ISBN beginnend mit 9783846589
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783846589007: Simon Irtwange: Engineering Properties of African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa)
- ISBN 9783846589014: Muhammad Khan Sangi: T S Eliot- Theory v/s Practice
- ISBN 9783846589021: Shantanu Das Nilesh Wazire J. I. Patel: Seasonal abundance and management of Leucinodes orbonalis Guen
- ISBN 9783846589038: Syed Nazrul Islam: Efficiency and Competitiveness of the Banking Industry of Bangladesh
- ISBN 9783846589045: Marina Dawydowa: Normatiwno-prawowoe predpisanie
- ISBN 9783846589076: Aishwariya S.: Cotton Waste Recycling
- ISBN 9783846589083: Manjunath Basavaiah: Design and Implementation of Embedded Web Server
- ISBN 9783846589090: Negeri Lencho: Communication for Development and Democratization
- ISBN 9783846589106: Yuko Hijikata: The chunking process of Japanese EFL readers
- ISBN 9783846589113: Nurul Siddiqui: Gastropodan hemocyanin
- ISBN 9783846589120: Jibin Johnson: Role of Line Delivery Performance in Supply Chain Management
- ISBN 3846589136: Alexej Yakowlew: Metody i modeli uprawleniq wozdushnymi sudami, zahodqschimi na posadku
- ISBN 9783846589137: Alexej Yakowlew: Metody i modeli uprawleniq wozdushnymi sudami, zahodqschimi na posadku
- ISBN 3846589144: Ekaterina Kostqshina: Sowremennyj glqncewyj zhurnal: parametry lingwokognitiwnogo opisaniq
- ISBN 9783846589144: Ekaterina Kostqshina: Sowremennyj glqncewyj zhurnal: parametry lingwokognitiwnogo opisaniq
- ISBN 9783846589168: Nuhu Samaila: Reservoir Potentials of the Upper Bima Sandstone
- ISBN 9783846589175: Avinash Daga: A Study of Crystallization Process in Chalcogenide Se70Te27Sn3 Glass
- ISBN 9783846589182: Tasneem Rehna: Depression, Cognitive Errors, and Anxiety among Adolescents
- ISBN 9783846589199: John Pickles: Man, God, or Both: Trinity by Two Late Renaissance Italian Artists
- ISBN 9783846589205: Ernest Muchu Toh: Should not Directors be Responsible to Creditors in a Company?
- ISBN 9783846589212: Hardik Prajapati: Good Clinical Practices
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- ISBN 9783846589243: Helen Roberts: Not Musical Enough
- ISBN 9783846589267: Abdul-Malik Adam: Evidence of the Investment Development Path Hypothesis in Africa
- ISBN 9783846589274: Sppr Optimizatsii Poter Elektroenergii.
- ISBN 9783846589281: Katayoon Afzali: Reading literary and non-literary texts: A dialogic approach
- ISBN 9783846589298: Ol'ga Fomenko: Komplexnye dobawki
- ISBN 9783846589304: Namdeo Khobragade: Some Aspects of Inverse Thermoelastic Problems
- ISBN 9783846589311: Nwachukwu Prince Ololube: Educational Management in Developing Economies
- ISBN 9783846589328: Fredrick Kisekka-Ntale: Institutional dilemmas in tropical resource management
- ISBN 9783846589335: Ibrahim Bah: Islam in the Volta Region of Ghana
- ISBN 9783846589359: Sayed Jaffar Abbas: Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Brassica Species
- ISBN 9783846589366: Nyika Machenjedze: An Appraisal of the Right to Education in Semi-Rural Post Apartheid
- ISBN 9783846589373: Md. Reaz Uddin Khan Abul Kalam Azad Julekha Nusrat: Farmers Perception on Climatic Variability
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- ISBN 9783846589434: Xabier Ezeizabarrena: Sub-State Entities & Co-Sovereignty at the EU
- ISBN 9783846589441: Novaya Kontseptsiya Patogeneza Urgentnykh Zabolevaniy
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- ISBN 9783846589526: Najeem Gbadamosi: Elements of Urban Youth Stress
- ISBN 9783846589533: Sharleen Howison: Cooperative Education Management System Functionalities
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- ISBN 9783846589588: Idreas Khandy: Rebranding by Strategic Alliances
- ISBN 9783846589595: Enas Sakr: Spatial Modulation of One-Dimensional Periodic Structures
- ISBN 9783846589601: Kwee Choy Koh: Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction in Men with Ischemic Heart Disease
- ISBN 9783846589625: Taqwa Hariguna: Prototype cloud computing for e-government
- ISBN 9783846589632: Trevor Almeida: Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterisation of Hematite Nanorods
- ISBN 9783846589649: Timofej Liokumowich: A.S.Pushkin raduetsq i smeetsq, obizhaetsq i gnewaetsq
- ISBN 9783846589656: Patsy Caulfield: Disabled People in Employment In Ireland
- ISBN 9783846589663: Shahin Sultana: Technical Writing for Engineers
- ISBN 9783846589670: Jiten Konthoujam: Stem rot of rice (Sclerotium oryzae Catt.)
