ISBN beginnend mit 9783836428
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783836428019: Lei Wang: Specification and Collaboration Driven Software Component Selection – Building a Framework for Component Selection
- ISBN 9783836428026: Frank Exner: Creating identity - North American indian names and naming
- ISBN 9783836428101: Romy Trajanov: The impact of cultural differences on cross-border merger processes
- ISBN 3836428121: Hofer, Bruno: Handbuch der Fischkrankheiten
- ISBN 9783836428125: Hofer, Bruno: Handbuch der Fischkrankheiten
- ISBN 9783836428200: In Nam Cho: On Life Satisfaction of Ethnic Minority Older Adults – The Differences between Korean American and Korean Older Adults
- ISBN 3836428229: Lois A Swanick: Navigation in Exploration
- ISBN 9783836428224: Lois A Swanick: Navigation in Exploration
- ISBN 3836428245: Ginny Garcia: Sexual Experience and Associated Prevalence Rates of Sexually Transmitted Infection-An Exploration of Impacts in the United States and China
- ISBN 9783836428248: Ginny Garcia: Sexual Experience and Associated Prevalence Rates of Sexually Transmitted Infection-An Exploration of Impacts in the United States and China
- ISBN 9783836428255: Robert Hartig: Das Holz der deutschen Nadelwaldbäume
- ISBN 9783836428262: Ernst Stahl: Zur Biologie des Chlorophylls – Laubfarbe und Himmelslicht, Vergilbung und Etiolement
- ISBN 383642827X: Sabine, Edward: Narrative of an Expedition to the Polar Sea in the Years 1820,1821, 1822 & 1823
- ISBN 9783836428279: Sabine, Edward: Narrative of an Expedition to the Polar Sea in the Years 1820,1821, 1822 & 1823
- ISBN 9783836428293: Afrikan Spir: Recht und Unrecht – Eine Erörterung der Prinzipien
- ISBN 9783836428316: Angela Antipova: Public Health and Disasters – The Relationship Between Pregnancy Outcomes and Hurricane Andrew
- ISBN 9783836428330: Magid Nikraz: Integration of operational tasks in chemical plants - investigating an agent-based approach
- ISBN 9783836428361: Sean Q. Lau: Modeling e-commerce systems - an application of generative software development techniques
- ISBN 9783836428385: Ravi Nayak: Creating Business Value from Corporate Sustainable Development
- ISBN 3836428407: Melinda Hughes: Illness Perception and Coping Among African American Women with Lupus - Alternative Medicine and Cultural Competence
- ISBN 9783836428408: Melinda Hughes: Illness Perception and Coping Among African American Women with Lupus - Alternative Medicine and Cultural Competence
- ISBN 9783836428415: Georgane Callaizakis-Higgins: Exploration of Remorse as a Transformative Experience for Young Adults – Restorative Justice and Homeless Youth
- ISBN 383642844X: Associate Professor Julie (St Louis University School of Social Work) Birkenmaier: Providing Access to Affordable Credit to the Poor - Evaluating the Effectiveness of Credit Counseling for Building Assets
- ISBN 9783836428446: Associate Professor Julie (St Louis University School of Social Work) Birkenmaier: Providing Access to Affordable Credit to the Poor - Evaluating the Effectiveness of Credit Counseling for Building Assets
- ISBN 9783836428477: Frank Wortmann: Transkulturelle Unternehmenskommunikation – Nutzenpotentiale interner Organisationskommunikation
- ISBN 9783836428491: Albrecht Guenther Esther von Krosigk: Handbuch der Ichthyologie
- ISBN 9783836428538: Sikhalazo Dube: Adaptive livestock management in semi-arid rangelands - a modeling approach
- ISBN 9783836428569: Coşan Ünüvar: Combustion Synthesis for NASA’s New Vision for Space Exploration – Moon, Mars & Beyond
- ISBN 3836428598: John Bidewell: Decision Making in Personal Investment
- ISBN 9783836428590: John Bidewell: Decision Making in Personal Investment
- ISBN 9783836428606: Maura J. Murphy: How sisters do it for themselves - the impact of professional development programs for women
- ISBN 9783836428644: Paul H Jensen: Public Sector Outsourcing Contracts – The Impact of Uncertainty, Incentives and Transaction Costs on Contractual Relationships
- ISBN 9783836428668: Nelson K. Y. Leung: Easing the overloaded help desk - the development of an user self-help knowledge management system
- ISBN 9783836428705: Ghassan J Abbas: Client Service Satisfaction – Match between Rahabilitation Professionals' and Clients' Viewpoints in a Cross-Cultural Context
- ISBN 9783836428729: Wei Wang: Newspaper commentaries in China and Australia - a contrastive genre study
- ISBN 9783836428736: Christoph Driemer: Online-Spiele mit Chat - die neue Erfolgsformel der Spielebranche
- ISBN 9783836428750: Chakravorti, Samit: Customer relations management (CRM). A holistic understanding.
- ISBN 3836428768: W. J. Casstevens: A Mentored Self-Help Intervention for Psychotic Symptom Management: An evalution
- ISBN 9783836428767: W. J. Casstevens: A Mentored Self-Help Intervention for Psychotic Symptom Management: An evalution
- ISBN 9783836428804: Meta Mazaj: Once upon a time there was a country - national and cynicism in the post-1990s Balkan cinema
- ISBN 9783836428842: Robert Hartig: Lehrbuch der Anatomie und Physiologie der Pflanzen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Forstgewächse
- ISBN 9783836428866: Friedrich A Quenstedt: Methode der Kristallographie
- ISBN 3836428881: Spir, Afrikan: Moralität und Religion
- ISBN 9783836428880: Spir, Afrikan: Moralität und Religion
- ISBN 9783836428958: Christian Conte: Assessing organizational crises - evaluating the human impact