ISBN beginnend mit 9783845409
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783845409009: Pankaj Sharma: Ecocriticism and the Ramayana of Tulsidasa
- ISBN 9783845409016: Riza Onur Yazici: Air Passenger Demand Forecasting for Airports
- ISBN 9783845409023: Pervaiz Ali: Social Sustainability by addressing Social Exclusion (Unemployment)
- ISBN 3845409037: Alexandr Nikonorow: Adaptaciq k gipobaricheskoj gipoxii w sportiwnoj praktike
- ISBN 9783845409030: Alexandr Nikonorow: Adaptaciq k gipobaricheskoj gipoxii w sportiwnoj praktike
- ISBN 9783845409047: Mohd. Idrees M. Masroor A. Khan M. Naeem: Anticancerous Alkaloids of Catharanthus roseus
- ISBN 9783845409054: Jianzhong Dai: Bank restructuring and economic growth
- ISBN 9783845409061: Thanh Binh DAO: Structural Approach of Credit Risk with Jump Diffusion Process
- ISBN 9783845409078: Nicolas Loeff: A New Framework for Semisupervised and Multitask Learning
- ISBN 9783845409085: Tafara Mufanechiya: Use of English As Medium of Instruction in Zimbabwean Primary Schools
- ISBN 9783845409092: Roxana Stanica: Monitoring Ethernet Links
- ISBN 9783845409108: Vadlya T. Tame (Ph. D): Viability and Vigour of Soybean Seed (Glycine max (L.) Merril)
- ISBN 9783845409115: Muhammad Mansha: Natural Gas Combustion Modelling in IC Engine
- ISBN 9783845409122: Albert Mufanechiya Tafara Mufanechiya: Essays On Curriculum Issues In Zimbabwe
- ISBN 9783845409139: Sridhar Makkapati: Stator Line Faults Diagnosis of VSI FED IM Drive Using Fuzzylogic
- ISBN 9783845409146: Uma Koirala: Nutritional status of adolescent girls in rural Kathmandu
- ISBN 3845409150: Sergej Volkow: Korrekciq dezadaptiwnogo nerwno-psihicheskogo sostoqniq
- ISBN 9783845409153: Sergej Volkow: Korrekciq dezadaptiwnogo nerwno-psihicheskogo sostoqniq
- ISBN 9783845409160: Anwar Beg R. Bhargava M.M. Rashidi: Numerical Simulation in Micropolar Fluid Dynamics
- ISBN 3845409177: Natal'q Shlemowa: Jestetika TRANSCENDENTNOGO
- ISBN 9783845409177: Natal'q Shlemowa: Jestetika TRANSCENDENTNOGO
- ISBN 9783845409184: Barun Majumder: Modulation of Breast Cancer Genes by Conjugated Linoleic Acid
- ISBN 9783845409191: Khaled El-Sayed: Hotel franchise agreements and the psychological contract
- ISBN 9783845409207: Sandip Sengar Anil Kumar Kurchania: Design and Development of composite solar devises
- ISBN 9783845409214: Noparat Tananuraksakul: Personal Security
- ISBN 9783845409238: Abbass Emam: Reading-Writing Connections in EAP Courses
- ISBN 9783845409245: Irrenpreet Singh Sanghotra: Quality Management Practices and Organisational Performance
- ISBN 9783845409252: Innocent Chirisa: Gender, Spatiality and Urban Informality in Zimbabwe
- ISBN 9783845409269: Bidur Khadka: Challenges and Opportunity for REDD
- ISBN 9783845409276: Md. Motiur Rahman: Sociolinguistic Study Of Variations in Language
- ISBN 9783845409283: Robertico Croes: The Small Island Paradox
- ISBN 9783845409290: Kazim Shah: The Relationship between English and Culture in an Islamic Context
- ISBN 9783845409306: Lüdmila Lisunowa: Ispol'zowanie nutrientow dlq snizheniq intoxikacii kadmiem
- ISBN 9783845409313: Shyam Patiar: Vocational Education and Training in Hospitality and Catering
- ISBN 3845409320: Ewgenij Kulüshin: Dostupnost' prawosudiq w Rossii
- ISBN 9783845409320: Ewgenij Kulüshin: Dostupnost' prawosudiq w Rossii
- ISBN 3845409339: Sergej Elizarow: Administratiwno-territorial'noe delenie BSSR (1919-1941 gg.)
- ISBN 9783845409337: Sergej Elizarow: Administratiwno-territorial'noe delenie BSSR (1919-1941 gg.)
