ISBN beginnend mit 9783752520
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783752520002: Poole, Jacob Barnes, William: A Glossary, with some pieces of verse, of the old dialect of the English Colony in the baronies of Forth and Bargy, county of Wexford, Ireland.
- ISBN 9783752520019: Poole, Jacob Barnes, William: A Glossary, with some pieces of verse, of the old dialect of the English Colony in the baronies of Forth and Bargy, county of Wexford, Ireland.
- ISBN 9783752520026: Henry Walter Bellew: A Grammar of the Pukkhto Or Pukshto Language
- ISBN 9783752520033: Henry Walter Bellew: A Grammar of the Pukkhto Or Pukshto Language
- ISBN 3752520043: E. A. Andrews: A Grammar of the Latin Language
- ISBN 9783752520040: E. A. Andrews: A Grammar of the Latin Language
- ISBN 9783752520057: Andrews, E. A.: A Grammar of the Latin Language / Revised with Corrections and Additions / E. A. Andrews (u. a.) / Buch / HC gerader Rücken kaschiert / Gebunden / Englisch / 2021 / Outlook / EAN 9783752520057
- ISBN 9783752520064: John Murray: A Handbook for Travellers in France
- ISBN 9783752520071: John Murray: A Handbook for Travellers in France
- ISBN 9783752520088: John Murray: A Handbook for Travellers in Switzerland, and the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont
- ISBN 9783752520095: John Murray: A Handbook for Travellers in Switzerland, and the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont
- ISBN 9783752520101: John Murray: A Handbook for Travellers in Egypt
- ISBN 9783752520118: Murray, John Wilkinson, John Gardner: A Handbook for Travellers in Egypt
- ISBN 9783752520125: John Murray: A Handbook for Travellers in Loucestershire, Worcestershire and Herefordshire
- ISBN 9783752520132: John Murray: A Handbook for Travellers in Loucestershire, Worcestershire and Herefordshire
- ISBN 9783752520149: Hepburn, James Curtis: A Japanese and English Dictionary
- ISBN 9783752520156: James Curtis Hepburn: A Japanese and English Dictionary
- ISBN 9783752520163: Robert Kemp Philip: A Journey of Discovery All Round Our House
- ISBN 9783752520170: Philip, Robert Kemp: A Journey of Discovery All Round Our House
- ISBN 9783752520187: Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve: A Latin Grammar
- ISBN 9783752520194: Gildersleeve, Basil Lanneau: A Latin Grammar
- ISBN 9783752520200: Shute, Samuel Moore: A Manual of Anglo-Saxon for beginners
- ISBN 9783752520217: Samuel Moore Shute: A Manual of Anglo-Saxon for beginners
- ISBN 9783752520224: Bonell, John Mitchell: A Manual of the Art of Prose Composition
- ISBN 9783752520231: John Mitchell Bonell: A Manual of the Art of Prose Composition
- ISBN 9783752520248: Percival Frost: A New Latin Verse Book, containing Raduated Exercises in Hexameters and Pentameters
- ISBN 9783752520255: Percival Frost: A New Latin Verse Book, containing Raduated Exercises in Hexameters and Pentameters
- ISBN 9783752520262: George Richard Crooks, Alexander Jacob Schem: A New Latin-English School-Lexico on the basic of the Latin-German Lexicon of Dr. C. F. Ingerslev
- ISBN 9783752520279: George Richard Crooks: A New Latin-English School-Lexico on the basic of the Latin-German Lexicon of Dr. C. F. Ingerslev
- ISBN 9783752520286: F. Alexandrow: A New Practical and Easy Method of learning the Russian Language
- ISBN 9783752520293: F. Alexandrow: A New Practical and Easy Method of learning the Russian Language
- ISBN 9783752520309: Antonio Biaggi: A Practical Guide to the study of the Italian Language
- ISBN 9783752520316: Antonio Biaggi: A Practical Guide to the study of the Italian Language
- ISBN 9783752520323: Thomas Kerchever Arnold: A Practical Introduction to Latin Prose Composition
- ISBN 9783752520330: Thomas Kerchever Arnold, Jesse Ames Spencer: A Practical Introduction to Latin Prose Composition
- ISBN 9783752520347: Macdonald, John H. A.: A Practical Treatise on the Criminal Law of Scotland
- ISBN 9783752520354: John H. A. Macdonald: A Practical Treatise on the Criminal Law of Scotland
- ISBN 9783752520361: Doren, William Howard van: A Suggestive Commentary on the New Testament; on an Original Plan
- ISBN 9783752520378: Doren, William Howard van: A Suggestive Commentary on the New Testament; on an Original Plan
- ISBN 9783752520385: George Partridge Sanger: A Table of the Cases contained in the Three Volumes of The United States Digest, And in the Two Volumes of the Supplement
- ISBN 9783752520392: George Partridge Sanger: A Table of the Cases contained in the Three Volumes of The United States Digest, And in the Two Volumes of the Supplement
- ISBN 9783752520408: Hagenbach, Karl Rudolf: A Text-Book of the History of Doctrines / Vol. I. / Karl Rudolf Hagenbach / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Kartoniert Broschiert / Englisch / 2021 / Outlook / EAN 9783752520408
- ISBN 9783752520415: Karl Rudolf Hagenbach: A Text-Book of the History of Doctrines
- ISBN 9783752520422: John Scriven, Henry Stalman: A Treatise on Copyhold, Customary Freehold & Ancient Demesne
- ISBN 9783752520439: John Scriven: A Treatise on Copyhold, Customary Freehold & Ancient Demesne
- ISBN 9783752520446: Sutherland Campbell Duke of Argyll, John Douglas: A Trip to the Tropics and Home through America
- ISBN 9783752520453: John Douglas Sutherland Campbell Duke of Argyll: A Trip to the Tropics and Home through America
- ISBN 9783752520460: Miles Bronson: A dictionary in Assamese and English
- ISBN 9783752520477: Bronson, Miles: A dictionary in Assamese and English / Miles Bronson / Buch / HC gerader Rücken kaschiert / Gebunden / Englisch / 2021 / Outlook / EAN 9783752520477
- ISBN 9783752520484: Joseph Sabin: A Dictionary of Books relating to America, From its Discovery to the Present Time.
