Advanced Sensing and Safety Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles
- ISBN 9783725826599: Advanced Sensing and Safety Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles
- ISBN 9783725826612: Agro-Food Chain By-Products and Plant Origin Food to Obtain High-Value-Added Foods
- ISBN 3725826633: Diagnosis and Management of Small-Scale and Data-Limited Fisheries
- ISBN 9783725826636: Diagnosis and Management of Small-Scale and Data-Limited Fisheries
- ISBN 3725826668: Internal Environment and Thermal Performance of Buildings
- ISBN 9783725826667: Internal Environment and Thermal Performance of Buildings
- ISBN 3725826684: Plant Genetic Resources In Vitro Culture
- ISBN 9783725826681: Plant Genetic Resources In Vitro Culture
- ISBN 3725826706: The Future of Healthcare
- ISBN 9783725826704: The Future of Healthcare
- ISBN 3725826714: Photoionization of Atoms
- ISBN 9783725826711: Photoionization of Atoms
- ISBN 3725826730: Surface Properties and Surface Treatments of Wood and Wood-Based Composites
- ISBN 9783725826735: Surface Properties and Surface Treatments of Wood and Wood-Based Composites
- ISBN 3725826757: Advances in Space AstroParticle Physics
- ISBN 9783725826759: Advances in Space AstroParticle Physics
- ISBN 3725826781: Current Trends in Pauline Research
- ISBN 9783725826780: Current Trends in Pauline Research
- ISBN 3725826803: Fractional Order Systems and Their Applications
- ISBN 9783725826803: Fractional Order Systems and Their Applications
- ISBN 3725826811: New Insights into Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
- ISBN 9783725826810: New Insights into Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
- ISBN 9783725826834: Partial Differential Equations with Applications
- ISBN 3725826854: Advances in Navigability and Mooring
- ISBN 9783725826858: Advances in Navigability and Mooring
- ISBN 3725826870: Research on Pomegranate Germplasm, Breeding, Genetics and Multiomics
- ISBN 9783725826872: Research on Pomegranate Germplasm, Breeding, Genetics and Multiomics
- ISBN 9783725826896: Nutritive Value or Bioutilization Technology of Alternative Forages for Ruminant Nutrition
- ISBN 9783725826933: Advances in Renewable Energy Systems
- ISBN 9783725826957: Analytical Methods and Convergence in Probability with Applications, 2nd Edition
- ISBN 3725826978: Landscape Heritage
- ISBN 9783725826971: Landscape Heritage
- ISBN 3725826994: Biological Activities and Potential Applications of Phytotoxins
- ISBN 9783725826995: Biological Activities and Potential Applications of Phytotoxins