ISBN beginnend mit 9783846527
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3846527009: Mariq Sergeewna Zhewlakowich: O prawowom regulirowanii arendy zemel'nogo uchastka
- ISBN 9783846527009: Mariq Sergeewna Zhewlakowich: O prawowom regulirowanii arendy zemel'nogo uchastka
- ISBN 9783846527016: Stanislaw Agureew: Jefiopiq w otrazhenii rossijskogo obschestwennogo mneniq w k.XIX-nach.XXw.
- ISBN 3846527025: A. I. Klimenko: Vliqnie politicheskogo faktora na zakonotworchestwo
- ISBN 9783846527030: Manoj Verma: Inheritance In Tomato
- ISBN 9783846527047: Metodika razrabotki aeffektiwnoj programmy prodwizheniq brenda
- ISBN 9783846527054: Alexander Boniface Makulilo: The Dark Side of Opinion Polls in Tanzania
- ISBN 9783846527061: Muhammad Javed Iqbal: Distribution of Parthenium hysterophorus in Lahore and its Biocontrol
- ISBN 9783846527078: Irina Keshabyan Ivanova: Shakespeare's Hamlet versus Sumarokov's Gamlet
- ISBN 9783846527085: Nazmus Shaker Nafi: Design of an Avalance Photo Diode: A single photon detector for QKD
- ISBN 9783846527092: Muhammad Shahdaat Bin Sayeed: Essential Drugs Company Limited Bangladesh
- ISBN 9783846527108: Dele Ogunmola: The Slippery Slopes into Civil War
- ISBN 3846527114: Jiwat Ram: Embracing ERP systems
- ISBN 9783846527115: Jiwat Ram: Embracing ERP systems
- ISBN 9783846527122: T. Parthasarathi: Second Green Revolution Takes Root
- ISBN 9783846527139: Ruirui Gu Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya William S. Levine: Hardware Software Co-Design For Parallel Embedded Systems
- ISBN 3846527149: Anil Kumar: Active Control of Buildings Subjected to Seismic Excitations
- ISBN 9783846527146: Anil Kumar: Active Control of Buildings Subjected to Seismic Excitations
- ISBN 9783846527153: Alexandr Nazarow: Fundamental'nye oshibki w ugolownom sudoproizwodstwe Rossii
- ISBN 9783846527160: Katelynn A. Vance James S. Thorp: Robust Control for Inter-area Oscillations
- ISBN 9783846527177: SAJID MAHMOOD Muhammad Azmat: Trickle Irrigation
- ISBN 9783846527184: Kunal Sharma: E-governance in India : A Case Study of Lokmitra in Himachal Pradesh
- ISBN 9783846527191: V. Chernqew: Proektirowanie gumanitarnogo obrazowaniq po fizicheskoj kul'ture w wuze
- ISBN 9783846527207: Introdukciq drewesnyh porod w Nowgorodskoj oblasti
- ISBN 9783846527214: Eka Devidze: Introduction to the Event Management
- ISBN 9783846527221: Shyam Ashtekar: The Chinese and some Asian Health systems: Diaries of an Indian Doctor
- ISBN 3846527238: Muso Sharbatdor: Problemy uprawleniq proizwodstwennyh ob#edinenij w regionah
- ISBN 9783846527238: Muso Sharbatdor: Problemy uprawleniq proizwodstwennyh ob#edinenij w regionah
- ISBN 9783846527245: Rishya Manikam Sri Latha Balakrishnan David Choon S.K: A Study on the Application of the Canadian Cervical Spine Rule (CSSR)
- ISBN 9783846527252: James Otieno: The role of alcohol consumption in criminal behavior
- ISBN 3846527262: Anna Maximowa: Potrebnost' w specialistah s wysshim professional'nym obrazowaniem
- ISBN 9783846527269: Anna Maximowa: Potrebnost' w specialistah s wysshim professional'nym obrazowaniem
- ISBN 9783846527276: Jayant Khandare: Stimuli sensitive polymers and biomolecule recovery
- ISBN 9783846527283: Shalini Vohra: Socio-Cultural Matrix In The Novels Of Bhabani Bhattacharya
- ISBN 9783846527290: Getahun Endale: The Challenges and Prospects of TVET Reform
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- ISBN 9783846527313: Joanna Adobea Dawson: Telemedicine Solutions in Resource-poor Settings
- ISBN 9783846527320: K. Usha Rani K.L Sharma Kaushalya Ramachandran: Sewage Water Irrigation and Heavy Metals
- ISBN 9783846527337: Mulugeta Fitamo Dinbabo: Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and Local Development
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- ISBN 9783846527344: Mariq Chencowa: Osobennosti formirowaniq äkonomiki znanij w sowremennyh uslowiqh
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- ISBN 9783846527382: Nafish Sarwar Islam: Inventory Accounting
