ISBN beginnend mit 9783845424
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783845424002: Samina Shirajee: Women and Small-Scale Freshwater Aquaculture in Bangladesh
- ISBN 9783845424019: Jagadish Prasad Bhatta: Vulnerability Assessment of Indigenous People's Livelihood
- ISBN 9783845424026: Mahmoud Hafezieh: Live food enriched for Persian Sturgeon fish larvae
- ISBN 9783845424033: Sardor Abdullaev Mukhudinovich: Civil War and Post-War Transformation
- ISBN 9783845424040: Mohammed Issa: Natural Radioactivity of Igneous Rocks
- ISBN 9783845424057: Alla Stefanskaq: Russkij qzyk na osnowe russkogo fil'ma
- ISBN 9783845424064: Bonzemo Bon Sindani: Factors That Affect Water Qualities
- ISBN 9783845424071: Anastasiq Gennad'ewna Blagodatnowa: Pochwennye wodorosli bolotnyh äkosistem (Arhangel'skaq oblast')
- ISBN 9783845424088: Tafadzwa Fungayi Mwangolela: Re-Imagining Agrarian Transformation in South Africa
- ISBN 9783845424095: Rahamatullah Khondoker: Cooperative Spectrum Sharing Between Coexisting WLAN Systems
- ISBN 9783845424101: Jenergopromyshlennyj komplex i ustojchiwoe razwitie Tadzhikistana
- ISBN 9783845424118: Mahmoud Taha: Oral Health Status in Thalassemia Major Patients
- ISBN 9783845424125: Ahmed F. Nassar: Single- and Two-Phase Flow in Stirred Vessels
- ISBN 3845424133: Andrej Sergeewich Sokolow: Social'no-ontologicheskie problemy i naprawleniq
- ISBN 9783845424132: Andrej Sergeewich Sokolow: Social'no-ontologicheskie problemy i naprawleniq
- ISBN 9783845424149: Andrej Shhelchkow: Vojna za nezawisimost' Chili
- ISBN 9783845424156: Vladimir Anohin: Stroenie planetarnoj lineamentnoj seti
- ISBN 9783845424163: Abdelrahman El-Kafrawy: Analog CMOS VLSI Circuits
- ISBN 9783845424194: Gezim Rojba: E-commerce in Transition Economies
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- ISBN 9783845424217: Naamwintome Beyuo: Indigenous Knowledge and Agricultural Extension
- ISBN 9783845424224: Dejene Sahlu Baylie Damtie: Simulation of a weather radar measurement over the Lake Tana watershed
- ISBN 9783845424231: K. Hemalatha: Occupational Health
- ISBN 3845424257: Anna Popowa: Konkurentosposobnost' innowacionnoj stroitel'noj produkcii
- ISBN 9783845424255: Anna Popowa: Konkurentosposobnost' innowacionnoj stroitel'noj produkcii
- ISBN 3845424265: Anna Nesterowa: Formirowanie äkologo-pedagogicheskoj kompetentnosti
- ISBN 9783845424262: Anna Nesterowa: Formirowanie äkologo-pedagogicheskoj kompetentnosti
- ISBN 9783845424279: Nawshaba Ahmed: Film and Fabrication: How Hollywood determines how we SEE Colorism
- ISBN 9783845424286: B K Harish Kumara K Lenin Babu S. Srikantaswamy: Traditional Knowledge system (Medicinal Plants): Status in Arkalgud
- ISBN 9783845424309: Joseph Oppong: David Hollenbach and the Human Rights Debate
- ISBN 9783845424316: Alexandr Jur'ewich Linowich: Mnogoskorostnaq obrabotka signalow w zadachah obratnogo modelirowaniq
- ISBN 384542432X: Anna Mitina: Ocenka w uchebnoj deqtel'nosti i ee rol' w razwitii lichnosti shkol'nika
- ISBN 9783845424323: Anna Mitina: Ocenka w uchebnoj deqtel'nosti i ee rol' w razwitii lichnosti shkol'nika
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- ISBN 9783845424347: Sadri, Elham: Applying Cognitive Linguistics to teaching English phrasal verbs
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- ISBN 9783845424378: Meeghan Ford: Evaluation of the NACWAA/HERS Institute for Administrative Advancement
- ISBN 9783845424385: Alexej Nikolaewich Afonin: Korrekciq gemodinamicheskih rasstrojstw u postradawshih s politrawmoj
- ISBN 9783845424392: Claire Scoular: Acoustic analysis of intentional vocalizations
- ISBN 9783845424408: Karan Patra: Implementation of Variable Rating Operation on Civil Aero Engines
- ISBN 9783845424415: Ashraf A. A. Beshr: Engineering Surveying
- ISBN 3845424427: Elena Sonina: Gazetnyj Peterburg
- ISBN 9783845424422: Elena Sonina: Gazetnyj Peterburg
- ISBN 9783845424439: Benjamin Wall: Skeletal muscle co-enzyme A and carnitine metabolism
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- ISBN 9783845424453: Irina Kazakowa: Jemocional'nye narusheniq pri hronicheskom gastrite
- ISBN 9783845424460: Md. Sharif Hossain Khan: Soil-Landform Development of Fold Belt Along East Coast of Bangladesh