- ISBN 9783845409344: Vlad Mykhnenko: The Political Economy of Post-Communism
- ISBN 9783845409351: Vipin Mishra: Total-energy pseudopotential calculations
- ISBN 9783845409368: Ernest Bagson: Surface Mining and the Environment
- ISBN 9783845409375: Melbourne Fonseca: Conceptual differentiation between Takaful and Conventional Insurers
- ISBN 9783845409382: Narendran Sivakumar: Effectiveness of Tracing in a Multicore Environment
- ISBN 9783845409399: Deepak Kumar: Software Reliability Engineering
- ISBN 9783845409405: Muhammad Naveed Iqbal Qureshi Sairah Syed: Quantum Cryptography and its Physical Implementation
- ISBN 9783845409412: Human, Anja: Psychologically controlling parents of anti-social emerging adults
- ISBN 9783845409429: Chandan Srivastava: Clustering and Neural Network Approaches for General NN-Simulator
- ISBN 9783845409436: Bardia Alavi: Distance Measurement Error Modeling for Indoor Geolocation
- ISBN 9783845409443: Jennifer Boekhoudt: Social Housing in Aruba
- ISBN 3845409452: Nikolaj Alexandrowich Kuldin: Struktury na osnowe dioxida wanadiq
- ISBN 9783845409450: Nikolaj Alexandrowich Kuldin: Struktury na osnowe dioxida wanadiq
- ISBN 3845409460: Alam Zeb: Sea buckthorn: A Functional Food
- ISBN 9783845409467: Alam Zeb: Sea buckthorn: A Functional Food
- ISBN 9783845409474: Henoch Derbew: Child Health Outcomes in Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783845409481: Md Gholam Yazdani: Aerodynamic Stability of Bluff Afterbodies
- ISBN 9783845409498: Erik Sellgren: Film-induced tourism
- ISBN 3845409509: Alexandr Semönow: Osobennosti razwitiq büdzhetnyh (low-cost) awiaperewozok w mire
- ISBN 9783845409504: Alexandr Semönow: Osobennosti razwitiq büdzhetnyh (low-cost) awiaperewozok w mire
- ISBN 3845409517: Qasim H. Shah: From LS-PrePost to LD-Dyna : An Introduction
- ISBN 9783845409511: Qasim H. Shah: From LS-PrePost to LD-Dyna : An Introduction
- ISBN 9783845409528: Muhammad Shuja Khan: Design of a Monolithic 3DOF MEMS Capacitive Accelerometer
- ISBN 3845409533: Sof'q Viktorowa: Osobennosti perewoda politicheskogo diskursa
- ISBN 9783845409535: Sof'q Viktorowa: Osobennosti perewoda politicheskogo diskursa
- ISBN 9783845409542: Simpfronia Taylor: Teacher Efficacy: Overcoming Barriers to Computer Instruction
- ISBN 9783845409559: Jean Chii Ong: Malaysian Chinese Consumer Behaviour
- ISBN 3845409568: Alexandr Zyrqnow: Interfejs fonarika
- ISBN 9783845409566: Alexandr Zyrqnow: Interfejs fonarika
- ISBN 9783845409573: Manukonda Rabindranath: Communication and New Media
- ISBN 9783845409580: Lovemore Mutonga Taderera Tawanda: The Zimbabwean English
- ISBN 3845409592: Natal'q Chigirinskaq: Formirowanie äkonomicheskoj kul'tury inzhenera w sowremennoj Rossii
- ISBN 9783845409597: Natal'q Chigirinskaq: Formirowanie äkonomicheskoj kul'tury inzhenera w sowremennoj Rossii
- ISBN 9783845409634: Soumendu Jana: Nonlinear Pulse And Beam Propagation
- ISBN 9783845409641: Irina Rudenkowa: Anaforicheskij rod i tipy anaforicheskih otnoshenij
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- ISBN 9783845409665: Stefanos Papanikolaou: Studies of topology and order in frustrated spin systems
- ISBN 9783845409672: Denis V. Karapysh: Ostryj pankreatit
- ISBN 9783845409689: Thipwan Fangsuwannarak: Silicon Quantum Dots and its Applications in Solar Cells
- ISBN 9783845409696: Huma Tauseef: Image Based Sign Language Translation
- ISBN 9783845409719: Mircea Crisbasanu: The effect of discrete reinforcement on spindle shaped Tensairity beam
- ISBN 9783845409726: Mohammed Ademilokun: Soccer Discourse Among University Students in Southwestern Nigeria
- ISBN 9783845409740: Alisa Chernen'kaq: Organicheskie prowodniki
- ISBN 9783845409757: Rostislaw Yaroslawowich Nil'k: Jexpressiq SS- i SHS-hemokinow i ih receptorow u bol'nyh IBS
- ISBN 3845409762: Vladimir Alexandrowich Makarow: ZOLOTO TEHNOGENNOGO MINERAL'NOGO SYR'Ya
- ISBN 9783845409764: Vladimir Alexandrowich Makarow: ZOLOTO TEHNOGENNOGO MINERAL'NOGO SYR'Ya
- ISBN 9783845409771: MOHAMED YOUSEF: Diagnostic Evaluation of Goiter
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- ISBN 9783845409795: Litik Mittal Ridhi Narang Yogesh Kumar Gupta: Post Endodontic Restorations
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- ISBN 9783845409825: Elementnyy Status Organizma Pri Razlichnoy Nutrientnoy Obespechennosti
- ISBN 9783845409832: Priyanka Behrani: How They Shop
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- ISBN 9783845409856: Egor Yazikow: Jekogeohimiq territorij Zapadnoj Sibiri
- ISBN 9783845409870: Jaffar Ali Badar Naseem Siddiqui Amjad Ali: Decentralization in Agriculture Extension
- ISBN 9783845409887: Precious Shamba: MOCVD growth and electrical characterisation of InAs thin films
- ISBN 9783845409894: Matthew J. Fraidakis, MD, PhD: Experimental spinal cord injury
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- ISBN 9783845409917: Syed Khizer Ali Shah: The Effects of UK Taxation as a System on Society
- ISBN 9783845409931: Wen Hu: Resource Provisioning and Management in Hybrid Sensor Networks
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- ISBN 9783845409993: Enay Eray: Legislative Reforms in Turkey in the context of Gender Mainstreaming