ISBN beginnend mit 9783752568
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783752568004: Abbott, John S. C.: Lives of the President of the United States of America, from Washington to the present time.
- ISBN 3752568011: John S. C. Abbott: Lives of the President of the United States of America, from Washington to the present time.
- ISBN 9783752568011: John S. C. Abbott: Lives of the President of the United States of America, from Washington to the present time.
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- ISBN 3752568046: Timothy Farrar: Manual of the Constitution of the United States of America
- ISBN 9783752568042: Timothy Farrar: Manual of the Constitution of the United States of America
- ISBN 9783752568059: Farrar, Timothy: Manual of the Constitution of the United States of America
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- ISBN 9783752568066: Hawser Martingale: Mark Rowland
- ISBN 3752568070: Hawser Martingale: Mark Rowland
- ISBN 9783752568073: Hawser Martingale: Mark Rowland
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- ISBN 9783752568097: James Payn: Married Beneath Him
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- ISBN 3752568119: Washington Frothingham: Martel Papers
- ISBN 9783752568110: Washington Frothingham: Martel Papers
- ISBN 3752568127: E. M. B.: May and her friends
- ISBN 9783752568127: E. M. B.: May and her friends
- ISBN 9783752568134: E. M. B.: May and her friends
- ISBN 9783752568141: Parkes, Joseph: Memoirs of Sir Philip Francis, K.C.B. with Correspondence and Journals / Vol. 1 / Joseph Parkes (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook / EAN 9783752568141
- ISBN 3752568151: Joseph Parkes: Memoirs of Sir Philip Francis, K.C.B. with Correspondence and Journals
- ISBN 9783752568158: Joseph Parkes: Memoirs of Sir Philip Francis, K.C.B. with Correspondence and Journals
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- ISBN 9783752568165: J. Parkes: Memoirs of Sir Philip Francis, K.C.B. with Correspondence and Journals
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- ISBN 9783752568172: J. Parkes: Memoirs of Sir Philip Francis, K.C.B. with Correspondence and Journals
- ISBN 9783752568189: Dankers, Jaspar: Memoirs of the Long Island Historical Society.
- ISBN 9783752568196: Dankers, Jaspar Sluyter, Peter: Memoirs of the Long Island Historical Society.
- ISBN 3752568208: Thomas William Aveling: Memorials of the Clayton Family
- ISBN 9783752568202: Thomas William Aveling: Memorials of the Clayton Family
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- ISBN 9783752568233: Tayler, C. B.: Memorials of the English Martyrs
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- ISBN 9783752568783: Illinois State Board of Equalization: Proceedings of the State Board of Equalization / Begun and held in the City of Springfield, Illinois, October 4, 1870 / Illinois State Board of Equalization / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2022
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- ISBN 3752568844: E. B. Ramsay: Reminiscences of Scottish Life & Character
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- ISBN 3752568852: E. B. Ramsay: Reminiscences of Scottish Life & Character
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- ISBN 9783752568868: Harrison, Benjamin: Report of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of Indiana
- ISBN 9783752568875: Benjamin Harrison: Report of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of Indiana
- ISBN 3752568887: H. L Abbot: Report upon the Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River
- ISBN 9783752568882: H. L Abbot: Report upon the Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River
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- ISBN 3752568909: J. Ross Browne: Reports upon The Mineral Resources of The United States
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- ISBN 9783752568912: J. Ross Browne, James W. Taylor: Reports upon The Mineral Resources of The United States
- ISBN 3752568925: Daniel W. Fish: Robinson's Mathematical Series: Arithmetical Examples
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- ISBN 3752568933: Daniel W. Fish: Robinson's Mathematical Series: Arithmetical Examples
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- ISBN 9783752568950: Mary Elizabeth Braddon: Rupert Godwin
- ISBN 3752568968: Anonymous: Scripture Acrostics in Verse
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- ISBN 9783752568981: Fraser, Thomas: Sermons / Thomas Fraser / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2022 / Outlook / EAN 9783752568981
- ISBN 9783752568998: Thomas Fraser: Sermons