ISBN beginnend mit 9783725827
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 372582701X: Human Geography
- ISBN 9783725827015: Human Geography
- ISBN 3725827052: Editorial Board Members' Collection Series
- ISBN 9783725827053: Editorial Board Members' Collection Series
- ISBN 3725827079: Advanced Coatings and Films for Food Packing and Storage
- ISBN 9783725827077: Advanced Coatings and Films for Food Packing and Storage
- ISBN 372582715X: Nutrition Interventions for Healthy Ageing
- ISBN 9783725827152: Nutrition Interventions for Healthy Ageing
- ISBN 3725827192: Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Problems in Ecology, Epidemiology and Oncology
- ISBN 9783725827190: Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Problems in Ecology, Epidemiology and Oncology
- ISBN 3725827214: Salinity Monitoring and Modelling at Different Scales
- ISBN 9783725827213: Salinity Monitoring and Modelling at Different Scales
- ISBN 3725827230: Machine Health Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Techniques (Volume II)
- ISBN 9783725827237: Machine Health Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Techniques (Volume II)
- ISBN 3725827257: Polycrystalline Materials-from Design to (Micro)Structural Characterization and Applications
- ISBN 9783725827251: Polycrystalline Materials-from Design to (Micro)Structural Characterization and Applications
- ISBN 9783725827275: Petru Alexandru Vlaicu: Feeding Strategies and Nutritional Quality of Animal Products
- ISBN 372582729X: Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging in Various Diseases
- ISBN 9783725827299: Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging in Various Diseases
- ISBN 9783725827312: The Catholic Encounter with Chinese Thought, Society and Politics in the Ming-Qing Dynasties
- ISBN 3725827346: Mitigation Strategies and Tolerance of Plants to Abiotic Stresses
- ISBN 9783725827343: Mitigation Strategies and Tolerance of Plants to Abiotic Stresses
- ISBN 3725827362: Higher Education Research
- ISBN 9783725827367: Higher Education Research
- ISBN 3725827389: Hydrogel for Sustained Delivery of Therapeutic Agents
- ISBN 9783725827381: Hydrogel for Sustained Delivery of Therapeutic Agents
- ISBN 3725827397: Turbulence from Earth to Planets, Stars and Galaxies
- ISBN 9783725827398: Turbulence from Earth to Planets, Stars and Galaxies
- ISBN 3725827419: Mathematical Data Science with Applications in Business, Industry, and Medicine
- ISBN 9783725827411: Mathematical Data Science with Applications in Business, Industry, and Medicine
- ISBN 3725827435: Conservation Methodologies and Practices for Built Heritage
- ISBN 9783725827435: Conservation Methodologies and Practices for Built Heritage
- ISBN 3725827451: Recent Advances in Sedimentology
- ISBN 9783725827459: Recent Advances in Sedimentology
- ISBN 3725827486: Fundamentals and Applications of Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics in Biomedical Engineering
- ISBN 9783725827480: Fundamentals and Applications of Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics in Biomedical Engineering
- ISBN 3725827494: New Techniques and Equipment in Large Offshore Aquaculture Platform
- ISBN 9783725827497: New Techniques and Equipment in Large Offshore Aquaculture Platform
- ISBN 9783725827527: Wastewater Treatments Based on Adsorption, Catalysis, Biodegradation, and Beyond
- ISBN 3725827540: Best IDEAS
- ISBN 9783725827541: Best IDEAS
- ISBN 3725827567: Advanced Robots
- ISBN 9783725827565: Advanced Robots
- ISBN 3725827583: Eco-Friendly Coatings and Adhesive Technology
- ISBN 9783725827589: Eco-Friendly Coatings and Adhesive Technology
- ISBN 3725827605: Antimicrobial Use in Companion Animals
- ISBN 9783725827602: Antimicrobial Use in Companion Animals
- ISBN 3725827621: Organosulfur and Organoselenium Chemistry
- ISBN 9783725827626: Organosulfur and Organoselenium Chemistry
- ISBN 372582763X: Digital Twins and Extended Reality
- ISBN 9783725827633: Digital Twins and Extended Reality
- ISBN 9783725827664: Nanomaterials for Micro/Nano Devices
- ISBN 3725827672: The Food Processing Industry's 200th Anniversary
- ISBN 9783725827671: The Food Processing Industry's 200th Anniversary
- ISBN 3725827699: Application of Fermentation Technology in Animal Nutrition
- ISBN 9783725827695: Application of Fermentation Technology in Animal Nutrition
- ISBN 9783725827725: Polymers Physics
- ISBN 3725827745: PI3K/AKT/mTOR Signaling Network in Human Health and Diseases
- ISBN 9783725827749: PI3K/AKT/mTOR Signaling Network in Human Health and Diseases
- ISBN 3725827761: Image and Signal Processing
- ISBN 9783725827763: Image and Signal Processing
- ISBN 9783725827787: Applications and Technologies of Renewable Energy
- ISBN 372582780X: Gender, Work and Family in Turbulent Times
- ISBN 9783725827800: Gender, Work and Family in Turbulent Times
- ISBN 9783725827817: Prostate Cancer
- ISBN 9783725827831: Prostate Cancer
- ISBN 3725827850: Tree Growth in Relation to Climate Change
- ISBN 9783725827855: Tree Growth in Relation to Climate Change
- ISBN 3725827877: Bioactive Dental Materials
- ISBN 9783725827879: Bioactive Dental Materials
- ISBN 3725827893: Rotaviruses and Rotavirus Vaccines
- ISBN 9783725827893: Rotaviruses and Rotavirus Vaccines
- ISBN 3725827915: Green Mining
- ISBN 9783725827916: Green Mining
- ISBN 372582794X: Machine Learning for Cybersecurity
- ISBN 9783725827947: Machine Learning for Cybersecurity
- ISBN 3725827958: Pharmacological Potential of Marine Natural Products
- ISBN 9783725827954: Pharmacological Potential of Marine Natural Products
- ISBN 3725827982: Feature Papers in Electronic Materials Section (Volume 2)
- ISBN 9783725827985: Feature Papers in Electronic Materials Section (Volume 2)
- ISBN 9783725827992: Advances in Water-Based Nanolubricants