ISBN beginnend mit 9783846588
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783846588000: Elvira Nurieva: Indigenous Peoples' Right to Self-Determination
- ISBN 9783846588017: Diana Alina Bistrian: Orthogonal Decomposition Method
- ISBN 9783846588024: Azy Geologii
- ISBN 9783846588031: Fikire Tinsae Birhane: Implementation of International Humanitarian Law
- ISBN 9783846588048: Sotsial nyy Reformizm V Britanskikh Dominionakh Na Rubezhe Khikh-Khkh VV.
- ISBN 9783846588055: Endalkachew Fekadu: Soil Characterization and Response of Triticale
- ISBN 3846588067: Andika Kusuma Nugraha: Less Developed Villages in Wakatobi Regency
- ISBN 9783846588062: Andika Kusuma Nugraha: Less Developed Villages in Wakatobi Regency
- ISBN 9783846588079: Roman Rostowskij: Jekonomika obrazowaniq
- ISBN 9783846588109: Vneliteraturnye Zhanry V Tvorchestve V.M. Shukshina
- ISBN 9783846588116: Sobia Sattar: First Coffee Cup on Husbands Corner
- ISBN 9783846588123: Vinayak Dhulap: Phytoremediation for Wastewater Management
- ISBN 384658813X: Irina Shlqpnikowa: Jego-identichnost' w strukture lichnostnoj zrelosti
- ISBN 9783846588130: Irina Shlqpnikowa: Jego-identichnost' w strukture lichnostnoj zrelosti
- ISBN 9783846588147: Geneticheskiy Skrining Nasledstvennykh Zabolevaniy U Novorozhdennykh
- ISBN 9783846588154: Malraju Changal Raju Sibyala Vijaya Kumar Varma: MHD Fluid flow problems
- ISBN 9783846588178: Peerzada Ishtiyak Ahmad: FRI-Wire Technique
- ISBN 9783846588185: Tushar Kanti Saha: On some three-dimensional crack and punch problems
- ISBN 9783846588208: Mustafa Mohammed Abed: Dynamic Neural Network for Predicting Creep of Structural Masonry
- ISBN 9783846588222: Liaqat Ali: Molecular study of wheat for Lr26 gene
- ISBN 9783846588239: Ameer Ahmad: Measles Complications in Well Nourished and Mal Nourished Children
- ISBN 3846588245: Mushtaq Itoo: Impact of Turmoil on Kashmir Tourism
- ISBN 9783846588246: Mushtaq Itoo: Impact of Turmoil on Kashmir Tourism
- ISBN 9783846588277: Wynand Bender: Mineral Resource Management Principles and Best Practices
- ISBN 9783846588291: Augie Haas: The Art of Playing Trumpet in the Upper Register
- ISBN 9783846588307: Alves Do Carmo, Corival: Brazil and Venezuela Leftist Projects
- ISBN 9783846588314: Sudip Dogra: Design & Development of Wireless Multimedia Receiving System
- ISBN 9783846588321: Abinet Tasew: Causes, Effects and Challenges of Sexual Harassment on Waitresses
- ISBN 9783846588338: Atiya Dar: Effects of Broadband Internet on Television Watching Habits
- ISBN 3846588342: Farida Momtaz: Poetry is an ¿affect¿ of the Emotional Habitus
- ISBN 9783846588345: Farida Momtaz: Poetry is an ¿affect¿ of the Emotional Habitus
- ISBN 9783846588352: Marwa Farouk Ali Abd El-Qader: Quality Improvement and Extending Shelf Life of Frozen Chicken Burger
- ISBN 3846588369: Nahed Azab: Assessing E-Government Readiness of Egyptian Public Organisations
- ISBN 9783846588369: Nahed Azab: Assessing E-Government Readiness of Egyptian Public Organisations
- ISBN 9783846588376: Alfredo Bismuto: Mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers
- ISBN 9783846588383: Yashar Moshfeghi: Emotion in Information Retrieval
- ISBN 9783846588390: Okfalisa Muhairi: Introducing Knowledge Management Metrics Model
- ISBN 9783846588406: Chhattar Pal: Biology and Management of Phoma Stem Canker of Pigeonpea
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- ISBN 9783846588420: Maxim Goryachev: Cryogenic Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators and Oscillators
- ISBN 9783846588437: Asiah Yahaya: Simultaneous Image Interferometry
- ISBN 9783846588444: Islam A. Mohammad: Egyptian Petroleum Crude Oils
- ISBN 9783846588451: Mohammad Asad: Studies in Chemistry of Oxygen & Nitrogen Heterocycles
- ISBN 9783846588468: Arjun Kumar Shrestha: Perceptions of Organizational Politics and Employee Outcomes
- ISBN 9783846588475: Srikant Jayanti: High-k Dielectrics and Metal Gates for Memory Applications
- ISBN 9783846588499: Alexandr Bobkow: Religioznyj opyt i ätnicheskoe samosoznanie:genezis krizisa
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- ISBN 9783846588598: Jussi Dayna Biswas: Radioactivity Assessment of Coal from Barapukuria Coal Mine, Bangladesh
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- ISBN 9783846588666: Simone Mazzetti: Advanced MR imaging
- ISBN 9783846588673: Durmus, Zehra: Synthesis and Characterization of Coated Magnetic Spinel Nanoparticles / spinel nanoparticles and nanocomposites
- ISBN 9783846588697: Tat'qna Husnulina: Teatral'nyj Saratow wtoroj polowiny 1920-h godow
- ISBN 9783846588727: Sovremennaya Farmakoterapiya Yazvennykh Porazheniy Rogovitsy
- ISBN 9783846588734: Faruque Hossain: An analysis of Acid Survivors and their sufferings
- ISBN 9783846588741: Justin Ott: Death From Within
- ISBN 9783846588758: Flora Ngoma: Learner Participation in Universtiy Extension Education
- ISBN 9783846588765: Gagandeep Singh: Latent Fingerprint Development
- ISBN 9783846588772: Zuraida Zainun: Enhancing The Accuracy In Diagnosing Peripheral Vestibular Disorders
- ISBN 9783846588789: Mihail Oreshkin: Modeli adaptiwnogo zemledeliq w uslowiqh bassejna reki Sewerskij Donec
- ISBN 9783846588796: Sumit Luthra: Innovation in air pollution control systems: A patent map analysis
- ISBN 9783846588802: Sintezy azotistyh geterociklow na osnowe ¿-galogenalkilamidow
- ISBN 9783846588819: Niklas Juth: Genetic Information - Values and Rights
- ISBN 9783846588826: Razvitie Zemlenykh Otnosheniy V Moderniziruyushcheysya Ekonimike
- ISBN 9783846588833: Zuhdi Hashweh: Executive Compensation in Hungary
- ISBN 3846588857: Oleg Pohalenkow: Jerih Mariq Remark i russkaq sowetskaq literatura o wojne
- ISBN 9783846588857: Oleg Pohalenkow: Jerih Mariq Remark i russkaq sowetskaq literatura o wojne
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- ISBN 9783846588895: Fathe Allythi: Electrical Machinery Fundamentals
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- ISBN 9783846588918: Khattak, Muhammad Kamran: Design and Simulation of Microstrip Antenna
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- ISBN 9783846588963: Maurice Ombok: Determinants of Water Accessibility in Kenya
- ISBN 9783846588970: Majedur Rahman: A Proposal of Clay Mine based on Geological Data
- ISBN 9783846588987: Yousif Mohamed Yousif Abdallah: An Introduction to PACS in Radiology Service
- ISBN 9783846588994: Vaneet Dhir: Naturopathy