- ISBN 9783846527399: Shankar Chelliah: Entry Mode Decisions in International Business
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- ISBN 9783846527429: Anatolij Alexandrowich Nawrockij: LBV-O c neregulqrnymi zamedlqüschimi sistemami
- ISBN 9783846527436: Baha Amayreh: Online assignment submission
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- ISBN 9783846527443: Irina Rychkowa: Pozdnij mel - äocen ügo-wostoka Zapadnoj Sibiri
- ISBN 9783846527450: Rajendra Nath Babu Murathoti: Value Oriented Education
- ISBN 9783846527467: Titus Adhola: Gamebird sport hunting in Kenya
- ISBN 9783846527474: Ingrid Szu-Ying Chen: Reading W. Scott's Picturesque Scotland
- ISBN 9783846527481: Minale Beyene: Technical Education in Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783846527498: Sowremennaq rossijskaq kriminologiq
- ISBN 9783846527504: Tumisha Abdukadyrowa: Obuchenie nemeckomu qzyku w uslowiqh chechensko-russkogo bilingwizma.
- ISBN 3846527513: Ewgenij Strel'nikow: Stabilizaciq finansowogo rynka Rossii: problemy i puti ih resheniq
- ISBN 9783846527511: Ewgenij Strel'nikow: Stabilizaciq finansowogo rynka Rossii: problemy i puti ih resheniq
- ISBN 9783846527535: Pawel Mihajlowich Buj: Jeffektiwnost' sredstw autentifikacii
- ISBN 9783846527542: Khalid Soussi: The Acquisition of EFL Vocabulary and Mental lexical connectivity
- ISBN 9783846527559: Srinivasa Reddy P. Manjunatha B.: Correlation of Clinical and Autopsy Findings of Head Injuries in RTA
- ISBN 9783846527566: Naraginti Amareswaran: Glance of India
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- ISBN 3846527602: Marina Mongush: Religii w Tuwe
- ISBN 9783846527603: Marina Mongush: Religii w Tuwe
- ISBN 9783846527610: Riikka Immonen: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Progressive Brain Changes
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- ISBN 9783846527658: Swetlana Sergeewna Kazakowa: Magnitno-rezonansnaq tomografiq
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- ISBN 9783846527689: Ekaterina Iwanowa: Stanowlenie mnogopartijnosti na Dal'nem Vostoke Rossii w 1990-2005 gg.
- ISBN 9783846527696: Vladimir Kolotushkin: Strukturnye osobennosti w konstrukcionnyh materialah qdernyh reaktorow
- ISBN 9783846527702: Hiralkumar Madhubhai Barot: Teaching of Sanskrit Prose through Computer
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- ISBN 9783846527719: Natal'q Broshkowa: Awtomatizaciq processa prinqtiq reshenij po uprawleniü inwesticiqmi
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- ISBN 9783846527733: Telmo Menezes: Evolutionary Computational Intelligence
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- ISBN 9783846527757: Ali Djamhuri: Indonesian Government Accounting Reform
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- ISBN 9783846527887: Anna Gilöwa: Ocenochnye strategii britanskoj pressy
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- ISBN 9783846527894: Vladimir Ewseew: Anglijskij gorod w ranee Nowoe wremq: specifika regional'nogo razwitiq
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- ISBN 9783846527917: Babatunde Emmanuel: Software-Based Intelligent Power Storage and Management
- ISBN 9783846527924: Lauren Kielstra: A Model Based Approach to Apraxia
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- ISBN 9783846527931: Mariq German: Trud i chelowek w sowremennom obschestwe
- ISBN 9783846527948: Claudia Whitley: An Examination of Faculty Perceptions Regarding Teacher Dispositions
- ISBN 9783846527955: Alexandr Usol'cew: Uprawlenie formirowaniem myshleniq shkol'nikow pri obuchenii fizike
- ISBN 9783846527962: Paula Kaminska: Consumer-oriented online shop creation
- ISBN 9783846527979: Stephen Kodwo Ndako: The Syntax and Semantics of Possessive Structures in Nzema
- ISBN 9783846527986: Anne Marie Bakke: Do the French like English?
- ISBN 9783846527993: Deni Darmawan: Biological Communication through ICT Implementation