ISBN beginnend mit 9783846535
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3846535001: Kirill Solow'ew: Gorod i monastyr' w sociokul'turnoj zhizni Rossii
- ISBN 9783846535004: Kirill Solow'ew: Gorod i monastyr' w sociokul'turnoj zhizni Rossii
- ISBN 9783846535011: Das, Smritikana: Indigenous people¿s access to land in northern-belt of Bangladesh / A study of the Santal community
- ISBN 9783846535028: Hafida Chekeiri: Language Variety Choice in Moroccan TV Advertising
- ISBN 9783846535035: Xuan Feng: Butanol-Diesel Blend Used in a Conventional Diesel Engine
- ISBN 9783846535042: Religioznoe mifotworchestwo w obydennoj kul'ture
- ISBN 3846535052: Galina Bichewa: Vliqnie rtuti na zdorow'e naseleniq, prozhiwaüschego w zone zagrqzneniq
- ISBN 9783846535059: Galina Bichewa: Vliqnie rtuti na zdorow'e naseleniq, prozhiwaüschego w zone zagrqzneniq
- ISBN 9783846535066: Yulizar D. Sanrego: Social Capital and Group Lending Model (GLM)
- ISBN 9783846535073: Bhattacharjee, Biplab: Evolutionary Computational Biology -Autoimmune Disorders
- ISBN 9783846535080: Boshir Ahmed: Automatic Road Extraction
- ISBN 3846535095: Boris Awdochenko: Modeli i struktury analogowyh ustrojstw pikosekundnogo diapazona
- ISBN 9783846535097: Boris Awdochenko: Modeli i struktury analogowyh ustrojstw pikosekundnogo diapazona
- ISBN 9783846535103: Al'bina Muboriewa: Nauchno-populqrnyj text na äkonomicheskuü tematiku
- ISBN 9783846535110: Larisa Rogulina: Zonal'nost' Nikolaewskogo polimetallicheskogo mestorozhdeniq (Rossiq)
- ISBN 3846535125: Venera Kolpashnikowa: Voprosy uchastiq gosudarstwennogo obwinitelq w sude perwoj instancii
- ISBN 9783846535127: Venera Kolpashnikowa: Voprosy uchastiq gosudarstwennogo obwinitelq w sude perwoj instancii
- ISBN 9783846535134: Leonard Namuhumba: Parish as a School of Prayer in the Light of St Teresa of Avila
- ISBN 9783846535141: Lydia Lum: The Relevance of Social Media to Singapore's FASHION Industry
- ISBN 384653515X: Sagar Atmaram Borker: Research in Public Health in India-1 (Goa, Karnataka, Kerala)
- ISBN 9783846535158: Sagar Atmaram Borker: Research in Public Health in India-1 (Goa, Karnataka, Kerala)
- ISBN 9783846535165: Polina Lemenkova: Seagrass mapping and monitoring along the coasts of Crete, Greece
- ISBN 3846535176: Mohammad Jehangir: Runoff and Soil Erosion in Hilkot Watershed (HKH) Pakistan
- ISBN 9783846535172: Mohammad Jehangir: Runoff and Soil Erosion in Hilkot Watershed (HKH) Pakistan
- ISBN 9783846535189: Shiju C: Anti Cancer Activity of Platinum Complexes
- ISBN 9783846535196: Tamara Sukachewa: Rasshirennye fazowye prostranstwa modelej Oskolkowa
- ISBN 9783846535202: Jafar R. Kataria Fayyaz Bajwa Rabia Batool: Neighbourliness in Lahore
- ISBN 9783846535219: Mifopoaetika w sowremennom kino (na primere tworchestwa Jemira Kusturicy)
- ISBN 9783846535226: Saqib Nasir: Industrial Applications of Lignite Humic Acid
- ISBN 9783846535233: Klinika rasseqnnogo skleroza
- ISBN 9783846535240: Amr Mohamed Youssef Abd-Elaty: On Solutions of Nonlinear Functional Differential Equations
- ISBN 9783846535257: Esther Katete Mutia Muiu: Eschatology a Progressive Process
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- ISBN 9783846535271: Kanchana Surendra: Modeling and Design of a Three-dimensional Inductor with Magnetic Core
- ISBN 9783846535288: Annamária Csatári: Sister Narratives
- ISBN 9783846535295: Ashish Ranjan: A Study of The Level of Information Among the Males
- ISBN 9783846535301: Sabin Fatima Rukhsana Bajwa: Assessment of Genetic Diversity among local Xanthomonas isolates
- ISBN 9783846535318: William Kitagwa: Influence of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on Food Kiosk Hygiene
- ISBN 9783846535325: Parth M. Babaria: Extraction of Oil from Mango Kernel by Hydraulic Pressing
- ISBN 9783846535332: Sivakumar Somasundaram: Empowerment of Women Panchayat Presidents in Rural Local Governance
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- ISBN 9783846535363: Magiswary Dorasamy: Disaster Management
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- ISBN 9783846535394: Svetlana Paramonova: Dinamika moral'nogo soznaniq
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- ISBN 9783846535417: Lama Abdo: Multiple Intelligences Theory in KG2 Classes
- ISBN 9783846535424: Akpomuvie Benedict: Socio-Cultural Associations And The Dev. Of Urhobo Land, Delta State
- ISBN 3846535435: Ol'ga Bogatyrewa: Mestnoe uprawlenie na Urale (1861-fewral' 1917 g.)
