ISBN beginnend mit 9783846526
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783846526002: Carlos Troche Souza: Assessing 'Ordenamiento Territorial' at Municipal level, Bolivia
- ISBN 9783846526019: Md. Tanzilur Rahman: Generating Simulation Models of Communication Protocols
- ISBN 9783846526026: Ola Sawalha: Capillary Suction Time Test
- ISBN 9783846526033: Michael Hardiman: Sustainability and the Sovereign Bond Market
- ISBN 9783846526040: Jane Musademba Cathrine Chirimuuta: Quality Control in Fashion Production at Mitchell Fashions, Harare
- ISBN 9783846526057: Well Haorei P. Anandharajakumar: Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS)
- ISBN 9783846526064: Statisticheskie metody obrabotki geofizicheskikh dannykh
- ISBN 384652607X: Elena Gawrilina: Inzhenernoe tworchestwo w informacionnom obschestwe
- ISBN 9783846526071: Elena Gawrilina: Inzhenernoe tworchestwo w informacionnom obschestwe
- ISBN 9783846526088: Paul Ogalo: Developments on Contested Land of Mindanao, Philippines
- ISBN 9783846526095: Aminer Titus Benard Okelo: Differential equations and applications
- ISBN 9783846526101: Metod Kontrolya Kontsentratsii Ionov Metallov V Vodnoy Srede
- ISBN 9783846526118: Vanvliet Thansaitong: The Role of US Dollar as the International Reserve Currency
- ISBN 9783846526125: Aida Gajnutdinowa: Kwantowye i klassicheskie modeli wychislenij
- ISBN 9783846526132: Hassan El-Harthy Hussein Abd El-Maksoud Hassan Barakat: Biochemical Studies in Experimental Leukaemia in Rats
- ISBN 9783846526149: Padmavati T Madipalli Shweta Singh Suman Singh: Neem oil(Azadirachta indica): Standardization and Properties as a Fuel
- ISBN 9783846526156: John Habwe: The Discourse of Political Language in Kenya
- ISBN 9783846526163: Roland Sylvester Mushi: Climate change and the coastal environment
- ISBN 3846526177: Oleg Sharypow: Yacheistaq struktura woln goreniq i detonacii
- ISBN 9783846526170: Oleg Sharypow: Yacheistaq struktura woln goreniq i detonacii
- ISBN 9783846526187: Radu R¿descu: The Easy-Learning Platform: Concept and Solution
- ISBN 9783846526194: Irene Kontkanen: Postoperative Pain Assessment in Pediatric Patients
- ISBN 9783846526200: Dmitrij Osipchuk: Jembrio- i fetotoxicheskie swojstwa fenotropila
- ISBN 9783846526217: Remco Koninckx: Cardiac Regenerative Therapy
- ISBN 9783846526224: Mengistu Assefa Wendimu: Honey Value Chain Analysis
- ISBN 9783846526231: Elena Tarabanowskaq: Uprawlenie obrazowaniem w Rossii: sistemnyj i sinergeticheskij podhody
- ISBN 9783846526248: Jurij Sergeewich Vaschenko: Filologicheskoe tolkowanie norm prawa
- ISBN 9783846526255: Shirley S. Ho: Wisdom, Prayer for Life and Restoration of Zion
- ISBN 9783846526262: Ismailhaki Veliu: Design and Development of Modular Learning Management Systems
- ISBN 9783846526279: Theobald Theodory: Service Delivery in Informal Settlements of Tanzania
- ISBN 9783846526286: Sowremennye aspekty dietologii
- ISBN 9783846526293: M. D, Pratheesh: Transfection via Nucleofection
- ISBN 9783846526309: Zeenat Shariff: Teachers' Beliefs and Practices
- ISBN 9783846526316: Addass Philip: Cattle Breeds and Reproductive Characteristics
- ISBN 9783846526323: Kingsley O. Chima: Maxi-Motivational Management Concept in Live Theatre
- ISBN 3846526339: Marie Aronsson: Selective Distribution and Online Sales
- ISBN 9783846526330: Marie Aronsson: Selective Distribution and Online Sales
- ISBN 9783846526347: Tahir Rehman Samiullah Fatima Ali Abdul Qayyum Rao: Production and Purification of Beta-Glucosidase from Bacillus
- ISBN 3846526355: Violetta Sergeewna Smirnowa: 8-oxoguanin i produkty ego okisleniq
- ISBN 9783846526354: Violetta Sergeewna Smirnowa: 8-oxoguanin i produkty ego okisleniq
- ISBN 3846526363: Artem Zhukow: Metodika formirowaniq parka podwizhnogo sostawa awtobusnogo predpriqtiq
- ISBN 9783846526361: Artem Zhukow: Metodika formirowaniq parka podwizhnogo sostawa awtobusnogo predpriqtiq
- ISBN 9783846526378: John Barugahare: Pursuing Health Equity in Low Income Countries
- ISBN 9783846526385: Vaneet Dhir: Nature
- ISBN 9783846526392: Abdulazeez Bello: Optimum Crusher Location for a Quarry: A Geospatial Approach
- ISBN 9783846526408: Cung Nawl Thawng: Biotransformation of 1-Phenylpyrazole and 1-Phenylpyrrole by NDO
- ISBN 9783846526415: Rishikesh Gupta: Floating Microspheres: An Intelligent Drug Delivery System
- ISBN 9783846526422: Kama Sacajiu: From Ankara to Jerusalem
- ISBN 9783846526439: Ahmed, Doaa A.: Hydration of tricalcium and tribarium aluminate
- ISBN 9783846526446: Yurtkan, Kamil: Face Adaptation, Texture Mapping and Animation
- ISBN 9783846526453: Lynda Atil Hocine Fellag: Stability of ARCH models and unit root tests
- ISBN 9783846526460: Katri-Liis Lepik: Cross-Border Cooperation Institutional Organisation
- ISBN 9783846526477: Anita Seppä: Globalisation and the Arts
- ISBN 9783846526484: Sadik Jemal Awol: Effect of Blending ratio and operating conditions
- ISBN 9783846526491: Oboronno-massowaq rabota w Srednem Powolzh'e. (1928-1937gg.)
- ISBN 9783846526507: Sostyazatel nost Rossiyskogo Ugolovnogo Sudoproizvodstva
- ISBN 9783846526514: Julieth Timoth Kabyemela: Theatre for Women Empowerment and Development
- ISBN 3846526525: Leonid Plawskij: Mikrowolnowye tehnologii w hromatografii
- ISBN 9783846526521: Leonid Plawskij: Mikrowolnowye tehnologii w hromatografii
- ISBN 9783846526538: Mirkuzie Woldie: Health System Decentralization in a Resource Poor Setting
- ISBN 9783846526545: Bruno Cho Fon: Global Governance and the Role of Non State Actors
- ISBN 384652655X: Tat'qna Uchinina: Uprawlenie lizingowymi operaciqmi na predpriqtiqh stroitel'stwa
- ISBN 9783846526552: Tat'qna Uchinina: Uprawlenie lizingowymi operaciqmi na predpriqtiqh stroitel'stwa
- ISBN 9783846526569: Innocent Chikwanha: Gender Performance In English Language
- ISBN 9783846526576: Elena Erckina: Professional'nye kompetentnosti w inzhenernom obrazowanii
- ISBN 9783846526583: Dwarikanath Mahapatra: Registration and Segmentation Methodology for Perfusion MR Images
- ISBN 9783846526590: Sozdanie offshornyh kompanij
- ISBN 9783846526606: Firas Zawahreh: Netiquette of Email Using: Jordanian English Teachers' Perceptions
- ISBN 9783846526613: Demis Zergaw: Implications of the Academic Performance of Prospective Teachers
- ISBN 9783846526620: Ibrahaim, Asma: Management of root-knot nematodes by using bio-pesticides
- ISBN 3846526630: Anna Sizowa: "Ctaryj" neftedobywaüschij rajon
- ISBN 9783846526637: Anna Sizowa: "Ctaryj" neftedobywaüschij rajon
- ISBN 3846526649: Andrej Dragunow: Neftegazopoiskowye strukturno-geologicheskie issledowaniq
- ISBN 9783846526644: Andrej Dragunow: Neftegazopoiskowye strukturno-geologicheskie issledowaniq
- ISBN 9783846526651: Azadeh Shafaei: Effect of Project-Based Learning on Vocabulary Recall and Retention
- ISBN 3846526665: Mesaf Taktak: Optimizaciq lecheniq odontogennogo werhnechelüstnogo sinuita