- ISBN 9783845424477: Cristina Olsen: Nature in the Lives of Saints Brigit, Patrick and Columba
- ISBN 3845424486: Almaz Garaew: Tamozhennyj konfiskat
- ISBN 9783845424484: Almaz Garaew: Tamozhennyj konfiskat
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- ISBN 9783845424507: Mohammed Omar: Industrial Applications for Thermal Image Fusion
- ISBN 9783845424514: Md. Rubel Mahmud: Determining Durability of Bioactivity
- ISBN 9783845424521: Matiullah Khan Muhammad Mustafa Tahseen Farhan Ullah: Analysis of OSTBC in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks
- ISBN 9783845424538: Mohammad Abdul Momin Siddique: Dry fish consumption in Bangladesh
- ISBN 3845424540: Andrej Barhota: Metody gosudarstwennogo regulirowaniq äkonomiki
- ISBN 9783845424545: Andrej Barhota: Metody gosudarstwennogo regulirowaniq äkonomiki
- ISBN 9783845424552: Kirti Gaur: A Study of Child Work in India and Selected States
- ISBN 9783845424569: Michael Give Chipeta: Analysis of Zero Altered & Inflated Data
- ISBN 9783845424576: Marvin Surkin: Merleau-Ponty and the Phenomenological Critique of Political Science
- ISBN 9783845424583: Ahmed Abdel Azeiz: Discovery of new biochemical compounds
- ISBN 9783845424590: Lisa Luger: Cultural Competence Training
- ISBN 9783845424606: Gennadij Sushko: The Insect Fauna of «Yelnia» Peat Bog
- ISBN 9783845424613: Emmanuel M. P. Edeh: Academic Influence in African Development
- ISBN 9783845424620: Syed Zahid Ahmed: embedded FPGAs (eFPGAs)
- ISBN 9783845424637: Kenneth Bo Nielsen: Imagining and Encountering the Indian State
- ISBN 9783845424644: Nancy Leveille: Narrative Evaluation for a College Mathematics Foundations Course
- ISBN 9783845424651: Karolina Bachmann: Spatial development of the North Sea Region
- ISBN 9783845424668: Tat'qna Olenina: Administratiwno-prawowoj status uchrezhdenij nachal'nogo profobrazowaniq
- ISBN 9783845424675: Chris Huxley: The Physical Impacts of Climate Change on Shoreline Response
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- ISBN 9783845424705: Juliq Zajcewa: Chuwstwo sobstwennogo dostoinstwa kak psihologicheskij fenomen
- ISBN 9783845424712: Md Moazzam Hossain Mohammad Nurul Hoque Abdullah Al Mamun: Sound Vibration: Microphone System
- ISBN 9783845424729: Vqcheslaw Vladimirowich Grebenük: Biliarnyj sepsis
- ISBN 9783845424736: Andrej Kuz'min: Ob#emnye ob#ekty
- ISBN 9783845424743: Istoriq Irkutskogo teatra
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- ISBN 9783845424767: Alemu Aylate Ayano: A Cross-sectional Survey on Bovine Tuberculosis
- ISBN 9783845424774: Ahmed Harb Rabia: Zinc as a Necessary Nutrient and its Effect on Plant Growth
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- ISBN 9783845424798: Ravi Sharma: Optical Characterization of Mn Doped ZnS Nanoparticles
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- ISBN 9783845424828: Anil Ameta: Waste Water Treatment and Solar Energy Conversion
- ISBN 9783845424835: Aws Zuheer Yonis: Carrier Aggregation Technique for Improving LTE-Advanced System
- ISBN 9783845424842: Vasilij Krasnikow: Plastichnost' i uprochnenie mishenej pri obluchenii zarqzhennymi chasticami
- ISBN 9783845424859: Khalid Hakeem Ruby Chandna Zahid Hameed: Understanding Plant processes through Proteomics
- ISBN 9783845424866: Ajslu Abdulhakowa: Tatarskaq detskaq kniga:1917-1991 gg.
- ISBN 9783845424873: Andrej Mazurenko: Prawotworcheskaq politika
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- ISBN 9783845424897: Rossijskaq istoriq XIX-XX ww.
- ISBN 9783845424903: Alaa Al Saedi: The Effect of Dividend Policy on Market Value
- ISBN 9783845424910: Galina Dawydowa: Razrabotka nowyh biomaterialow tipa «iskusstwennaq kozha».
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- ISBN 9783845424965: Vishwanath Jogale: Role of different compounds in Artificialseawater for Larvae of Scampi
- ISBN 9783845424972: Tat'qna Lipaj: Vwedenie w teoriü social'noj stigmatizacii
- ISBN 9783845424989: Ghanshyam Sharma: Electronic structure and momentum density of some binary systems
- ISBN 9783845424996: Mamatha M. Pillai M. Unnikrishnan: Studies on Micropropagation of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas)