ISBN beginnend mit 9783846510
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783846510001: Manjeet Kumar: Barriers in Achieving Strategic Partnership (SRM) & 3PL Integration
- ISBN 9783846510018: Farkhanda Khan: Masculinization in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
- ISBN 9783846510025: Biju Sebastian: Implications of climate and physiography on modern sands
- ISBN 9783846510032: Ousmane Toure: Hiv Prevalence in Senegal associated with The Sugar Daddy Phenomenon
- ISBN 9783846510049: Prasanth Bondalapati: ArcGIS and Databases
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- ISBN 9783846510056: Ekaterina Gnatük: Realizaciq soglasnyh w kommunikatiwnoj perspektiwe wyskazywaniq
- ISBN 3846510068: Ilhomdzhon Amonow: Korroziq splawa Al+2.18%Fe, legirowannogo älementami podgruppy ittriq
- ISBN 9783846510070: Kazi Samiul Hoque: Growth and Impact of Rural Non-Farm Activities on Poverty Reduction
- ISBN 9783846510087: Dinesh Prasad N. R. Kamini M. K. Gowthaman: Microbial Tannases - An Overview
- ISBN 9783846510094: Debajani Sahoo: CRM Practices in Indian Star Hotels
- ISBN 9783846510117: Neeraj Jain Vibha Mangal: clinical examination notes in pediatrics
- ISBN 9783846510124: Melisew Tefera Belachew: Preconditioning Dense Complex Linear Systems from a VIM Discretization
- ISBN 9783846510131: Vijayasaradhi Annam: Evaluation of Paranasal Sinus diseases by CT scan
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- ISBN 9783846510155: Vladimir Talancew: Antimonopol'noe zakonodatel'stwo i regulirowanie
- ISBN 9783846510162: Waqas Khan: Phytosociology & Geographical distribution of Thandiani, Pakistan
- ISBN 9783846510179: S. Indira Rani: Atmospheric Modelling Studies over India through HRM and ARPS Models
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- ISBN 9783846510186: A. K. Ostapchuk: Uprawlenie formirowaniem sherohowatosti powerhnosti
- ISBN 9783846510193: Mohammed Seid Muhidin: The Effect of Organic matter on runoff , soil loss and crop yield
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- ISBN 9783846510223: Iris Hlengiwe Dlamini: Sociolinguistic identity of African Learners in Multiracial Schools
- ISBN 9783846510230: Divya Saxena: Embrasure Morphology and Central Papilla Recession
- ISBN 9783846510247: Michael Tanangkingsing: A functional reference grammar of Cebuano
- ISBN 9783846510254: Margaret Katusabe: Effectiveness of Teacher-student Ratio Policy on Classroom Learning
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- ISBN 9783846510285: Mark Mishiwo: Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Mathematics
- ISBN 9783846510292: Yogesh Raghunath Patil: Olefins Polymerization Reactivity of Niobium-Based Metal Complexes
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- ISBN 9783846510339: Volkan Koeseli: Pulsed Ultrasound Doppler Velocimetry and Complex Flows
- ISBN 9783846510346: Cyprian Marowa: Financing Energy Efficiency In South Africa
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- ISBN 9783846510520: Hassan El-Ramady: Handbook of REEs
- ISBN 9783846510537: Nourtan Abdeltawab: Systems Biology Approaches in Infectious Diseases
- ISBN 9783846510544: Sarika Sawant: Institutional Repository Initiatives in India
- ISBN 9783846510551: Nilay Saha: Performance Audit: A Case Study of Indian Metro Railway
- ISBN 9783846510568: Karwan Mustafa: Hydrocarbon Evaluation of Liassic age in Kurdistan
- ISBN 9783846510575: Siewe Nourridine: Dynamics of Disease Transmitting vectors
- ISBN 3846510580: Raushan Sadykowa: Büdzhetnaq politika Respubliki Kazahstan
- ISBN 9783846510582: Raushan Sadykowa: Büdzhetnaq politika Respubliki Kazahstan
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- ISBN 9783846510605: Zhanna Bahtina: Nekotorye dinamicheskie zadachi s prerywistym ili wetwqschimsq argumentom
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- ISBN 9783846510629: Brian Francis: Trade and Economic Growth in the Caribbean
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- ISBN 9783846510643: Stephen Hart: Teenage Wasteland
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- ISBN 9783846510858: Asad Afzal Humayoun: Technology Based Employee Training and Organizational Performance
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- ISBN 9783846510872: Metod proektow w wospitatel'no-obrazowatel'nom processe
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- ISBN 9783846510971: Juhi Jain: Study of Human Resources in the Contemporary Business Environment
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- ISBN 9783846510988: Viktor Isaew: Sud'by "malen'kih" lüdej na fone bol'shoj istorii.
- ISBN 9783846510995: Stephen Townsend: UniverCity Living