- ISBN 9783846526668: Mesaf Taktak: Optimizaciq lecheniq odontogennogo werhnechelüstnogo sinuita
- ISBN 9783846526675: Anh Ngoc Le: Efficient Routing Protocols for Multi-radio Wireless Mesh Networks
- ISBN 3846526681: Riddhi Ved: Nollywood in diaspora
- ISBN 9783846526682: Riddhi Ved: Nollywood in diaspora
- ISBN 9783846526699: Brian Tuffy: Porphyrin Materials for Organic Light Emitting Diodes
- ISBN 9783846526705: Geoffrey Shisumu Mackenzie: Praise and Worship in Africa
- ISBN 3846526711: Ennam Abdelghanie: Al-Jazeera and NHK Coverage of the 2003 Iraq War
- ISBN 9783846526712: Ennam Abdelghanie: Al-Jazeera and NHK Coverage of the 2003 Iraq War
- ISBN 384652672X: Sergej Vladimirowich Popow: Patologiq krowetworeniq
- ISBN 9783846526729: Sergej Vladimirowich Popow: Patologiq krowetworeniq
- ISBN 9783846526736: Er. Surajit Borah: A Study Of Computer Networking At IOCL(AOD), Digboi(India)
- ISBN 9783846526743: Obediah Dodo: The Role of the Opposition Politics between 1999 and 2008
- ISBN 9783846526750: Lidiq Ishakowa: Vostok i Zapad w romanah Dzhejmsa Moriera o Hadzhi-Babe
- ISBN 9783846526767: Mohammad Arifur Rahman: River Bank Erosion
- ISBN 3846526770: Mihail Tardow: Cerebral'nyj krowotok pri gestoze
- ISBN 9783846526774: Mihail Tardow: Cerebral'nyj krowotok pri gestoze
- ISBN 9783846526781: Bonny Apunyu: Mobile Phones for Health Education
- ISBN 9783846526798: Podgotowka rabochih dlq razwiwaueschegosq agropromyshlennogo komplexa
- ISBN 9783846526804: Muhammad Intizar Ali: Distributed Heterogeneous Web Data Sources Integration
- ISBN 9783846526828: Ebru Aktuglu Oytun Soezuedogru: Code-Switching Behavior in Different Contexts
- ISBN 9783846526835: Brian Burnett: Public funding reduction for higher education in Colorado, 1970 - 2010
- ISBN 9783846526842: Takkouk Saddek: Hydrodynamic and Water Quality in Mediterranean Reservoirs
- ISBN 9783846526859: Sigita Glaveckaite: Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance for the Assessment of Viability
- ISBN 9783846526873: Proektirovanie Trenazhyerov Podvizhnykh Nazemnykh Obektov
- ISBN 3846526886: Marina Basowa: Topologicheskie metody w kraewyh zadachah dlq differencial'nyh wklüchenij
- ISBN 9783846526880: Marina Basowa: Topologicheskie metody w kraewyh zadachah dlq differencial'nyh wklüchenij
- ISBN 9783846526897: Salavat Tapbergenov: Stress, Adaptation and Adrenal-Thyroid Disfunction Syndrome
- ISBN 9783846526903: Tat'qna Lawina: Sowershenstwowanie neprerywnoj podgotowki uchitelej w oblasti IKT
- ISBN 3846526916: Xeniq Ankushewa: Gorodskie soslowiq Zaural'q w konce XVIII-nachale XX weka
- ISBN 9783846526910: Xeniq Ankushewa: Gorodskie soslowiq Zaural'q w konce XVIII-nachale XX weka
- ISBN 9783846526927: Godwin Ihemeje: Contemporary Trends on Public Policy in Nigeria
- ISBN 9783846526934: Menberu Teshome: Population Growth, Cultivated Land and Food Production
- ISBN 9783846526941: Kira Davis: Expanding Environmental Education in Rural, Minority China
- ISBN 9783846526958: Tamara Züzina: Distancionnoe obuchenie w obrazowatel'noj shkole Rossii.
- ISBN 9783846526965: Courtie Mahamadi: Excitation in flame and inductively coupled plasma atomic spectrometry
- ISBN 9783846526972: Basil Hamed: Design of GA-Fuzzy Controller for Magnetic Levitation Using FPGA
- ISBN 9783846526989: Elena Lawrik: Gendernye osobennosti serdechnoj nedostatochnosti
- ISBN 9783846526996: Fabio Durante: Debonding of FRP EBR: from testing to design