ISBN beginnend mit 9783725828
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783725828012: New Insights into Milk and Dairy Products
- ISBN 3725828032: Sensors for Human Activity Recognition II
- ISBN 9783725828036: Sensors for Human Activity Recognition II
- ISBN 3725828067: Biodiversity and Spatial Distribution of Fishes
- ISBN 9783725828067: Biodiversity and Spatial Distribution of Fishes
- ISBN 3725828083: Latest Advancements in Semiconductor Materials, Devices, and Systems
- ISBN 9783725828081: Latest Advancements in Semiconductor Materials, Devices, and Systems
- ISBN 3725828105: Advances in Plant Science Research
- ISBN 9783725828104: Advances in Plant Science Research
- ISBN 9783725828128: Building Vibration and Soil Dynamics
- ISBN 372582813X: Deep Learning Technology and Image Sensing
- ISBN 9783725828135: Deep Learning Technology and Image Sensing
- ISBN 3725828156: Training and Nutrition for Performance
- ISBN 3725828180: Inputs of Engineering Education towards Sustainability
- ISBN 9783725828180: Inputs of Engineering Education towards Sustainability
- ISBN 3725828199: Computational Methods and Application in Machine Learning
- ISBN 9783725828197: Computational Methods and Application in Machine Learning
- ISBN 9783725828210: Microfluidics for Biomedical Applications (2nd Edition)
- ISBN 3725828245: Pharmacological Activities of Flavonoids and Its Analogues
- ISBN 9783725828241: Pharmacological Activities of Flavonoids and Its Analogues
- ISBN 3725828261: Rapid Nondestructive Testing Technology-Based Biosensors for Food Analysis
- ISBN 9783725828265: Rapid Nondestructive Testing Technology-Based Biosensors for Food Analysis
- ISBN 3725828288: Oxidative Stress Induced by Air Pollution
- ISBN 9783725828289: Oxidative Stress Induced by Air Pollution
- ISBN 3725828296: Analysis of Dynamics of Railway Vehicles
- ISBN 3725828318: Road Extraction and Distress Assessment by Spaceborne, Airborne and Terrestrial Platforms
- ISBN 9783725828319: Road Extraction and Distress Assessment by Spaceborne, Airborne and Terrestrial Platforms
- ISBN 3725828377: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
- ISBN 9783725828371: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
- ISBN 3725828407: Gels for Removal and Adsorption
- ISBN 9783725828401: Gels for Removal and Adsorption
- ISBN 3725828423: The Future of Built Heritage Conservation
- ISBN 9783725828425: The Future of Built Heritage Conservation
- ISBN 372582844X: The Antioxidant Potential of Fermented Foods
- ISBN 3725828482: Thermodynamic Optimization of Industrial Energy Systems
- ISBN 3725828504: Carbon and Related Composites for Sensors and Energy Storage
- ISBN 9783725828517: Remote Sensing and GIS for Monitoring Urbanization and Urban Health
- ISBN 9783725828531: Impact of Climate and Socio-Economic on Irrigation Water Management and Agricultural Water Productivity
- ISBN 9783725828555: Prefabricated and Modular Steel Structures
- ISBN 3725828571: Sustainable Recycling Techniques of Pavement Materials II
- ISBN 9783725828616: Power Electronics and Actuators
- ISBN 9783725828654: Image/Video Coding and Processing Techniques for Intelligent Sensor Nodes
- ISBN 3725828679: Valvular Heart Disease
- ISBN 9783725828678: Valvular Heart Disease
- ISBN 9783725828692: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- ISBN 9783725828722: Editorial Board Members' Collection Series
- ISBN 9783725828746: Nanocarriers-Based Antimicrobial Drug Delivery
- ISBN 9783725828760: Advanced Manufacturing Technologies of Thermoplastic Composites
- ISBN 3725828784: Environmental Effects of Natural Processes and Human Activities on the Water Environment in Watershed
- ISBN 9783725828784: Environmental Effects of Natural Processes and Human Activities on the Water Environment in Watershed
- ISBN 3725828806: Interventions to Promote Physical Activity and Healthy Ageing
- ISBN 9783725828807: Interventions to Promote Physical Activity and Healthy Ageing
- ISBN 3725828822: Characterization of Metallic Materials
- ISBN 9783725828821: Characterization of Metallic Materials
- ISBN 3725828849: Gels for Oil and Gas Industry Applications (2nd Edition)
- ISBN 9783725828845: Gels for Oil and Gas Industry Applications (2nd Edition)
- ISBN 3725828857: Sustainability, Challenges and Opportunities to Optimize Building Performance
- ISBN 9783725828852: Sustainability, Challenges and Opportunities to Optimize Building Performance
- ISBN 3725828873: CFD Applications in Ship and Offshore Hydrodynamics
- ISBN 9783725828876: CFD Applications in Ship and Offshore Hydrodynamics
- ISBN 3725828911: Advances in Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Characterization and Modelling of Unsaturated Soils
- ISBN 9783725828913: Advances in Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Characterization and Modelling of Unsaturated Soils
- ISBN 3725828954: Trends in Grain Processing for Food Industry
- ISBN 9783725828951: Trends in Grain Processing for Food Industry