- ISBN 9783846535431: Ol'ga Bogatyrewa: Mestnoe uprawlenie na Urale (1861-fewral' 1917 g.)
- ISBN 9783846535448: Sukanta Biswas Arunasis Goswami: Impact Of Extension Education On Shg Practising Dairying In W.B., India
- ISBN 9783846535455: Mohamed Farag A. Eldessouki: Synthesis and Modeling of Poly(L-lysine) Based Biomaterials
- ISBN 9783846535462: Christine Ampumuza: Multi-Level Partnerships in Uganda's Gorilla Tourism
- ISBN 9783846535479: Md. Motiur Rahman: Biotechnological approach for the mass propagation of Gerbera
- ISBN 3846535486: A. V. Trqpel'nikow: "Rus', Rossiq, russkij qzyk" - w cifrowom formate
- ISBN 9783846535486: A. V. Trqpel'nikow: "Rus', Rossiq, russkij qzyk" - w cifrowom formate
- ISBN 9783846535493: Ama Boafo-Arthur: Sexual Abuse in Ghanaian Schools
- ISBN 9783846535509: Mohd Ariff Kasim: Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in Malaysia
- ISBN 9783846535516: Lüdmila Mescherqkowa: Regional'naq social'no-äkonomicheskaq sistema
- ISBN 9783846535523: Saddik Gohar: Textual Politics in Arabic and American Literature
- ISBN 9783846535530: Nitin Goel: Goel, N: EPSAR: An Efficient Power Saving Adaptive Routing P
- ISBN 3846535540: Viktor Lebedew: Filosofiq istorii i metaistorii
- ISBN 9783846535554: Huseyin Arasli: Organizational Trust, Justice and Nepotism
- ISBN 9783846535561: Muhammad Jan: Zinc Availability and Sorghum Growth
- ISBN 9783846535578: Ruslan Kadyrow: Vliqnie boewyh dejstwij na lichnost' professional'nyh woennosluzhaschih
- ISBN 9783846535585: Azime Adem Hassen: Technical Analysis Tools
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- ISBN 9783846535608: Janet Clark: Family Perspectives On Home-School Connections And Family Engagement
- ISBN 9783846535615: Ikechukwu Acha: Banks' Financial Intermediation and Economic Growth
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- ISBN 9783846535639: Hiba Hariz: Gender Discrimination
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- ISBN 9783846535646: Swetlana Isaewa: Vospriqtie muzyki: opyt istoriko-kul'turnoj rekonstrukcii
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- ISBN 9783846535660: Alina Kurbanowa: Pedagogicheskaq podderzhka mladshih shkol'nikow
- ISBN 9783846535677: Diriba Geleti: Evaluation of native pasture and appraisal of feed resources, Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783846535684: Andrea Roestenburg: Democratic PR?
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- ISBN 9783846535707: Nafiseh Tahernejad: Translation Quality Assessment of Children's literature
- ISBN 9783846535714: Sandeep Kumar Panigrahi: Functioning of VHND in Jagatsinghpur district of Orissa
- ISBN 3846535729: Lucie Felixova: Mathematical Methods of Optimal Control Theory and Their Applications
- ISBN 9783846535721: Lucie Felixova: Mathematical Methods of Optimal Control Theory and Their Applications
- ISBN 9783846535738: Shimelis Kebede Bedanie: Environmental and Socio-Economic Impact
- ISBN 9783846535745: Mahmoud Tavakoli: Design, Development, Automation and Control of a Pole Climbing Robot
- ISBN 9783846535752: Geetilaxmi Mohapatra A. K. Giri: Economic Development and Environmental Degradation
- ISBN 9783846535769: Deepak Balaji Thimiri Govinda Raj: Design of Microbial Biosensor
- ISBN 9783846535776: Kacha, Berhanu Tulu: Study of Superconductivity
- ISBN 9783846535783: Tigist Mideksa Damesa: A Multivariate Time Series Analysis of Agrometeorological Data
- ISBN 9783846535790: Tina Oza Mistry: South Asians in the United Kingdom and Specialist Services
- ISBN 9783846535806: Peter Waswa: Effective Teaching of Organic Chemistry
- ISBN 9783846535813: Pramod Jayaprakash: Transnational Education in India
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- ISBN 9783846535868: Scot Holliday: A Case Study of How DuPont Reduced Its Environment Footprint
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- ISBN 9783846535929: Karim El-Basyouny: Statistical Analysis of Crash Data
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- ISBN 9783846535943: Fatih Aydogan: Development of an Uncertainty Methodology for Nuclear Applications
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- ISBN 9783846535967: Kristin Endresen: Non-Formal Citizenship Education In Cape Town
- ISBN 9783846535974: Sergej Kowalenko: Russkij ätnos. Nachal'nye stranicy istorii
- ISBN 9783846535981: Veronika Kinsburskaq: Nalogowaq otwetstwennost' w sisteme mer gosudarstwennogo prinuzhdeniq
- ISBN 9783846535998: Rajashekhar Yeledhalli: India Agricultural Exports and SAARC