- ISBN 9783752520491: Joseph Sabin: A Dictionary of Books relating to America, From its Discovery to the Present Time.
- ISBN 9783752520507: Joseph Sabin: A dictionary of books relating to America, from its discovery to the present time.
- ISBN 9783752520514: Joseph Sabin: A dictionary of books relating to America, from its discovery to the present time.
- ISBN 9783752520521: Joseph Sabin: A dictionary of books relating to America, from its discovery to the present time.
- ISBN 9783752520538: Joseph Sabin: A dictionary of books relating to America, from its discovery to the present time.
- ISBN 9783752520545: Hagenbach, Karl Rudolf: A Text-Book of the History of Doctrines
- ISBN 9783752520552: Karl Rudolf Hagenbach: A Text-Book of the History of Doctrines
- ISBN 9783752520569: William Pirrie: A Practical Treatise on Acupressure
- ISBN 9783752520576: William Pirrie: A Practical Treatise on Acupressure
- ISBN 9783752520583: Canada. Library of Parliament: Alphabetical Catalogue of the Library of Parliament / Canada. Library of Parliament / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Kartoniert Broschiert / Englisch / 2021 / Outlook / EAN 9783752520583
- ISBN 9783752520590: Canada. Library of Parliament: Alphabetical Catalogue of the Library of Parliament
- ISBN 9783752520606: Parr, John Gell, James: An Abstract of the Laws, Customs, and Ordinances of the Isle of Man
- ISBN 9783752520613: John Parr, James Gell: An Abstract of the Laws, Customs, and Ordinances of the Isle of Man
- ISBN 9783752520620: Cole, Robert Andrews: An Elementary Grammar of the Coorg Language / Robert Andrews Cole / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Kartoniert Broschiert / Englisch / 2021 / Outlook / EAN 9783752520620
- ISBN 9783752520637: Cole, Robert Andrews: An Elementary Grammar of the Coorg Language
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- ISBN 9783752520668: Attfield, John: An Introduction to Pharmaceutical Chemistry / John Attfield / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Kartoniert Broschiert / Englisch / 2021 / Outlook / EAN 9783752520668
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- ISBN 9783752520781: Morgan, Henry J.: Bibliotheca Canadensis: or a Manual of Canadian Literature
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- ISBN 9783752520804: Knight, Charles: Biography or Third Division of "The English Encyclopedia" / Vol. IV. / Charles Knight / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Kartoniert Broschiert / Englisch / 2021 / Outlook / EAN 9783752520804
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- ISBN 9783752520842: Boston Public Library: Bulletin of the Public Library of the City of Boston
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- ISBN 9783752520866: Bulletin showing Titles of Books added to the Boston Public Library with Bibliographical Notes, etc.
- ISBN 9783752520873: Boston Public Library: Bulletin showing Titles of Books added to the Boston Public Library with Bibliographical Notes, etc.
- ISBN 9783752520880: Joseph Stevenson: Calendar of State Papers, Foreign Series, of the Reign of Elizabeth, 1562
- ISBN 9783752520897: Joseph Stevenson: Calendar of State Papers, Foreign Series, of the Reign of Elizabeth, 1562
- ISBN 9783752520903: Brewer, John Sherren: Calendar of the Carew Manuscripts, preserved in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth
- ISBN 9783752520910: Brewer, John Sherren: Calendar of the Carew Manuscripts, preserved in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth
- ISBN 9783752520927: James Bass Mullinger: Cambridge Characteristics in the Seventeenth Century
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- ISBN 9783752520941: John Carroll: Case and His Contemporaries; Or, The Canadian Itinerant's Memorial: Constituting a Biographical History of Methodism in Canada, from its introduction into the Province, till the Death of the Rev. Wm. Case in 1855
- ISBN 9783752520958: John Carroll: Case and His Contemporaries; Or, The Canadian Itinerant's Memorial: Constituting a Biographical History of Methodism in Canada, from its introduction into the Province, till the Death of the Rev. Wm. Case in 1855
- ISBN 9783752520965: John Carroll: Case and His Contemporaries; Or, The Canadian Itinerants' Memorial: Constituting a Biographical History of Methodism in Canada from its Introduction into the Province till the Death of the Rev. Willia
- ISBN 9783752520972: John Carroll: Case and His Contemporaries; Or, The Canadian Itinerants' Memorial: Constituting a Biographical History of Methodism in Canada from its Introduction into the Province till the Death of the Rev. William Case, in 1855
- ISBN 9783752520989: Alexander Grant: Catalogue of Native Publications in the Bombay Presidency up to 31st December 1864
- ISBN 9783752520996: Alexander Grant: Catalogue of Native Publications in the Bombay Presidency up to 31st December 1864