- ISBN 9783846589687: Umar Mahmud: Context Aware Paradigm For Pervasive Computing Environments
- ISBN 9783846589694: Robert J. Wafula: Male Ritual Circumcision Among the Bukusu of western Kenya
- ISBN 9783846589700: Shuai Shi: 3D Cell Culure: Application to a Tissue Engineered Spinal Disc
- ISBN 9783846589717: Nadeem Ahmad: Weeds Inhabiting Endophytic Fungi And Plant Growth Promotion
- ISBN 9783846589724: M Sankar: Impact of Agricultural Land Conversion
- ISBN 9783846589731: Uwe Hermann: Responsible event practices
- ISBN 9783846589748: Aima Batool: Feed Affected Growth of Major Carps
- ISBN 9783846589762: Jagadev Biradar: Automotive Chassis Sizing Optimization
- ISBN 9783846589779: Inna Chmyh: Uprawlenie kachestwom obrazowaniq w wuze
- ISBN 9783846589786: Rajeev Kumar: Exclusive B Decays to Charmonium and Meson with the Belle Detector
- ISBN 9783846589793: Negussie Zeray Gebru: Impacts of Jatropha production on Household Food poverty
- ISBN 9783846589809: N Kavitha: Business Accounting & Finance
- ISBN 9783846589816: Munazza Rafique: Non-Conventional Technology for Okra Production
- ISBN 9783846589823: Kirti Rani: Production of secondary metabolites
- ISBN 9783846589830: Kirti Rani: Production of amylase and alkaline phosphatase
- ISBN 9783846589847: Lokendra Kumar Balyan: h-p Spectral Element Method for Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems
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- ISBN 9783846589892: Imad Mohamedtahir Fadlalla: Molecular Epidemiology of antimicrobial resistant salmonellae
- ISBN 9783846589908: Shagufta Naz: Prevalence of Visual Disability in Retinitis Pigmentosa Patients
- ISBN 9783846589915: Dewan Taslima Akhter Riaz Uddin Md. Sohel Rana: Nifidipine Matrix Tablet
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- ISBN 9783846589922: Anna Pawlowa: Polewyj princip sistemnoj organizacii qzykowyh qwlenij
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- ISBN 9783846589953: Muhammad Imran Sohail: Hypertension:Stepping stone of autoimmunity
- ISBN 9783846589960: Mahboob Ul Hussain: Zebrafish retinal connexins, zfCx55.5 and zfCx52.6.
- ISBN 9783846589977: Sorin M.S. Krammer: Innovation Systems, Technology Diffusion and Industrial Linkages
- ISBN 9783846589984: Viktoriq Pawlowa: Sowremennaq koncepciq kadastrowoj ocenki zemli
- ISBN 9783846589991: Vijay M. Waghulkar (Thakare) Kiran K. Tapar Pandurang R. Rathod: A Practical Approach on Chiral HPLC